silver761 is Single in PENSACOLA, Florida, 1


Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength

Male | 42
United States
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Looking For
A Marriage Partner
Church Name
Charity Chapel
Church Attendance
Every week
Church Raised In
Do you drink?
1 or 2 on occasion
Willing to relocate?
No way
Marital Status
Do you have children?
Do you want children?
Education Level
Some College
My Profession
property manager
horticulture, gardening, raising chickens, photography, theology, computer programming
About Me
I'm only interested in people who live in the USA.

Ok. Here are the basics:
* Age: 42
* Height: 5'10"
* Tattoos/Piercings: None
* Children: None
* I'm single, never married.
* Born again Christian since age 5
* Denomination: Charismatic
* Political Party: Trump supporter 100%
* US Citizen, living in Pensacola, FL
* Would I relocate for marriage? Probably no.
* I was born in Budapest, Hungary.
* English is my second language.
* I'm debt free.
* Skills: I do computer repair, data recovery, computer programming, webdesign, home repairs, construction, A/C repair, car repair, etc. I manage 3 rental properties. One of them is mine, and the other two are my mom's. I can knit. I can swim. I drive a car. I'm good at navigation. I can play piano. I play chess. (I don't want to say that I can cook, because I rarely do, but I can if I have to once in awhile.)
* Experience: children ministry (19yrs), property management (13yrs), website management (12yrs), bookkeeping (1yr)
* Hobbies/Interests: raising bantam chickens, photography/computer programming, theology, stock market, news/politics, DIY projects, gardening/horticulture.
* Birth order: I'm the first born.
* Personality type: INFJ/INTJ borderline
* Ever been homeschooled? Yes
* Got COVID vaccine? Yes, once.
* Any serious health issues? None
* Diet: I eat meat, seafood, milk, nuts, bananas, pineapples, everything. I try to eat mostly healthy stuff. I'm not allergic to anything.
* When it comes to jokes, I like puns and goofy jokes or even corny jokes.
* I don't smoke.
* I don't cuss.
* Never used drugs.
* I don't watch porn.

Here are some of my beliefs:

(The reason I write these down is because these beliefs are fundamental. Going on a date with someone who holds completely different beliefs and values would be a waste of time for me.)

1) First of all, I believe that the Bible is God's Word to us which was written by men who were inspired by God. The Bible is the final authority. It supersedes all other religious texts and sermons and prophetic or angelic revelations. The Bible tells us how to go to heaven. It is to be taken literally. God is not going to tell us to do something that flat out contradicts the Bible.

2) Secondly, I believe in the Trinity. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are One but three separate persons. How do we know they are three separate persons? Jesus was praying to the Father. Jesus said the Father knows the day of His return, no one else knows. Jesus said that even He Himself doesn't know when it's going to be. That means His mind and the Father's mind are separate. Jesus further showed us that there is a clear separation between Himself and the Holy Spirit when He said that anyone who speaks a word against Him can be forgiven, but whoever blasphemes the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.

3) I reject universalism, which is a false doctrine that says no one will go to hell, because a loving God would never send anybody to hell. I believe that heaven and hell are real places, and they are eternal. Contrary to popular belief, hell is not just an absence of God's presence. We can't escape God's presence. He is everywhere. Revelation 14:10 describes hell fire as a place that is in the presence of God. And later in Revelation we read that hell will be thrown into the Lake of Fire where bad people will burn along with Satan and all his angels and demons. This is their final destination.

4) The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life. Salvation has three prerequisites: humility, forgiveness, and confession. First of all, one must humble himself before God in order to be saved. Secondly, one must forgive others. And finally, a person must accept Jesus as Lord and confess this out loud. Every conversion has these three ingredients. Even the sinner who was crucified next to Jesus checked all three of these: 1) He was humble. He was remorseful. 2) He didn't blame others but himself. 3) And he called Jesus Lord.

5) At the moment of salvation, all of our past sins are forgiven. According to the once-saved-always-saved doctrine, God forgives all of our past sins and future sins as well. However, this is incorrect. The Bible tells us that it is possible to backslide and lose our salvation over and over again. Salvation is something that must be guarded and protected. It shouldn't be taken for granted. Forgiveness is like washing dirty clothes. Washing the clothes once doesn't guarantee that they will never get dirty again. A person may go through periods of transitions, and whether he goes to heaven or hell depends on his last state, whether he was forgiven at the time when he took his last breath. This means that we must pay careful attention to how we live, because we don't know when we will die. And when we die, we will be judged based on the state of our heart then.

