This wbsite is a blessing! I met my wife here maybe two weeks after signing up.. This just goes to show that there is someone for everyone. Be blessed friend..
Lin & Duane May 25, 2011
On May 20, 2011, abetterman (Duane) and I were married. Just another success story for your records. Thank you, God, for matching up two christians to spend the rest of their lives together.
Renee Lynn & Danny May 25, 2011
I am now residing in Oklahoma with my husband whom i met on christian dating. God has blessed me beyond measure and i am so thankful that i finally have His best for me. We were married on April 26, 2011.
Jill & Nate May 25, 2011
Nate: Just thought that I would let everyone know that I met the Love of my life on here Her profile is 1desire! I am from California and she is from the Philippines but lives in the middle east. We met in person 3 months after dating I flew over there and now she is here with me in CA We are attending our premarital counseling classes and will be married relatively fast after that!
So don't give up just because you hit a rough patch there really are real people on here with a heart for God that are looking for the same! Praying for you all that God would bring the person into your life in His timing that will satisfy you to the fullest!
Jill: Yup FIance!!! and I met him here in CDFF his screen name is SeekingGodlyWife. He tells the story better than I do, so if you want to read a snippet of how we got together just go on to his page.
Imagine---I'm a girl who grew up in the Middle East (originally from the Philippines) and he's a guy from California who flew to the Middle East just to meet me and now I am here in California, (confusing??? hehe...) very much blessed and happy to be side by side with the man God has blessed me with.
So don't give up. Just be true to who you are and don't go about pretending to be somebody you're not. No matter the circumstances, God has always been good to me and rest assured He does the same for those he loves (YOU) so hang in there. Pray and seek out of a pure heart!
Anonymous May 24, 2011
Two years ago I made a great decision to join this site. Now at the end of the week I will be marrying the love of my life. I cannot thank CDFF enough and I pray to God every day thanking him for helping us find each other on here. For those distressed over not finding anyone on here...stick with it it took me six months before I found my best friend and... (oh all go ahead and say it its close enough) wife on here...(actually she found me) Stick with it It may take time but it'll work out great for you!! Thank you so much CDFF!!! I couldn't imagine every finding happiness without your help!!! OHRAH!!
Erin & Adam May 22, 2011
My Wife and I met on 2 years ago and we have been happily married for a year and a half now. This site gave me and my wife the ability to be who we are and not worry about covering up our "flaws" and being able to find someone who beliees in what you do. We got married only after being together for 3 months because we were so comfortable around eachother and it was like we knew eachother for ages even tho we just met. I am So happy to have found the love of my life thru you guys and with the Help from God. :-) Thank you!
AKA Captaincook
Julia May 21, 2011
we have bin talking for 6 munths he came to see me from maine to california we love eachother a lot planing to get marrid as soo as posible whin he left yesterday on the plane i crayd he had his eyez with tears this is love from God thanx to u guys!
Anonymous May 19, 2011
I believe at this time I have found someone whom might be of interest to me. Thank you for the wonderful site you are and please know if this does not work out which am praying so desperately it does, I will use your site and only your site again. You are a blessing and a wonderful site to post on and I have felt completely safeguarded because of you in posting on this site. Thank you for all you do and may GOD BLESS YOU ALL, keep up the amazing job you do here.
Wanda & Jim May 18, 2011
I was a member for less than 3 weeks before finding someone. Since then we have moved from merely being interested in each other to dating exclusively. I am looking forward to what God is going to do in my new relationship. I praise God for this and for the Christian Dating For Free website.
Jennifer & James May 17, 2011
James and I met on this site in March of 2010, I sent him and wink and he replied back to me with an email, and the day following we chatted on the instant messaging service that CDFF offers and we talked for 5 hours on that chat. He asked if it was ok to call me later that night. We met the following Sunday at his job and spent the whole day together. We have now been together for over a year and just a month ago celebrated our year anniversary. We have two anniversaries to celebrate, we celebrate the day we emailed each and the day that we started dating, which turned out to be a month later. We have gone through both good and bad times but we know that God used CDFF to bring us together and I am so happy that you have this site available. For it were not for CDFF I would never met my fiance.
James proposed to me last Sunday, may 8th 2011, and we will be getting married May 11, 2012. He treats me like a princess every single day and I am so blessed to know that God can use any means that He wants to bring two very different people together to make a union that only God could bring together. Thank you for allowing God to use this site to bring people together.
James knows all about me and I am learning all about him as we follow God. It was so nice to meet a strong Christian man who loves the Lord and follows his will in his life. Thank you so much for bringing together James and I!!!
We will always remember what happened and our story of meeting and will always tell people if they are looking for Godly men and women, to not rule out internet dating because James and I are proof that God can use the internet to!