Tina & Billy May 6, 2011
I am overjoyed and blessed beyond measure by our Heavenly Father... I, WE, Billy Schuck and I have found each other on this web-site.
We want to thank you and pray God brings everyone their true matches-
Ours is truly a "love story" a "match made in Heaven"!!! God has given us an awesome blessing beyond measure!!! Beyond what we had hoped for!!!
God has blessed us with the desires of our heart!!! Which is to serve Our Father & Lord in Mighty Ways!!!
We plan on spending the rest of our lives together... while praying and waiting for God to reveal and confirm how we will serve~
Again, we are so thankful to God and to CDFF!!!
Sincerely and God bless!!!
Billy Schuck & Tina L. Dubry
May 5, 2011
The lady of whom i have been talking with, and of whom i have found on this website, is going to be my mate in a Holy Marriage, for i have asked her to marry me, and she totally accepted!!!
Nan & Mike May 5, 2011
Thank you Christian Dating for Free, for being a conduit for God to move in our lives! We first met on this site on June 20, 2010. We were married on February 5, 2011 and today is 3 month anniversary!! We truly believe that God used this website to bring our lives together. We would like to encourage anyone out there who is reading this, to be patient, seek God first, and always be honest about who you are and what you are looking for on this site. Don't let distance be a discouragement. Neither of us thought that we wanted to find someone who was in another state, so when we first started talking, we thought we would just be friends. However, if God brings two people together, HE will make a way, just like he did for us! We are very happy and thankful to God and to this website that we have found each other and now that we are happily married, we will continue to grow together in Christ! God's blessings to you all!!!
Anonymous May 4, 2011
i guess its gonna be him. i can feel it.
we are exchanging messages now.
his a nice guy.
thank you for this site.
please pray for me guys...
Todd May 4, 2011
Oh boy,where to begin! Ya I'm not sure how often you guys get these kind of letters, but boy did I meet a sweet woman here! While this is my second attempt at internet dating long-distance,and am aware of the tribulations associated with this.I feel really honestly moved by jesus Christ to explore this lady is PROVING to be Gods will for us.I am a tingly,exstatic schoolboy right now,but I MUST HAVE you and your clients know,that if this relationship blossoms into something TRULY GREAT,it is not my greatness nor hers.the GLORY all belongs to our lord!and THROUGH Him,this site,and all the special people that MUST run this moment I am SO grateful for you all.I don't know HOW you can manage to do it for FREE for me.thank-you sincerely, if a marriage result of this,(hands folded)I will let you know.I AM keeping you bookmarked for this reason,and I pray that you people can keep this going,because you aren't just offering a service,you are CHANGING LIVES!!!
Vanessa & Breilen May 3, 2011
I met Breilen August 1, 2010 on CDFF. I didn't plan on being any more than friends with him. I probably shouldn't have expected to make my own plans because as we all should know; God sometimes makes other plans for us. I wasn't in a rush to get into a serious relationship and was looking to just make some good Christian friends.
I remember in the beginning how very different it was for Breilen than it was for me. Shortly after exchanging a few messages on CDFF, we started communicating on Facebook and then over the phone via text. Most of our conversations were pretty short. I just wasn't interested in pursuing a relationship more than friends. Breilen continued to pursue me with friendship, never pressuring me to be more, but it was apparent his feelings ran deeper than just friendship.
I remember feeling this tug to open up more to him and allow myself to get to know him. There was something about Breilen that made me feel safe, like I could trust him. After our first phone conversation, I remember feeling this peace. I knew that I wanted to get to know him more. Our friendship quickly moved from emails on CDFF, Facebook, texts, and phone calls to Skype. Within 3 weeks of knowing each other I can honestly say I knew I was falling in love with him and I was pretty sure he felt the same way. I don�t know how it was even possible but shortly after 3 weeks, Brelien, over Skype, confessed that he was in fact falling in love with me. I will never forget how it was killing him inside not to tell me how he felt. I remember physically being able to see how much he was struggling with keeping it from me. What he didn�t know was that I already knew�I knew he loved me�it was impossible to hide. I knew I loved him. We both knew that it wasn�t practical. He was in Iowa and I was in Texas. 13 hours away from one another! And we had still never met on top of the distance. How would this work? Would we even still feel the same once we had met in person?
Breilen planned a trip out to Texas a couple of weeks after he confessed he was falling in love with me. I remember being so nervous that everything that had happened between us within the last month and half wouldn�t be like we both had felt it was once we met. I had never even held his hand, let alone kissed him. From the moment we hugged I felt so much weight lifted off me�.all my fears, worries, concerns�they were gone. I never wanted to say goodbye. The trip had planned to be 4 days total that we would be able to spend with each other. It turned into 2 weeks. Saying goodbye was so hard, I remember us just holding each other and trying to fight back the tears. But�.3 weeks later he was back. It was hard for us to be apart. Each trip getting harder and harder for us to say goodbye to one another, we knew we had to be closer.
In March 2011 Breilen made an unplanned trip to visit me when I was unexpectedly ill. I spent a few weeks trying to recuperate and get back to myself. Breilen�s presence was comforting and uplifting. I never wanted him to leave. It turned out that he didn�t want to leave either. He decided to move here. We had been talking about it for a while and I knew he would eventually move here but I had no idea it would be so impulsive. It was the greatest news!
I have no idea what the future holds, but I do know that God brought us together. The peace I felt when I talked to him, I know now was not a coincidence. Breilen was nothing and everything I pictured for myself. He was right in front of me on CDFF and I almost failed to see it, it was that peace I felt and prayer that made me decide to trust in that peace. God brought a man into my life that not only shares the same beliefs as I, but had this forgiving heart to take me as I am. I had been through a divorce prior and had my amazing wonderful son, not to mention I was diagnosed with Lupus. It may have been too much for some, but it wasn�t for Breilen. It wasn�t too much for God. I cannot thank God enough for showing me CDFF and bringing Breilen and I together! I look forward to seeing what God has in store for our future!
Antoine May 1, 2011
My name's Antoine, & I wana thank this the people that provide this website. I have find my soulmate here, and I thank God for that.
may God bless you all, and you that yet searching, God will find your soulmate for you, thanks ya all
Apr 29, 2011
Thank God and thank you Christian Dating For Free as this is a genuine social site for genuine people. Within the first couple of days of my membership, I found my soul mate and today is now a month of our relationship and I am immensely blessed. We are now happy as ever.
SunnyBronze Apr 27, 2011
I have finally found the love of my life here on this site and I'm ecstatic. It was a long haul to find this special person but now that we have found each other, we have communicated enough to know that we are meant for each other and most definitely the Lord was the creator of this wonderful relationship that is headed towards marriage more than likely next summer. I couldn't be happier and thank you for being there as a free dating site as I couldn't afford the paying ones. I tried them, but overall this site is the best one of them all! Thank again. and God Bless!