Anonymous Jan 20, 2011

Iryna Jan 20, 2011

Thank you for all your support. You have given christian people great opportunity find thier own second half.
God bless you.
Whoknows5 Jan 18, 2011
I married the man I met here, Thanks for everything!Jorge Jan 16, 2011

Anonymous Jan 16, 2011

Jewls24M Jan 16, 2011
I never thought I would do anything like this but i'm so glad I did and that God intervened to lead me to the man of my dreams. I have waited so long for this and so has he. We are both extremely happy and even though he is in another state we know that this is possible because "Anything is Possible with God." I just want to thank you for making this site and I will highly recommend it and pass it on to others. God Bless You! I look forward to what God has in store for us in the future!!Ashlie & Rabi Jan 13, 2011

I was on this site nearly two years ago and never did I think I would meet the love of my life on the internet. I always harshly judged these "dating sites" to be a hoax. My dad asked me when I was going to bring a guy home to the family to meet, although I attended a Christian University and my home church...my future husband was no where to be found! I was just waiting on the Lord to send him to me, I was not looking to jump in any relationship. I would only date if it meant marriage was in the future. I was a little offended at the fact that my dad would suggest to try online dating to me, as if I lacked some sort of socializing quality! lol However, I realize it was simply my pride getting in the way. One day I was sitting down in the living room alone and something was telling me, "Just listen to your dad Ash! Give it a shot".....minutes later I created a profile.
.....I tried this website a few weeks and thought it was the silliest thing and same the routine...."Hi, how are you? Where are you from..." etc. This whole dating site was simply not for me...so I deleted it! A few weeks later I get something telling me, "Ash listen to your dad, just give it a shot and try it!" Soooo round two! I made my second profile! I started praying, "Lord, this sounds so silly. This whole online dating seems so unrealistic. Please show me what You want me to do and guide my steps, I dont want to step out of Your will. I don't want my flesh desires to get in the way, I just want Your will in my life." It had only been two months and I made two profiles....AND I was ready to delete it for good and stop this ridiculous online dating!
The day I was going to delete the profile for the second time I recieved a message in my inbox from a guy who was so friendly, sweet, and really sugesting that we should talk.....so I thought alright, maybe I will talk to this guy! I didn't think anything would come out of talking with this guy...plus he was on the other side of the world, it just seemed unrealistic and impossible. Few months later, little did I know I was falling in love with this man! After six months of talking we finally saw eachother on webcam and another year later im on a plane to Syria to meet the love of my life face to face and meet his wonderful sweet family!
We spent Christmas and New years together.....and we got engaged!!!! Our Wedding will be around the end of the year. yayay! I look back and thinking of when I was a little girl how I use to pray for my future husband and how I wanted him to be a man of God, that God was keeping him safe, and what I wanted him to look like. lol As I grew older that child mind starts to fade, but I look back and realize how strong the faith of a child is....I can say I am so blessed and thankful to Jesus Christ for answering my prayers! My finace is my answered prayers, he is everything I asked for as little girl. I will tell you this...I was very doubtful in the beginning if this was indeed God's will for me because it just sounded to good to be true. Until this moment I am still in awe how God orchestrates things, He has opened many doors for Rabbie and I and made our road smooth. Jesus' hand has been upon our relationship and we are SOOOO BLESSED AND THANKFUL TO HIM....WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE!!! We are sooooo in love! I LOVE RABBIE SO MUCHHHH!
If we can encourage anyone is to just be fervently in prayer, "Pray without ceasing", God will give you the desires of your heart! Don't settle for second best because you feel hopeless as if time is running out, ANDDDD I cannot stress enough...don't fill that empty void in your heart with relationships because its not what completes us, place Christ in the center of your life first!!! Let Jesus be the first love of your life, He is the one who holds relationships together!....WAIT for GOD'S BEST for you!
We would love to give thanks to christiandatingforfree.com and most importantly our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST!!!
May God pour His blessing upon your life! God Bless!
Nina & Michael Jan 13, 2011

John Jan 13, 2011
We wanted to tell our story to you that we met on this site in Oct 2009 and married in Dec 2010. We overcome a long distance relationship, trials and tribulations, and due to christian faith and love we become united before God and many were impressed by the Christian dating web site. We have even referred a few people and one we know is having a long distance relationship as I write the and has been for about 8 mo.First | << Previous 10 | Page : 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 | Next 10 >> | Last |