Jeanne & Ken Aug 31, 2010

Widowed for 13 years, I'd experienced some very disappointing times in dating. I determined that I would not communicate with anyone but a widower and one obviously deeply dedicated to Christ. I plainly stated I was looking for a marriage partner...a mature believer. I did not post a photo and for the most part only viewed those profiles without photos.
Ken, a 1 year widower interpreted the question differently than I and indicated he was looking for a friend. When I viewed his profile, I was interested until I saw "friend" reasoning that I had a fine compliment of male friends.
Ken saw that I had viewed him and decided to e-mail me. We began corresponding via e-mail and chat and soon exchanged phone numbers. We began praying together on the phone and sharing scriptures. When we began seeing each other, we prayed and had devotions together. Our families embraced us as a couple.
Our love and admiration for each other grew as did our awareness of many similarities and we became convinced that God had brought us together to serve Him as a couple.
On my birthday, Ken got down on his knees and proposed marriage. We married on August 14 and are enjoying a wonderful, growing loving relationship for the Lord and each other. We are waiting on Him to show us where and what He has for us to do, but in the meanwhile, we are making the most of every opportunity to share the Hope we have in Christ. Thank you CDFF for your ministry.
Jessica Kruse & Michael Mays Aug 30, 2010
Me and Michael meet on this wonderful website and we just got married March 13 2010. We actually got married the day we meet we started talking November 14th 2009 and the Lord just seemed to bring us together thanks for a wonderful website and we always promote this website to everyone we are together foreverWanji & Juan Aug 27, 2010
I met the most Handsome, loving, God fearing man that makes me feel so loved. I thank the website for having alowed us to connect and right now we are talking marriage and i just love him.........and i know he loves me.Anonymous Aug 26, 2010

Kimberly & David Aug 24, 2010
David and I met on May 8th and everything was perfect. we talked like we had known each other for years. by may 21 we made it offical and became a couple. he came to visit me in my homestate and i later in the summer went to visit him. we were even discussing a wedding in our future.i do believe this relationship will work. but sadly, God had other plans for my David. God called david home on August 23, 2010.
Janae & Michael Aug 23, 2010

Janae Kimberly Wojasinski
"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart."
~Psalm 37:4~ ~I'm living proof!~
Chiquita & Rodney Aug 19, 2010

sarai & steven Aug 13, 2010
Sarai:I thank this site because i found the love of my life over a year ago and now it's been over a year ago that we got married and we are happily married. He is the greatest guy in the world and I love him so much.
Wow! where to start? I have been looking for the perfect person for a long time. I stumbled upon this site and decided to give it a try 48 hours later I met Sarai. One week after talking we had our first date, 8 weeks after dating we were engaged and 3 weeks later we we got married. Now some would say this is quick, but when you know someone is right for you from your heart you want to start you life with them as soon as possible. When I met her she made me feel alive inside. I knew after three or four dates that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. i would recommend Christian Dating Site to anyone interested in a serious relationship.
Is the a return policy. LOL (just kidding)
KeKe & Don Aug 11, 2010

This is a prayer
that I shall pray,
both everynight
and everyday.
To thank my God
and His loving ways,
for Bringing such joy
that is here to stay.
A gentle, meek and wise young man,
full of Love for the Lord,
and God's divine plan.
Yes this is the prayer
that wakes me in Light,
and Blesses me always,
when I lay down at night.
God be with us,
and keep us true.
Have your way here,
for we shall not be moved!
He brings me sooo much joy and calls me his princess, I feel like a kid again, and his passion for Christ is a Blessing all in its won. Thank you CDFF!!!!
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