Author Thread: Would you jump out of an airplane...?

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Would you jump out of an airplane...?
Posted : 16 Apr, 2024 07:59 PM

This is just for fun. Lol Think of something that you are really-really afraid of or afraid to do. For example, in my case, that would be skydiving. I've never done it. But if God told you you'll find your spouse and get married by next year if you just do exactly that which you're afraid of, would you do it? What is it?

Btw I have asked this question from a lady I met here. We went on a date and I asked her, and she told me she is also terrified of skydiving. And she said she would jump out, of course, if that would make it happen. And you know what? She got married not long after that. Lol 😃 I'm not saying it works...but this question helps you shed light on the level of determination you have in you.

(And also, I keep record of how many dates I have been on and what happened afterward. And I have noticed that the women that have talked to me shortly got married after that. except one. So, I have a pretty good track record. Haha)

Now, I can't remember what I told her about what I would do. And I am not sure if I would jump out of an airplane right now to get married. I would have to know who it is first, because jumping out for a faceless individual is kind of hard. I would have to know her already and then I would decide. But this lady told me without a pause she would jump out, OF COURSE. I thought, WOW, she is determined indeed! And indeed, she got her wish not too long after that... so, don't give up! :)

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Would you jump out of an airplane...?
Posted : 28 May, 2024 07:14 PM

I've already jumped so i guess i would be prequalified

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