
Mary & Zach May 18, 2018

Hi. My husband and I met on cdff in 2014, and got married in 2017. We�ve been through a lot together, but so thankful for your free chat room. Without it, we likely would have never crossed paths. Met on cdff chatroom 2014, married 2017.
Zach & Mary

MeGuiaEl & Todaja May 4, 2018

MeGuiaEl and Todaja: we met each other with CDFF!
Thank God!
After having been a member of several other dating sites for about 18 months I started with CDFF in June 2016. Then I became acquainted to MeGuiaEl in October 2016. I was very busy with work at that time and could not respond to his emails right away. But he kept writing me one email every day although he didn't get an answer for a fortnight. So I thought he really means it serious. I also enjoyed that he talked about themes which interested him and me and that it was not up to me to pass the ball with a new theme every time. In March 2017 we met personally for the first time and in March 2018 we got married. Now I am waiting for my Visa for the USA. In the meantime he comes to Switzerland as often possible.
We want to encourage everybody to keep searching!
MeGuiaEl & Todaja

Elijah Apr 24, 2018

I didn't really expect to get a result from this app, or from any dating site for that matter. But I am so blessed to have found my wife here. We started talking July 13,2016 and then I visited her to the philippines December 12, 2016. We both had fun getting to know each other in person and the airport goodbye was the worst but I promised her I will be back. And I did come back last August 3, 2017 and I proposed to her and then we got married that same week, August 8, 2017. We are currently working on our spousal visa and hopefully soon I get to be with my wife for good because LDR is really tough. So yeah, online dating sites work apparently and we got blessed to have found each other. We give God the glory and honor for his favor in our lives. God bless everyone! Never give up.

Nelli & Danil Apr 10, 2018

You&Me - us with Jesus as our foundation!
It�s almost 2 years back when everything started here at CDFF. It began with a simple chat message which then went over to Whatsapp/ Skype conversation. Both of us never imagined to meet our second half in such a way. Early on we felt that something was different and there was confirmation in prayer. We just couldn't stop finding out more and more about each other with every call as well as having Bible study and prayer together. We did not feel that distance was stopping us and God blessed us with a wonderful way to meet!
On our first meeting in July 2017 (slightly more than one year after we exchanged our first message on CDFF) our feelings and prayers were confirmed once again. We realized that we were truly meant for each other and decided to get married. Both of us are Christians and we believe that a relationship should lead to marriage. Together we prayed that God would let us get married soon (without having to wait many months). We�r very thankful that our prayers were answered as our God is an amazing God! Despite all the challenges we faced with documents and travel arrangements everything turned out very well with God's grace. We got married later that year in November 2017 (on our second meeting). Hurray!😊
We also dreamed to have a Christian ceremony near the beach and we had it in March 2018.
We really wanted to share our testimony as we could experience God�s blessings and faithfulness. We are now looking forward to serving the Lord together as a family.
Thank you all and may God bless you!
Danil & Nelli

Anonymous Apr 2, 2018

I just want to say thank you to christiandatingforfree.com. By the guidance of God, I have met someone who I believe could be the one I've been searching for. It' s been a long time waiting and searching, but it's definitely been worth the wait. We are now embarking on a journey that will be filled with happiness, love and joy, with Jesus Christ as the center of it all. Thank you again.

Anonymous Apr 1, 2018

Hello to all brothers and sisters out there,

We are so thrilled to announce you that we got married on January 4th, 2018.

Hereunder is our story:
Matthias sent me a message in June 2016 which I ignored at first as I was not willing to correspond with anybody. The reason behind this was that back then I had been looking for someone on CDFF for two years, and unfortunately all my contacts had finally led to nowhere. It was always the old �Hi!� and �Goodbye!�

Yet, Matthias was different. He contacted me again asking me if I had received his first message. It was then when I decided to reply him, thinking that after all why not just being friends. I had nothing to lose.

So we started writing each other mostly every day. I remember back then that he was really kind and respectful in his correspondence.

One day, I don�t know why, I decided to give him my mobile number. He then started to call me on WhatsApp. The first time we talked to each other, I remember that I was so nervous. I also remember that I liked his voice and the way he laughed but what really touched my heart was when we ended our conversation, he asked me if he can pray for us. And from then on we have been praying together until now.

Matthias then took the initiative and decided to visit me on my island Mauritius. This was in August 2016. And when he returned to his country, he gave me a �promise ring�, a local Mauritian custom between lovers. It was a way for him to tell me that he will be back to marry me. Having meet one another in real, it was clear to us that we would continue our relationship. However, before I would make ends meet, I wanted to visit him in his country to see how lived. It turned out that everything Matthias said was true and consistent. I also started to love his church and family. It was on my visit to Europe when Matthias proposed me. My fianc� came back to Mauritius in July 2017 for our civilian wedding and in January 2018 for our religious wedding. We are so grateful to God for His blessing on this special day. We will never forget how Jesus stopped the rain just before our beach wedding started. Guests of the wedding told us that when we were exchanging our rings, the clouds opened and the sun was shining through!

We are now both living in his country of origin and we feel so privileged for living this new adventure together with God!

We would like to share with you some pictures of our religious wedding. We hope that you will enjoy it. We will try to post the highlights of our wedding video, too. Hopefully, you will be able to view it : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X29gFHlTc6o

One thing that I would like to tell everyone is to keep faith. Don�t feel depressed or pressured for not being married. Do not be sad when you see your friends getting married while you�re not. Do not let them rush you with their timelines. God will bless you in his perfect timing. We are never too old to get married. However, have a faith which will take action. Sometimes we need to leave our comfort zone, and driven by common sense and God�s wisdom we must be courageous.

Before ending our testimonial, we would like to thank the CDFF team for their platform. Our hearts and minds are filled with gratefulness towards them as their website has been a real blessing to us. May God continue to bless them in what they are doing.

SUSAN & BOLDEN Mar 15, 2018

Thank you so much CDFF BECAUSE FINALLY im married to Samuel Bolden meet in your site.We married in civil wedding last October 30,2017

Yuliya & Mark Mar 7, 2018

Mark Mongeau and I met on christians dating for free in 2010 December 3 . He lived in Maine and I lived in California we got married in 2011 October 15 we are still married we�re going to have our seventh anniversary and we have a little Timothy he is five months old now! Just wanna say thank you very much for the website God knows how to bring his children together may God bless your website! Thank you 🙏

Yuliia & Humus Mar 5, 2018

hello our dear friends at cdf ,we would like to thank you very much for your wonderfull service and share our story with you- My wife and i met here, we have been married for 1 year now and we are very happy. She is from Ukraine and i am from Mexico.There is no distance for true love! We also would like to say to everyone to not give up and to continue to trust God, and keep searching. Blessing to everyone. Humus and Yuliia.

Beth & Recil Mar 2, 2018

Beth & Me will be married April 14 2018
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