
Eboni & Damion Mar 15, 2019

My Name is Eboni and I met Damion online (July 2014) after us both recently going through divorces and saying we were not looking for a relationship, just friends. Many others on the site were definitely looking for other things and talking a good game (as I say). Once sending a message only to encourage him about a comment he had on his profile, we chatted for hours the first night and hours for the second night and then many many nights after. We met in person very shortly after connecting and began our 3yr long distance relationship. We married in June 2017 and will be coming up on our 2yr wedding anniversary this year. #stayencouraged #therightoneisoutthere #keepGodfirst

The Browns

Elena & Lee Jan 25, 2019

Lee ( Canada) and Elena ( Russia)
Start from our communication, God sent signals affirming more that this was part of Gods plans for thier future lives. In long distance relations, God kept us united and we are developed closer and closer relations and overcoming challenges together. Lee went to Russia four times to visit Elena & they more closely fall in Love. We are married in June 2018.
We are thankful to God that He brought us to each other from across the world and are very thankful to amazing site CDFF.
God bless you,
Lee and Elena

Ekho & Matthew Jan 16, 2019

On May 19th, Ekho contacted me through CDFF. I had been looking for a Christian girl for a few years, but I hadn�t had much luck. I could tell that she loved Jesus after texting with her, but she was in China and I was in Korea, so I didn�t expect anything to come of it.
We texted for a few hours and said, �have a nice day, � and then I just continued with my day. Ekho, however, did the right thing and prayed about it and God told her to send me a video. In the video, she talked about Jesus in her life and sang a worship song. I was blown-away! She was soooo sweet and soooo pretty and had the joy of Jesus in her life. I thought, �This girl is different. This girl knows Jesus! This girl is special.�
I knew immediately that I needed to go see her--and quickly! If I didn�t, some other guy would take her! A week later I flew to Guangzhou to meet her for a very short 24 hours. The best way I could describe the first time I met Ekho is �Wow! What an amazing girl!�
I knew within 24 hours of meeting her that I wanted to marry her, so after three more months I fulfilled my job contract in Korea and moved to Guangzhou, China to be with her.
Relationships are messy and difficult at times. Ekho and I have experienced together what our lives are like when we put God first versus when we put ourselves first. When we put ourselves first or even if we put each other first before God, our love for each other diminishes. We become impatient, angry, unloving, annoyed with each other, and our hearts grow dark. But when we put Jesus first, we have so much love to give each other. So, the most loving thing I can do for Ekho is to put God first in my life. From God�s love filling up and overflowing in my life, loving Ekho is easy.
Jesus brought us together. God actually answered our prayers! Real, direct answers to prayer! Hallelujah! And He gave me the girl of my dreams.
We come from two different cultures, but we have the same values, same spirit, same book (God�s word) to guide us. If my American culture or Ekho�s Chinese culture goes against the Bible, then we will both choose the Bible.
We got married in December--about six months after meeting. We waited to kiss each other until our wedding day to avoid sexual temptation and to honor God. We're very glad we waited and we recommend to others to do the same.
Thank you, CDFF, for providing a great app for Christians men and women to find each other!

Matthew and Ekho

Shanee & Jubilant Jan 7, 2019

After giving up on dating. I prayed and asked God to put the right man for me in my path way. About 4 years ago I deleted all of my dating sites, but for some reason CDFF I could not figure out how to delete it so I just left it up. About 6 months later. I logged in remembering that I had not deleted my profile and was still determined to do so. While I was trying to figure this out I saw a message from Jubilant. I went to his profile to read more about him and we had so much in common. We started talking as friends and then our relationship grew into much more. We dated for 6 months and decided we wanted to get married. We have been married for almost 4 years now and God continues to bless us each day. Thank you CDFF for creating a platform to bring us together.

