We met on CDFF 2 years ago, we started chatting and became fast friends. We visited each other twice and on our second visit we got married! We are both thankful to God and to this website for bringing us together, we are very happy!
jona & marc Feb 3, 2012
she is beautiful inside and out
when i'm with her i feel whole
this is the girl i've been praying for
and we love each other so much
we plan on getting married and starting a family
God is so good !!!
thanks CDFF we will always treasure you
thank you LORD for giving us each other ! :D
Susan & Chris Feb 3, 2012
My husband and I met on this site August of 2010. Both of us were tired of the whole dating thing. We were both giving up and decided to put it in Gods hands. We knew that we couldn't do it on our own. We said that if God had someone out there for us, then, he will have to put them in our paths. So, on the same day, my husband and I were going to delete our accounts. But, before I deleted mine, I saw that I had some winks from a couple of guys. My husband was one of them. (The funny thing is, he does not remember ever winking at me! Must have been God!) So, I checked out his profile and I liked what I saw. I messaged him and he replied back within a couple of mins. We messaged each other back and forth for a couple hours. Then, we decided to get each others phone numbers. He called me and we talked for 5 hrs and 5mins. (5 happens to be my favorite number... LOL) We met each other the next day and went to church together and ate dinner afterwards. We have been in-seperable ever since. On October 16,20110, my husband proposed to me!! We got married May 7, 2011. I know we didn't date for very long before we got engaged, but, its because we know without a doubt that God put us together and that we are meant for each other. When we finally gave everything to God and stopped trying to find "the one", that's when God put us together. Both my husband and I tried other dating sites, but, it did not work for us. This one did. The thing that I love so much about this site, it is 100% free. Nothing else was. I praise God that I finally met my husband! I could ask God for a better match for me. God knew what he was doing, I didn't.
angelissima Feb 2, 2012
found him thanks!!!
will send u a wedding invite.................................
love u guys for helping me find him
wow in a week!!!!!
God is good and gives me all the deisres of my heart
Jona & Marc Feb 1, 2012
we love each other so much
and we have many things in common
we get along and we had so much fun
i met him on this site on august,2011 and we meet in person just this January
im from philippines and he is from canada
we are planning to get married on his second visit
hopefully next year!
thanks God!
thank you CDFF
God bless you!
Sheri & Bobby Feb 1, 2012
Because of CDFF, I found the man God had for me. I saw TheAntiBob's picture and was intrigued, so I looked at his profile and emailed him. We talked online for a while and took it to the next level by phone. We talked on the phone until Thanksgiving and decided it was either time to meet, or we make the decision to stop talking. When we met, we knew this was what we were supposed to do. After dating a short while, we decided to get married. We eloped right before Christmas and will have our official ceremony for family and friends in April. Our life together has been blessed and enriched with so many good things. If it weren't for CDFF, I'm not sure if I would've met this man!
katcha1205 Feb 1, 2012
Thank you very much for making us used this site for free. I already met my partner here and we plan to marry this year. I know that you have helped others too in finding their match.
Go bless you more.....
Ashley & Tyler Feb 1, 2012
Last winter, I signed up for a profile on the Christian Dating for Free website. I honestly did not expect anything to really come out of it...maybe a few friendships but nothing more than that. After praying that God would lead me to the right man, Ty contacted me through the website. I knew right away that he was something special. After messaging back and forth for a while, we decided to meet in person and have been together ever since. We are now planning a wedding for June and feel so incredibly blessed to have each other. Thank you so much Christian Dating for Free for allowing people like us to have the opportunity to meet amazing Christian people!!! We are truly blessed.
rio & eric Jan 31, 2012
Our love story timeline:
July 2, 2010 - we started talking here on CDFF and continue everyday through
and yahoo
Sept 18-28, 2010 - we met for real and spend time together
Jan 2011 - applied for my fiance visa
Sept 2011 - visa approved
NOVEMBER 28, 2011 - OFFICIALLY HITCHED! and now living together happily in TN!
Thanks CDFF STAFF for this free site.
sasharenee1 & Aaronlongmaurice Jan 30, 2012
Aaronlongmaurice and I are together and are planning a wedding this year. Thanks for this site