Ann & Nick Dec 6, 2011

We (Nick and Ann) would like to share the good news with everyone here on CDFF and thank the Lord for using such a tool to bring each other into our lives...
I joined CDFF on August 20 2010 and it was a joke for me because i needed a place to pass the time and make new friends but nothing serious...Two months after i had joined which is November 20 2010, I met Nick and he sent me a was a short but i felt challenged to know who this person really was...So i replied and coincidentally, i decided to visit the chat room that day and there he we talked and like they say the rest is history...But what stood out for me was the fact that he was is expected that since this is a christian site, everyone on here should be a christian but so many are not and are hiding under flag of Christianity but like the Bible says, you will see a christian by the fruits they bear...We started our relationship off with friendship and Bible study...
A month later which was 26th December 2010, he asked me to be his girlfriend and i said yes...We continued doing Bible study through out and that helped us to focus on the Lord and make him the priority in our lives and through Bible study too, we learned so much about each other...We continued with our relationship based on emails and chat sessions and 4 months after we had met, he asked if he could call me and asked for my phone number and he called me two days later...But surprisingly, it wasnot as either of us had expected because of so many reasons, we were both nervous and being that we are so far apart, the connection was bad and the call was not so clear, the accents were also another problem but the second time round, it was so much better and the rest is history...
We continued courting through emails, chat and the phone calls were a new addition and Bible study remained the same between us and we continued to pray together on Chat and email...
When we celebrated our 6 months anniversary, we discussed meeting in person and on our 7 months anniversary, he told me he would come down to see me sometime later...And 6 days to our 8 month anniversary, he told me he was flying out to visit me...and he arrived on our 8 month anniversary and my family and I picked him up from the airport....and i was so nervous...that must have been the longest and most nervous wait at the airport...But when i saw him, all my nervousness seemed to disappear and we talked on the journey from the airport....actually he talked but i said a few words and since he was so taken by my family my mom, grandmother and sister, i looked on as he made friends with everyone instantly....
He stayed for 5 weeks in my home country and we spent some quality time together, had good memories we shared together as a couple and with my family too...We went places, to my church, and toured alot and since mine is a warm country, he loved it here...We celebrated our 9 month anniversary together and it was very special because we were both there and 6 days later, he had to leave...and that was so sad for both of us and my family too because we were all used to having him around...But God is good...I missed him so much for the first month he left....I still miss him because he is so far away but i am thankful that we got to meet in person and everything went well and we talk often on phone and still email and chat a lot...
The key to our relationship is God(being number one in our lives always), love, trust, honesty and communication. Recently which is 1 month 20days ago today,On 15th October 2011, he proposed on the phone when he called and i said yes...We are now engaged and that was 5 days to our 11 month anniversary and coincidentally it was my sister's birthday...We celebrated our one year anniversary on 20th November 2011....We thank the Lord for the CDFF team and give all glory and honor to the Lord for our relationship, our families, and CDFF because it is free...May the Lord bless you all,
To everyone on here still searching, don't give up yet, the Lord has someone in store for everyone of us and someone designed perfectly for you...Just hang in there...Love exists and God answers prayers like he did for Nick and I...
Thank you Lord for letting our paths cross when they did and Thank you CDFF for making this experience worthwhile for us, a christian free site...God bless you all
With Love
Nick and Ann