Thank you so very much CDFF I have found the love of my life msubulldawg1975 I love him so much.
Nikki & Austin Dec 21, 2010
i wasn't on this site for very long started having doubts after awhile when i wasn't getting any responds from any girls on this site i was gonna just delete my profile but then i came across nikki who i met on this site we talked for a min thru this site then we exchanged numbers we talk almost everyday and she is everything ive been looking for in a woman to spend the rest of my life with she makes me so happy thank you so much for having a site like this and if you need someone to spread the good word about this i defiantly will be letting my friends know i found a great person thru this site ive been on soo many other sites never had any success like this im so happy i wish i could i do something for you guys for helping me find her
Amy & Steve Dec 20, 2010
I met my boyfriend in July through He'd emailed me in May, but he lived about a two-hour drive from me, and so I didn't think it was worth pursuing. But in July, I received a reminder from the site and thought to check again. I saw Steve's profile and message again, and this time, something told me to respond. I did. We took some time to just get to know each other as friends and then began and old-fashioned Christian courtship. On Saturday, he asked for my father's blessing to ask me to marry him! Things are going great. God has really blessed us, and we have talked about your site and have gotten a few people to start the process of finding their future marriage partner through your site. Life is absolutely amazing, and I just wanted to thank you for helping people meet without attaching a price tag. Because finding your true love is priceless.
BreAnna & Will Dec 20, 2010
Here is my story:
For 22 years I didn't have that special someone in my arms. So for years I pray for God to send me someone that will love me and would never hurt me for anything. I've liked 4 girls in my life, and I thought they were the ones but the feeling was always unrequited and the last girl I liked before I met the amazing woman I am with now just broke my heart all to pieces. So I can across cdff and created an account and not long there after, BreAnna sent me a message introducing herself and we started talking and then we decided to meet. We met in a local coffee shop in my town and we just hit it off and about a week after that, October 15, we started to date and from that day forward we thank God each and everyday for letting us find each other. God has really blessed me so much by sending me that special someone whom I really adore and Love and she's a true God sent angel from Heaven above. Thanks cdff for helping me find the Love of my Life.
In GOD I Trust
Anonymous Dec 20, 2010
i tooks a long journey to found what i wanted in life. Like i am walking in the aisle of journey.Finding the right road going to the real happiness that gives in your life fully joy. Finally i found it, so now i will rejoice and thankful the precious gift i receive from our ALMIGHTY GOD. We are both rejoice the blessing that God give us.We couldnt imagine what the magic happen between us. YES!love moves in mysterious ways. I cant imagine we develop this kind of love by online dating. The Love that we hardly to express but we both know it is a deepest love. Wow! this is also technology made now a day.This love made of dimensional ways and its proven that LOVE is POWERFUL.
We are soon to be married this coming June 2011, were both cant wait on that day but of course should and could be have a patience on this matter bcoz when you love you should always a lots of patience.
Wanna say thanks CDFF, you are really great site. Actually i was never been to long on this site but you help me to found my happiness to complete my LIFE.
Sandy & Tommy Dec 19, 2010
God does work in wonderful ways! He has answered my prayers and continues to bless us. I first talked to Tommy in October and it has grown into a very close relationship with marriage in our thoughts. We have yet to know what God has in store for us and continue to pray for His guidence. We love so many things about one another and continue to learn more as time goes on. Although we live a ways apart, we didn't allow the distance to keep us from building a relationship. It can happen with long distant relationships with patience and God's leading. My hope is that many will find their true love on here at this site as we did! I thank God for this christian dating site, finding someone special really can happen even on the internet. May God bless you all and your searching! Sandy
late4love Dec 18, 2010
Thank you I found my true love her, and we are getting married soon. Thank you so much for your service, and to help others find true love.
God Bless
Johanna & Michael Dec 15, 2010
I met my soul mate and best friend on this site in February 2010! I prayed one night that I was going to let our loving God be in total control of my future, including the man He wanted me to marry and that I want it to be in His timing, not mine. I told Him I wouldn't even date anyone unless I knew it was from Him. Well about two weeks later I was on google and saw an ad for this site. I never thought I would get on a dating site but i just felt like I had to for some reason. I browsed through guys for fun and on the first page my eyes were drawn to one picture... even though it was from far away I just had to click on it. His name was Michael. I read his profile and saw his face and was drawn to him from the start. I told myself I was going to marry him, before I even messaged him! I felt God all over me as I prayed if I should write him so i did. I sent him a message telling him I was drawn to him and would love to get to know him. He wrote back right away and we started talking... from then on we couldn't get enough of each other! We started off writing messages to each other and were amazed with how much we were alike and how we even wrote alike.Funny thing is, he never thought he would get on a dating site either and just decided to one day.We actually got on the site but both got off the same day and back on two days later because we both felt we had to and that's when i messaged him! We both had a feeling we should get off the site and only talk to each other, so we wrote emails and sent more pictures of each other and our families. We then exchanged numbers and talked on the phone then on webcam... we really couldn't get enough of each other! All day every day we would talk on the phone or webcam and when we weren't home we would send each other texts until we got home to talk. It was too good to be true, he was more than my dream guy and we tried to doubt it many times but God always brought us peace. We fell in love before we even met in person and we both knew this was the real thing. We started talking Feb. 25th 2010 and flew out from Ohio to California to meet me April 9th and it was more real then ever! The first time we saw each other we just walked up to each other and kissed... i knew I was kissing the guy I was going to spend forever with! We spent an amazing week together then he flew back to Ohio. It was the hardest couple weeks after that, we missed each other like crazy and talked all the time. He decided to move to California the end of April and we have been together ever since and are now engaged!We went horseback riding on the beach and he proposed, it was so romantic! We are going to be getting married in September of this year! We continue to grow stronger with each other and God every day. We can't thank Him enough for bringing us together and for this site! We truly feel we were made for each other and that God has a plan for us to serve Him and we can't wait to see what is in store:) We owe Him everything! It really feels like we have been together forever, it's amazing how God made it that way!It's like He erased everything from our pasts and we can't even remember a time we weren't together. Our love truly feels like a real life fairy tale. We hope everone can find happiness and true love like we have. :) God has amazing things planned for those who put all their faith in Him!
Sony & Joe Dec 13, 2010
I have already found my soulmate and am engaged going to be married soon.....thanks to god and cdff
Anonymous Dec 13, 2010
It all started on a August night in 2010 when I was looking on here and saw this wonderful and chariming woman of God and felt like talking to her. We started talking and seem to have an instant connection little did we know that He had been planning this longer than we have been alive. Neither of us have ever felt this happy except for when we came to Christ. She completes me as I complete her. We have had so much fun in the 3 months and it has felt like so much longer. I can't wait to see how He is going to bless us in the future. As my pastor has mentioned many time which is now our life statement,"He is rarely early, but never late."