
cherilyn & steve Jun 12, 2010

thank you god and ccdf for bring us together

Sandy & Chris Jun 9, 2010

Have Faith!
I met my God designed helpmeet on this site. I was a widower and at age 62 thought my life was over. Now I know God had for me a new beginning!
1. Someone told each of us about CDFF.
2. When she saw my profile and I saw hers, it was, excuse the expression, "love at first site".
3. We corresponded, e-mail, phone, web cam for two months and met face to face. She was from the west coast. I was from the midwest.
4. I knew she was the one when I first looked into her eyes when we met and embraced at the airport.
5. I proposed to her at my church seven days later.
6. On August 8, 2010, six months after first saying "hello" on CDFF, we will be married.
When God is in it. It's all you need!!!!!!!!

Michelle & Travis Jun 8, 2010

I met my husband through this site. He is from Tennessee and I am
from Baltimore. We feel blessed that God brought us together. We met in
February, and we got married May 29th, 2010. God just put our lives together like
puzzles. We praise the Lord and you for this free Christian dating site, as
it has been a blessing for our lives.

Anonymous Jun 7, 2010

Sangsook Lee and JDSmith Wed

Proverbs 31:10 Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies.

How did JDSmith ever get so lucky as to meet and persuade this lovely Asian angel, sent from heaven above, to become his wife? Can you believe that this most delightful lady who has never before married nor has any children, actually first approached JDSmith online on a Christian website and it was �love at first sight�? As they began casual conversation and became acquainted, the conversation soon took a more romantic itinerary. Within a few weeks Sangsook Lee made her first journey from her home in Dallas to meet her future husband in San Benito, Texas. After a few months she persuaded JDSmith to travel to Dallas to visit her there as they began to make further long term plans for their future.

You might think that would seem awfully brave for such a young single woman to venture out all alone and meet a man she actually, for sure, knew nothing about. But that is nothing to compare to the missionary journeys that this girl has experienced in the 1990�s. In 1993 with the blessings and support of her local church, her friends and her family, Sangsook Lee left the comfort and security of her parent�s home in South Korea and traveled for over 5 years with a group of single missionaries throughout the most perilous parts of Africa. As she ministered the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the victims of the civil war in Somalia and also to the victims of the genocide throughout Rwanda, her missionary group was able to served meals to over 2800 children daily.

Upon completion of her missionary tour thru Africa in 1999 she arrived in the USA. As the Lord led her to Dallas, Texas she started working as a sales person for a local �Ladies Apparel Dress Shop� located in Ft. Worth, TX. Within a short time the owner of the dress shop sold the entire store and inventory to her and she became the sole owner of a thriving business.

Since Sandy has been living in the USA, both of her parents have since passed away. Now she says that she has no further need or plans to return to Korea and subsequently has now decided to be married. Jerry Daniel Smith became espoused to Sangsook Lee on June 7, 2010 at 3pm in the Tarrant County court room of the honorable Judge Russ Casey, located in the town of South Lake, Texas. As she became his lawfully wedded wife she told her husband that she would faithfully follow him wherever the Lord leads him, even to the ends of the earth. The Holy Bible says in Mathew 19:6 �So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder.�

The newly wedded couple has further made tentative plans to return in September of 2010, back to the Rio Grande Valley to live in San Benito, Texas. Sangsook Lee Smith has plans to then further resume business in Brownsville with her ladies-apparel dress-shop and JDSmith will also continue to market his motorized bicycles. The couple have also observed the need, seen the vision and felt the calling, as the Lord provided the resources, to establish a missionary help center that will provide daily food, clothing, shelter and gospel services for the homeless people there in the Brownsville downtown area.

Inscribed June 7, 2010 by JDSmith

Anna & Mark Jun 6, 2010

This is Mark. On a whim, I joined this site. I had no idea what lead me to this. Then on October 29, 2009 I got a wink from this lovely lady. She then send me a message and things just clicked! Now we are happy together. We live states apart but we see each other often :) We know we want to stay together forever <3 I love Anna more than life itself and I would do anything to make her happy <3 She makes my life complete and there's this feeling of joy when I see or hear anything from her :) She's the light in my dark and she's the best thing that ever happened to me <3 I love you Anna <3

Amy & Jeff Jun 3, 2010

Dear Friends at christian date for free,
I kept the old transcript between us to show progress between Amy and I, on May 21, 2010 I proposed to Amy and she accepted. we are planning a October 16, 2010 wedding.
I just wanted to keep you up to date on Gods blessing to us, it was through your site we met and the pulling of the Holy Spirit that led us to meet. we will keep you up to date when the wedding takes place.------

Thank you so much for this site, back in July this year, I joined
this site in hopes I would meet my future bride, I met a lady shortly after
but it was hit or miss for a few months, i gained a few good friends from
here whom i keep regular contact with but it is Amy who stole the show. she
was on here as Amygrace, in October we finally met and have been becoming
great friends, two high lights, first she believed in God but wasnt a born
again believer, after sharing the gosepl she accepted the Holy Spirit to be
born again, then she accepted my proposal to by my girlfriend, the rest is
in Gods hands but we both are really excited and happy. i have found the love
of my life, thank you and God bless you for this most awesome site.

with many blessings

Jeff aka lovetlaugh

Anonymous May 24, 2010

I would like to thank you again for providing this site. I met my husband on here in January of 2009 and we were married in April of 2010. I had tried other sites and the poeple there were not what I was looking for. This site helped me to meet the man of my dreams. I couldn't be happier.

Melissa & Titus May 19, 2010

Titus and I met on this website in September 2009 and have completely fallen in love. We are each in college for the medical field and plan to be married when we finish college. Thank you so much for providing a place to meet honest Christian singles, I reccommend this website to all of my friends :)

Anonymous May 18, 2010

Hi CDFF Gang,

I just wanted to provide a update to my previous testimonial. Linda and I were married on April 17, 2010 in a small wedding at my church in VA. It was a wonderful wedding. We honeymooned in Washington, DC. We are extremely happy that God brought us together. Thank you again for being the vehicle that God used to provide two lonely people the opportunity to love again. We have shared our story with many of our widowed and single friends. Many have actually joined your site. We are eternally grateful.

Kim & Jason May 17, 2010

Dear Christian Dating

I met my awsome husband on Christian Dating. After meeting online we grew together in Faith and in our path in recovery. I invited him to my Church and to a ministry I had started to be part of Calvary Bellfower Celebrate Recovery. There, we became closer and closer as friend and in our faith. We were new christians and both in recovery and were very scared to date. Christian dating for free was God's tool to joining us as we grew up and lived one block away from each other and had never met before. We were married 7 months after meeting. Thank you so much for having a tool for christians to meet. We are very happy blessed, all the glory to God. "So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate" ~Mathew 19:6
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