Author Thread: Women having handbooks?

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Women having handbooks?
Posted : 21 Jun, 2024 03:23 AM

Do women have handbooks?  I was told by one she was giving me one on how to handle her, meaning how I need to act to be with her. I reserve sarcasm here. I didn't think any lady had a handbook and have a few thoughts and would like opinions. I think she meant it was a nice gesture and i appreciate it, but then again... Here's my thoughts:

She likes me and is telling me she wants me to be the one because she has, but also said she won't change

Which means i have to acquiesce when she keeps telling me I could be "the one" if i change?

By giving me a "guide" is she telling me how its gonna be and i have to go by her book, meaning she's controlling?

She's a conceited flake

All the above

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Women having handbooks?
Posted : 21 Jun, 2024 03:31 AM

Somehow this posts twice when i go back. Can i delete one?

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Women having handbooks?
Posted : 21 Jun, 2024 04:30 AM

This site has no delete option that I know of. :)

Some women probably do have handbooks. All women differently do not think alike.

I think it's because they want to die sure that man is able to adjust to her character in compatibility areas.

It s a way of saying, I don't have time to train a man .

I never did that , because I don't try to change any man .

I've dated different Men with personalities because No man is exactly alike. Experience teaches me that .

Som women read books but exp

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Women having handbooks?
Posted : 21 Jun, 2024 04:37 AM

experience in dating is the best teacher.imo

@ The woman you speaking of maybe controlling or just a way of her being upfront about what she wants. Saves time.

Then a Man can decide to stay or dump her.

If any Man is uncomfortable with her character or first actions it would be a red flag for him to try and continue !!

Oftentimes Many women are not desperate and can find a compatible Man somewhere if they keep looking.

That way it maybe chance for LTR or marriage.

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Women having handbooks?
Posted : 21 Jun, 2024 04:49 AM

" they want to be sure"


Women should have a few places to meet a husband, if they definitely looking for marriage not just on 1 site.

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Women having handbooks?
Posted : 22 Jun, 2024 06:01 AM

You said it: experience. I encouraged her to seek it with an older Christian woman. She told people i blocked her to protect myself when that's what she did to me so i asked if she came clean. She didn't at that point. She blocked me again when it became complicated over my simply asking if any thought went into a photo she posted. Thanks for the reply, Moonlight.

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Women having handbooks?
Posted : 22 Jun, 2024 06:20 AM

Sounds like you may have dodged a bullet so to speak.

You're welcome.

I have messaged a few Older men on here seeking a YOUNG woman enough for their grandaughter. If they not rich they maybe on here for YEARS still trying.

Unrealistic expectations keep Many people Single. If you can not get it in Person somewhere. What makes a person think they can get it ONLINE dating site.


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Women having handbooks?
Posted : 14 Aug, 2024 10:23 AM

Intereting article

Some think they know it all Spiritually. Unfortuately they lack.

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Women having handbooks?
Posted : 14 Aug, 2024 10:31 AM

" Interesting"


above article here is in reference More to Man.

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