Elma & Christian Feb 25, 2012

and for those members here who have not yet found their soulmates, never lose hope! Just keep on praying..
God bless you all!..
Looking4U_1701 Feb 25, 2012
8 months ago the most wonderful woman I have ever met contacted me on this site. We are now engaged to be married. Thank you for your help, and may God reward others that are using this site.Amelia & Stephen Feb 24, 2012

Julia & Oral Feb 22, 2012

Rebecca & Joe Feb 21, 2012

new2scene & angelalvira9905 Feb 21, 2012

Josie & Ashraf Feb 20, 2012

To the light of my eyes & the reason for my love of life JOSIE
When I joined CDFF I never thought in a million years that an Egyptian Christian man would wink at me. But one did. When I read his testimonial I fell in love. I thought to myself, Is there really a possibility that a relationship with such great distance, be possible. Well, seven months later I can say for a fact that this relationship was possible. Why? Because we bridged the gap of distance and the culture differences with love. How could something so wonderful be possible? With God\'s grace all things are possible. When Ashraf first expressed his love to me, I prayed to the Lord for guidance. He removed all concerns and worries from my heart. My family argued against my going to a foreign country. I told them to read Genesis 24. Rebekah left her family and friends to go to a foreign country. Without hesitation she left.
God freed my spirit with this chapter. It was not an easy road that I took, but at the end of my travels I found the most tender man, with a great love for the Lord. By the way, in Egypt, for an Egyptian to turn from Muslim to Christian is punishable by imprisonment or even death.
We were married the 18th of February 2012. It is not an easy thing to marry in Egypt as an American. The Lord removed all obstacles, and made the way rather easy to accomplish.
We are so happy and we are both thankful that God brought us together by CDFF.
CDFF was the servant in Genesis 24 that came after me. Thank you God for providing the means for your children to unite in marriage.
Donald Feb 17, 2012
God has brought me more joy then I thought possible through your site. He has truly blessed me with a woman of virtue and it started with a wink right here on CDFF. God is good and to all others out there still looking be honest and true to your self and put God first and you will find happiness.christine & mike Feb 17, 2012

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