Kristin & Justin Jul 20, 2011

We met on your site in February of 2010, and here we are, in July 2011, engaged! We are getting married in January, and we cannot thank you enough for letting us use this site. Neither one of us imagined that we would really date someone, much less find our spouse, online, and we weren't expecting much out of it! Little did we know, God had great plans for two people living just 4 hours away from each other across state lines.
It was only a week after Kristin joined the site that Justin sent her a message, beginning what we consider as one of the best love stories ever told. It got easier and easier to tell people that we had met online, and after a while, we realized that we fit together so well that it didn't matter where we met! God brought us together, and we will continue to praise Him throughout our journey and the rest of our lives together.
We wanted to make sure you knew our story and how grateful we are for this site. And to all of those people out there looking for that special someone on CDFF, let this be a testament that it really does work!
In Christ,
Justin and Kristin
Casey & Trey Jul 20, 2011

Late July We met here on this site, I (casey) sent a wink to Trey and was sooo excited when he replied back with a message. Soon after that we started talking online thru instant messenger, and webcam. Started officially dating a week later after getting to know one another. 4 months after we decided to finally meet in person, so we planned on having Trevor come down around Thanksgiving to meet my family and discuss future plans. However around October we had a change of plans, this one much different, Instead of him just coming down for a few days and then going back we decided on me coming up with him to stay possibly permanently, til we were able to get married. After some discussion with both our parents on living quarters, etc. The plan was set in stone. Thanksgiving 2009, Trevor drove down from Wisconsin (where we live now) to meet family, and then take me back up there with him. It was a huge step for me because I had never been outside of my family's presence for very long and was indeed scary and required me to put a lot of trust into the Lord and into Trevor. So glad I did though because almost 2 years later today have been some of the best of our lives. The night we first met was very exciting but also very different for me because I had never met anyone I was dating in person, all were online relationships. I had a case of butterflies that would not go away! it took about a week for them to fully leave my stomach. After the long drive to wisconsin, I lived with Trevor's parents temporarily until we got married. We have had some very hard times though especially during the dating process, but both of us have grown and defeated some burdens we struggled with. The Lord has kept us and always has proven Himself faithful in the toughest times. For my birthday in July, Trevor proposed to me in one of the sweetest ways ever. He took my favorite fox plushie(one he bought me when we were dating) took it to Build a Bear and had a recorded voice message put inside it, one where he asked me to marry him! I was so excited and in a state of disbelief for awhile there. But it indeed happened and 4 months later we were married! It was one of the quickest planned weddings ever but it was no less beautiful!!! I still dream of that day when we became One. <3 Our marriage grows continually each day and both of us discover how to love one another more and more. We have God and God alone to thank for all that's happened to us, and pray that everyone who trusts in the Lord will experience the same joy and love we have!
Attached are photos, one of us when we were dating, one when engaged and one when just married :)
Charity & Richie Jul 19, 2011

Because we had told each other that we each wanted to find someone who would put the other in the number two slot on their friend list and keep Jesus as number one, dating became our new way of life.
After three weeks, I proposed and she gladly said, "Yes!" Then on our ten-week anniversary, we got married!!! We firmly believe the Lord wanted us together, and he used this site as a wonderful way for us to find each other.
And because we are now happily married, we together want you to hear the story on what convinced us that "Love at first site" really does exist. May God bless those searching here today; we ask this in the name of our wonderful Lord Jesus who brought us together in very high speed!
Lisa & William Jul 17, 2011
PLEASE! Hear me when I tell you this! I am so grateful for this website! Ya'll helped me to find my "missing other half" of me! I met her here and we are about to be married already! I am so blown away by all that has happened. In the last little while! She' beautiful! And so charming!Lisa and I are together!,... And we are planning to "elope" next week and get married! Photos are forthcoming very soon!! And again,... Thank you for all your help! Without you guys and CDFF,... We would have never met! May our God bless you and keep on doing what you do best!!!
Diane & Dave Jul 16, 2011

We sent a few more emails on here then went to talking on the phone and then we met in person. We never quit seeing each other and after 9 mo of dating he asked me marry him. We were married a little over a year after we first started talking on here.
We are VERY happy in our relationship and marriage and I thank God for sending him my way!! Without your site I would not have met this wonderful wonderful man!!! Thank you so much for blessing us!!
Rachel & Jeremiah Jul 16, 2011

Thank You Christian Dating
Amy & Jeff Jul 15, 2011

Jeff Heider and Amy Shelton
Donna & Brandon Jul 15, 2011

Carol & Dwayne Jul 15, 2011

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