Author Thread: Proper to be here if you have a bf/gf?

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Proper to be here if you have a bf/gf?
Posted : 8 Jul, 2024 06:53 AM

A woman asked me to video chat and i responded i am supposed to sort of host someone coming here soon and i would rather wait until after this event out of respect for both ladies. She replied its okay because her boyfriend is coming to see her next month. Wait, what? 🤔😳😐. I could see this on a secular site, but i certainly wouldn't expect it here yet i guess i need to realize not everyone follows the Bible here either. I have jumped off here a couple of times out of respect for monogamy towards a woman when i briefly "gave it a go" but this surprised me. Thoughts on it?

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Proper to be here if you have a bf/gf?
Posted : 8 Jul, 2024 07:19 AM

I think it’s fine to still be here if you have a bf/gf as long as you let it be known. There has on a few occasions been those who remained on the forum after meeting & marrying through the site they’ve now left to get on with married life I guess…:-)

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Proper to be here if you have a bf/gf?
Posted : 8 Jul, 2024 08:04 AM

All are words. People not even meet then become devoted.

You have an online girlfriend. She has an online boyfriend.

You have girlfriends and she has boyfriends.

Dating is dating. Unless it is exclusive, it is not exclusive.

It is not the same as being husband and wife or lovers. It is a learning time. A get to know one another better time.

You do that. She does it too.

Many on here would hope for a video chat or meet. So, I think you are doing pretty good!

Enjoy your virtual date!

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Proper to be here if you have a bf/gf?
Posted : 8 Jul, 2024 10:58 AM


This is an international dating site.

No personal backups are made on members on here .

Private dating sites to have that .

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Proper to be here if you have a bf/gf?
Posted : 12 Jul, 2024 10:00 PM

What do you mean "out of respect for both ladies?"

So you're talking to multiple women.. and she can talk to multiple men.. which is fine

But having a boyfriend prior to getting online is odd? Why even be on a date site then?

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