Author Thread: What do you think?

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What do you think?
Posted : 24 Dec, 2024 10:04 PM

So I live in a small town and I've never been considered very attractive. I never wore makeup, I've already dressed most modestly and conservatively. I may be a young adult, but I have old-fashioned sense of fashion and romance.

I had been "dating" --if you can call it that-- this guy for two months. He'd never kissed me, held hands, etc. but he drove me to hiking trails and even bought me a book I had wanted. Two months into our so-called relationship, he texted me with just "I don't think we're going to work out" and then proceeded to block me and delete every form of contact I had had with him.

There was no reason, no context, just that. If anyone else has experienced a similar situation, can you help me understand that? As someone who overthinks and is a more or less anxious person, I don't know what to make of this. All I want is a good Catholic man who loves me for all my crazy and weird personalities who wants to marry and have children in that order. Is that too much to ask in this day and age?

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Posted : 25 Dec, 2024 05:44 AM

It's hard to say what and why he did what he did, but a clue to it may be in what you said here and I quote: " man who loves me for all my crazy and weird personalities " I don't know how much truth is in that statement but as a man I can tell you that most men aren't looking for crazy or a weird in a woman.

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Posted : 26 Dec, 2024 11:51 AM

I’m a crazy and weird man with more personalities than an Elvis fan club but all I get are boring normal women‼️‼️🤣

When my psychiatrist told me I had multiple personalities I tried to deny it and without thinking, l blurted out, “Doctor, we disagree with that”‼️‼️😇

And I’m not good looking either, in fact, when I was born the doctor spanked my face. Apparently the he couldn’t tell which end was which.

Anyway more seriously, Julia, you have nothing to worry about. As for the guy who left, just count your blessings‼️. Consider yourself set free, now you’re available to meet a real man. Sometimes it’s a long waiting game but I see all kinds of people finding mates

You said you “over think”. I would conclude you should over think perhaps more. Start out by examining more critically your Catholic faith. We all need to examine our faith and our walk—it’s actually encouraged in the Bible.

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Posted : 26 Dec, 2024 12:25 PM

I don't think the lack of affection is a bad sign. It's best to wait on those things at least until you are exclusive. Some even insist on waiting longer than just being exclusive. "Dating" for two months is an excellent amount of time to see if you want to be exclusive with someone. He didn't and that is fine.

Many do not want to stay in touch after dating or being friends and find it hard to describe why. So they cut it short because it's uncomfortable for them. The blocking seems extreme but maybe they had bad experiences after terminating the dating. I don't think anyone owes us a reason unless perhaps they have dated much longer. There are many reasons someone, and you may think it's not a good match. Don't over think it, it sounds like a good dating experience ( could have been much worse ) that ended. Keep your head up, there will be someone that is a good match for you.

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Posted : 19 Jan, 2025 08:05 PM

I'm a Catholic as well, with a similar story haha! I was talking to a guy on here for about a year, then lost contact, then talked for another year on and off.

He was acting weird and then we met (he lived out of state) but kept mentioning "maybe I might be too affectionate for you," weird stuff like that. When we met, absolutely no talking between the two of us, just a little.

He had come down from out of state for more than a day so it was painfully awkward to try to coax words out of this man to TRY to get to know him.

He went back home, and did not message me ever again. I've asked people about it but know God did not want me to be with him. But, I think to this day he wanted a physical relationship. Which I am not looking for. Maybe he was looking for the same, or was looking for a friend

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Posted : 9 Feb, 2025 04:42 PM

"There was no reason, no context, just that."

That is weird.

One time I met someone on this site, and we have chatted for a year or so. I tried to get us to do more like do a phone call or video live chat or meet up for a date, but it never progressed to that. Then one day she disappeared. She didn't block me. She just stopped answering my messages. Then a year later she got back with me and we were chatting again, and we talked about meeting for a date. We both agreed that it would be nice to do it, and we want to do it. And then she went silent again. It's weird. And I don't know whether she still wants to do it or not. I wish she would have told me to not message her or block me or something, because then I would take that as a clear NO. But when they don't tell you clearly what they want that's the worst.

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Posted : 9 Feb, 2025 05:36 PM

silver761 You should run from her and don't look back. You're not who she's looking for. She either has someone that she's having an on and off relationship with or she's seeing other men that she likes more than you and only comes back in between relationships. If she really wanted you you'd be her focus and the relationship would progress. Right now all you're is a possible back up plan.

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