Jubilant & Shanee

Anonymous Sep 22, 2018

Jubilant & Shanee
After giving up on dating. I prayed and asked God to put the right man for me in my path way. About 4 years ago I deleted all of my dating sites, but for some reason CDFF I could not figure out how to delete it so I just left it up. About 6 months later. I logged in remembering that I had not deleted my profile and was still determined to do so. While I was trying to figure this out I saw a message from Jubilant. I went to his profile to read more about him and we had so much in common. We started talking as friends and then our relationship grew into much more. We dated for 6 months and decided we wanted to get married. We have been married for almost 4 years now and God continues to bless us each day. Thank you CDFF for creating a platform to bring us together 💕

Susan & Scott Aug 10, 2018

Susan and I met on CDFF. After I had a bad experience on another Christian dating website where I was required to pay in order to communicate with others, it was a breath of fresh air to know that CDFF was truly free.
I wanted to find local women, but thought okay, I will see who is online. That was when I came across Susan's profile. Although she was 2000 miles away, we were able to communicate with each other openly and honestly.
We both love the Lord Jesus Christ with all of our heart, soul, and mind. We accepted each other and fell in love with each other in a short time. We kept the marriage bed undefiled as God asked us to and were married in her hometown located in Michigan.
We are so blessed that the Lord Jesus Christ brought us together!

Susan & Scott

Madolyn & Seth Aug 3, 2018

Hello everyone! I am Christiangirl224 aka Madolyn and I met my boyfriend, Sethherod aka Seth, on this amazing app! I hope our success story encourages you to keep looking for your soulmate. We started chatting in early September of 2017. As the conversations continued we could see our relationship progressing and by September 16 he asked me to be his girlfriend. Our only problem and still today is that we are 4 hours apart. We were about to give up because we felt it was impossible to have a long distance relationship, but we prayed and prayed hoping we would understand soon. God told us to stick it out because he had bigger things planned for us. And boy did he ever. In October, Seth told me he loved me and we were able to meet in December. We shared our first kiss before we left. By January, Seth told me he could see me as �the one�. And on June 15th, 2018 he gave me a promise ring that I will cherish forever. And we are about to come up on our 1 year anniversary in 2 months. Time sure does fly 💕We have met each other�s families and even been apart of family vacations. God guided me to my best friend and the love of my life through this app. Through Him we have a solid foundation in our relationship. We put God first and each other second. As of now we get to see each other as often as we can as well as talk 20x a day. Within a year or so he will move closer so we can be together more often. We are already planning a wedding and life together even though we have years to plan. ❤️ I love him so much and I know he loves me just the same.( Although he argues he loves me more 😄). I pray that this story will help someone see that God has a plan for each of us and He has in mind your other half. But this app is a great way to look
❤️. God Bless You and your search for love.
Love Seth and Madolyn

Jenilyn & Steven Jul 23, 2018

Goodmorning cdff steven d.kelly & me Jenilyn liangco eslabon met in your site last year 2017 . Our Love story begins with God center Relationship. I want to share you our love story & in behalf of my bf & my future husband Steven D. Kelly( he was died 2 days ago 😭 & he always told me he wants to go home with Jesus) anyway our love story will never end because he remain in my heart forever & i know in God's perfect timing we will be together in Heaven ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Here is our some photos sharing our love, laughter & cheeky smile 😂) I give you permission to post my message & as well as my picture to inspire also cdff member that your site is using by God to build a real love even far away & God is Love & unconditional. Glory to God because Steve & I Love is made in Heaven. Again thank you very much CDFF in behalf of my beloved my boyfriend.my bestfriend, my future husband & my mr. Kelly ❤️❤️❤️ our wedding song is I got u babe

Jenilyn & Steven

Alice & Fabio Jul 19, 2018

Fabio and I would like to thank Christiandatingforfree for the great opportunity to be able to meet and now sharing our lives together.
Please find attached pictures when Fabio proposed and after that we had an engagement service in my church and our wedding is coming up soon.

We plan to have our traditional wedding In my country Zambia and thereafter we will have a civic wedding in his country Belgium.

Fabio first visited me in December 2017 and this year April and I visited him the last week of June up to the 1st week of July this month.

Alice & Fabio

Lashanda & Jajuan May 31, 2018

I truly needed a friend and I can say that I have found one. Also a lover, a motivator, encourager, supporter and so much more. We have been together for almost 4 years now and married for 2 years. We became the best of friends and got extremely comfortable with each other. We could be ourselves around each other, not putting on a front. I truly believe that God brought us together. Thank you CDFF!
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