On the first day I became a member I stumbled across his profile. I sent him a wink we we began emailing back and forth for about a week or so and shortly afterwards we exchanged numbers and we just hit it off. Everything I had asked God for in a man I have found in him. I really thought the whole online dating thing was kind of silly, but I took a step out on faith and found the one God had for me my very first day on here! We are getting married somtime this year and can't wait to spend the rest of our lives togeather and start a family. The Lord truly has blessed us through this site.
Anonymous Aug 2, 2010
We met on here in December 2009. We had our first date on December 28, 2009. We have been together for 7 months now and have found love. We want to thank Christian Dating for bringing us together. We are so fortunate to have found one another because it would not have happened if it wasn't for this site.
We are taking things slow but we have alot of love for one another. Hopefully in the future we can report a Wedding Date.
Thank you again Christian Dating!
Boniquica & Ben Jul 31, 2010
My husband and I were getting ready to leave the site thinking we would never meet the right one on here. We both made wonderful friends on the site who we stay in contact with but the thought of a long distant relationship was not settling to well then with one last email we found each other!
We were married July 23, 2010.
Let me say that when you seek God first and His will for your life then every thing else will be added unto you. That is the key, pray first seeking God's will and He will lead you to the right one!
We just want to thank all who started this site it has been a blessing!
God Bless,
Boniquica & Ben
Lauren & Cory Jul 30, 2010
Cory & I meet on this site the month of April. Cory lives in Ohio and I (Lauren) live in Texas. Cory and I talked online and on the phone for about a month and then cory came to stay with me in Texas for a week. A month after that he came back and then I went to Ohio in July to see him and his family. I am so greatful for this site and for God letting us meet. Cory is moving here and pursuing a career here so that him and I can be together. We are not yet married nor engaged but talk about it and we soon will be! I am just very greatful!
Jul 26, 2010
Thanks so much for this site you have helped me find the man of my dreams and i am happy and with great pleasure to inform that he is visiting me and we shall marry this coming month.
I wish to encourage all those who are searching never to give up and continue to pray
Thanks and i wish you all the success as you continue to help others
Anonymous Jul 26, 2010
I met Josphat Wachira in this site and we are happy. we plan to met and make our love more fruitful. We pray that God will put us together soon. We are still working on our relationship but we already entrust to God everything. We want to give God the Highest Glory.
Jul 21, 2010
I have enjoyed my short experience with CDFF. I came on for the first time ever on an on-line communication tool on 12/31/2009 and met my Sweetheart on Jan 03, 2010 on line and spoke over the phone for the first time on Jan 09, 2010 -- which we have designated as our official anniversary. We have been together now for about 7 months and we are in love, never miss a day without talking. Thanks CDFF for your aid and above all We give God the glory. All honor is due to Him. Good luck to you all in search of love.
Jennifer & Jonathan Jul 16, 2010
Thanks for making this possible ChristianDatingforfree. Because of this site I was able to find someone very special in my life. Glory be to our Heavenly Father in Heaven who allow this to happen, all things come togther for his good and purpose. Amen Love you all In the Name Of Christ
Be Bless
Sincerly your Friend,
Minister Jonathan
p.s. Now you guys are partakers of this blessing. May your site reap what is sow.
Jennifer & Jonathan Jul 16, 2010
my testimony is that YHWH works in mistery ways. As i move and make my decision with great faith. i see that YHWH hands move.
Cheryl Smith & Scott Pierson Jul 16, 2010
I met Cheryl on here 2 months ago. We are so much in love that we are getting married soon. Thanks, CDFF.