6) We have to obey God and do His will everyday. Becoming a Christian and being saved is not just a once-in-a-lifetime event, but it is a daily walk. In fact, if someone is not careful, he can lose his salvation and not even realize it. And if someone blasphemes the Holy Spirit, that person can lose his salvation permanently. The Bible says that we need to be doers of the Word, not just hearers only. Some Christians like to quote "we're saved by grace, not by works" and claim that we don't need to obey God, because that would be works-based salvation. This is a totally wrong interpretation of that Scripture.

7) St Mary and other saints in heaven are just people like us, and they don't intercede for us. The Bible says that Jesus is the One who intercedes for us. We are to pray to Jesus or to the Father in Jesus' name. We are not to pray to angels or to people living or dead.

8) Jesus performed many signs and wonders, and He healed the sick and cast out demons. And He also authorized his disciples to do the same. This authorization has never been revoked. So, Christians today can have the same power. At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came and descended on the disciples, and the Holy Spirit is still here on the earth to help and guide and protect Christians.

9) I don't believe that the King James Bible is the only correct Bible. All English Bibles are just translations from Hebrew and Greek, so none of them are precisely accurate. My favorite translation happens to be the NKJV. But that's just because I understand it better than the KJV.

10) I believe in a pre-trib or mid-trib rapture which will happen before the Second Coming of Christ. And I believe that this hasn't happened yet.

11) The Bible doesn't say that it is sin to drink wine. Even Jesus Himself turned water into wine. That was His first miracle. The Bible also doesn't say that smoking is sin. However, it does tell us not to get tattoos. God told Moses and the children of Israel to write His commandments on their walls and on their doorposts and teach them to their children. If God wanted them to tattoo His commandments on themselves, He would have told them to. But He didn't! That means our bodies are holy and should remain free from ink. If you want to draw something, get a piece of paper.

12) Notice that the Bible also doesn't say that having much wealth is sin. The love of money is the root of all evil, not money itself. In fact, the Bible describes a lot of financial and spiritual blessings which are ours through inheritance. All the blessings of Abraham are ours through Jesus Christ. Many people like to criticize Joel Osteen and other mega-church pastors because they are jealous of their wealth or the number of followers. They often get labeled as "prosperity Gospel preachers" which is strange, because the Bible says in Philippians 4:19 that God shall supply all our needs according to His riches. What did the Father say to the son in Luke 15:31? (I'm not talking about the prodigal son, but the other one who didn't go away.) He said, "Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours." Jesus said, "Ask, you shall receive." The truth is that the Gospel of the Bible is the prosperity Gospel. There isn't any other type of Gospel. The essence of the Gospel is that Jesus carried all of our curses, so we can have all of the blessings. Some people criticize Joel Osteen saying, "he doesn't talk about salvation." But he does! He finishes each sermon by calling people to salvation. I particularly like that he doesn't tell people to join his church. He tells people to join any Bible-based church and put God first.

13) I believe that we have free will, but I also believe that predestination is true. There are many paradoxes in life where two contradictory statements can be true at the same time. For example, saying that everything we throw eventually falls to the ground is true, but if you're in space, it's not true. One simple statement can be both true and false at the same time. And that's okay.

14) I believe that Christmas is not a pagan holiday, and I intend to celebrate it every year. My neighbor says that Christmas is the worst holiday. "People worship a tree and bow down to it." I disagree. I never worship the Christmas tree. That's stupid! I think, Halloween is the worst holiday. It's basically a celebration of the devil and everything that is related to death. Why would a Christian in his right mind celebrate that day? It doesn't make any sense! I also don't like anything that has to do with witchcraft. For example, the Harry Potter books and movies are designed to introduce kids to witchcraft. I don't like to watch scary movies and horror movies. Our mind records everything we see, and it stays in our memory forever, especially if we see something bad. So, if you watch bad movies, it's like opening a huge trash can and shoveling all the garbage into yourself. Why would you want to do that? We need to be intentional to keep ourselves pure.

15) The Bible doesn't forbid us to get a vaccine or blood transfusion. This can be life saving. But the Jehova's Witnesses, for example, believe that we shouldn't take someone else's blood, so they'd rather die on an operating table than to receive life-saving blood when they need it. That's their belief, not mine. I have no problem with giving blood or receiving blood when necessary.

16) I think science and faith does not and should not contradict each other. I believe the Bible, but at the same time, I don't throw science out the window. God created the laws of nature. And true science is simply an exploration of God's magnificent laws. When we don't have all the answers, we should be comfortable saying, "I don't know." I'm afraid of people who are too confident about things they cannot know for sure. For example, some are confident that the earth is flat, and they say it with such conviction like they're the only ones on the earth who are enlightened enough and everyone else is just dumb.

These beliefs are important to me.
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