Linda & Roland Oct 5, 2011

We thought of it this way. It you have a list of 10 things. The first one on your list is When you find someone and start chatting you smile. Then you find you have a few things in common.
Hey lets meet, traveling the distance as neither of us lived near one another we thought yea, we have a new friend, maybe one who will pray for us etc, That was two out of two.
When we found we had three things we started looking at each other as a possibility of dating even though there was a distance.
Four things, well we talked, wrote letters, saw each other a little more. and thought this might be a serious dating partner.
Five things, lets look a little closer.
Six things Could this be the one?
Seven Things, Really Lord?
Eight things, you start thinking marriage
Nine things? Well you start talking marriage
But when you find all the things you have asked and prayed about for over twenty years. Things you never told anyone other than God himself. Personal things, ministry callings, little bonuses u dreamt of. When you find your journals line up to the month and years on these specifics then it no longer becomes a question of is this the one God, but you find yourself saying Yes, Lord. Time is no longer an option. There are no more questions remaining, but you take the leap of faith. And that is where we ended up. On September 28 we married. I still live in a different geographical area. We are waiting for the doors to open for a job transfer and a place to live, and for fianances etc. but there is no longer the thing of being alone in this world. We have a help mate. We arent sure how or when but we will be together. If anyone inquires as to our traveling to see one another unchaparoned, well we are now married. We are just awaiting on God to bring us together.... Please be praying for us. And Can God? Yes, beyond our most intimate details and prayers, God has always heard and been mindful even of the littleset things. For you, dont compromise your core values or beliefs. Keep Matthew 6 in Mind. Seek after the Lord. Put Him First. Wait on Him. As for woman, a special word to you, A woman should be so hard to find that the only way she is found is when the man seeks after God himself in order to find her. Stay true to yourself. Stay true to your walk with God. And never loose hope.