Its funny how God works sometimes...I had just gotten out of a relationship and didnt think there was much hope for me, but I found Alina in my search results one day and decided to send her a note. Well she wrote me back, and we started to chat and the Lord quickly blossomed things between us and I am certain that he has given me the woman I will spend the rest of my life with and raise an awesome family with...thank you to ChristianDatingForFree and to my friend Dawn (also a member on this site) for introducing me!
Robert Aug 24, 2011
I found my soon to be wife on this site!
No need to look any further!
Awesome features, and you don't charge like all the rest of the other dating sites. Keep it up!
Yeah God!!!
Amy & Travis Aug 24, 2011
The Love Connection,
I have heard so many things good and bad about dating websites, but everyone has their own experience. I am here to testify to the instrument which brought the Love of my life into my life. I wanted to find a woman who was of the same faith and of the same mind as me, and through this website, I know I have indeed found "The One" that I cannot live without. I didn't think it was possible to do this and I was very skeptical about it, but in doing so anyways and looking for someone who will share my faith and vision, and also whom I may be able to love in the best and purest sense, I found on this website, Christian Dating for Free. I would not only recommend it to anyone who really is desiring to find love with just the right one!
I believe you must first of all be prayed up and continually asking God to bring the one He has appointed to you, because if God is the Matchmaker, you will be given just the right special person to bring out the best in who you are and to keep you real. This website was brought to me as the instrument by which God used to bring us together! We worked out the rest, asked all the questions to eachother and made it as special as what it is today, we continually pray together and lift up all our hopes, dreams, and goals to the will of God for our lives, because if it is Gods will for you to become one, it will happen for you too. Check your motives and desires, God will bless you with your hearts desire if you put Him first in all you do as we have in our lives.
All my life is now coming full circle now that Amy is in my life, she has been a great friend and inspiration in all I do! I am now the happiest I have ever been, life is now just beginning at 40 for me!
Take a chance, go for it, nothing to loose everything to gain. To all our brothers and sisters in the Faith, God bless
Travis and Amy
Julie & Robert Aug 21, 2011
Dear Christian Dating for Free,
Your site brought me and the love of my life, Robert, together. I had always convinced myself that I would never find true love or someone that could accept me for who I am. My pastor always said that true love is giving someone what they need the most when they deserve it the least. Love is self sacrificing and putting somebody else first. Love should never be a duty but rather a delight. I have always been a shy person, so, I figured that online dating was the solution for me. Here I could get to know people through chatting and really dealing with all of the heavy stuff before even meeting. I didn't think that there was anyone that could handle me or my difficult past, but I was wrong. I met the love of my life here and I couldn't be more grateful! He is on fire for God and we realized that we lived within 30 minutes of each other! Crazy enough we are both adopted and have quite a bit in common including understanding difficult pasts that were beyond our control. Thankfully the Lord brought us together through this site. We are now happily engaged and getting married soon. Thank you so much for bringing us together! May God continue to bestow blessings through this awesome Christian program. God bless and thank you!
In Christ, Julie
Anonymous Aug 19, 2011
Neither of us thought we would really meet someone on the website. It was more like just something to pass time. Aplove27 sent a message and it was magic from there... We met in person and instantly fell in love. We are getting married next year.
Elenka Aug 17, 2011
I'm very grateful to you for your great job - helping people to meet each other here... May God bless you and help you.. At your site I met my future Husband. And we are going to get married this October. Thank you very much once more.
With best wishes to you, Elenka
Anonymous Aug 16, 2011
I met the man of my dreams and a man with a strong foundation in the Lord. He and I have built up a strong friendship over the last year and we have decided to take the next step. Thank you. Your site is great, and I will recommend it to my other single friends!!!!
Glenva & Thomas Aug 14, 2011
Well dear friends I have enjoyed being a member of this site for 2 years now but the time has come to say goodbye! I found a nice christian man that I love dearly right here amongst you all. Thomas Steinhoff and I were married Saturday August 13, 2011. Thank you to all the people whom make this site possible !!!
Martha & Paul Aug 14, 2011
Praise God, finally I met my soulmate from God. God's promise is never failed. He is faithful. Paul & I got married on July 18th, 2011. It is all about God, not about us. Thanks for providing this good dating site for us. For all my friends here, please keep praying and trying..You will find your soulmate here..Never Give Up!! God bless you..-Paul & Martha-
Rob Aug 11, 2011
I thank God for this real site for Christians to meet real Christians! I have met a wonderful woman of God and we are good to go. this site has served its purpose well. Thanks again for the wonderful usefulness of this site. Great experience!