
Josefina & Dave Jun 26, 2019

We started communicating on CDFF the first week in June 2017 and met at Starbucks June 8, 2017. We immediately liked each other, and we seemed to have the same background of reformed theology. Our first date was the next day, and when I picked up Josefina up, I met her daughter and then she gave me a box of brownies with a ribbon and bow around it (I still have that ribbon and bow in my office today to this day). We went to Dave�s church, Perimeter Church in Johns Creek, to feed the ducks at the lake and talk. We had a lot of fun that day, the ducks liked all the bread, and Dave gave me a tour of the church, and then we had dinner that evening at Longhorn Steaks. We were quite taken with each other and saw each other daily from that point until now.
We began to meet Dave�s church family and Josefina�s family. As we saw more of each other and met one another�s family and friends, we were sure that we had met that special person we all pray for the Lord to bring into our life. We married that year and are both members at Perimeter Church and are involved in several ministries together. We both work from our home, so we are with each other all day every day and we count that as a blessing! Earlier this year we traveled to the Dominican Republic and Dave was able to meet all of Josefina�s family.
We thank CDFF for providing us the opportunity to connect and meet. It is now June of 2019 and we continue to grow in our relationship with Christ and with each other. We are more in love now than when we met!

Dave & Josefina

wendy & Adam Jun 12, 2019

We met on CDFF in Outober of 2017. We had both come out praying to find a "real person" and just looking for a fresh start. We had many challenges.We got married on May 2019. Thanks all Cdff's Crew for give us opportunity to be connected .

Wendy & Adam Jun 9, 2019

We got married, praise the lord, we started with many challenges, trials , towards , but the lord gave us opportunity to deal with . Thank cdff site, gave chance to met and begin a family in God.

Anonymous May 1, 2019

Where to begin? Althea and I met spring of 2018 here on CDFF. I’m from the US and she’s from Guyana South America. We started off messaging each other and then we went to Facebook video about a month or so later. We spoke every day on video, we prayed together, and studied the word together as well. We became serious about our relationship over the summer. We had made plans a few times to meet in person but God has other plans. He wanted us to wait til the time was right. So, on March 5th 2019 I flew down to South America and we finally met in person and were married on the 9th. We are truly blessed to have each other in our lives. We love each other so very much and even more importantly we love God and make Him the center of our marriage. Thank you CDFF for providing a free place for Christians to find that special someone God has out there for them. Keep up the good work. Always remember that Jesus is always faithful to do as He promises.

Kathleen & Joseph Apr 24, 2019

As of this month 10 years ago, Joseph and I met on CDFF. We had each joined the site only a few days prior to responding to each other. Though we were in different geographic states (5+ hours apart), our emails quickly turned into e-novels, lengthy phone calls, and then a face-to-face meeting that would change our lives forever. From the day we first met (which happened on the date of his parents' wedding anniversary), there was never a doubt that we were meant to be together. We had some logistical obstacles to hurdle so that we could live near each other, but God opened those doors also, in perfect succession, and within a few months we were residing in neighboring towns. I went through several years of medical issues but Joseph was always with me, supporting, encouraging and loving me. We had known very early on in our relationship we would get married, but I wanted to wait until I was feeling better. Once that occurred, we were more than ready to become husband and wife! After a sweet proposal at Crater Lake, which was blanketed in glittering snow, we married on lovely Orcas Island in the San Juans. This October we will be celebrating our 5th year of marital bliss and I wanted to share our beautiful story with everyone on the site. We give all credit and glory to God, our Heavenly Father, for bringing us together to travel this journey we call Life. Only He could have known the exact type of person that Joseph and I needed. Most people know what they want but often don't realize what it is they truly need. God designed each of us individually, uniquely, and He knows us more intimately than we will ever know ourselves. Joseph and I both say that we not only found what we wanted in a spouse, we received what we needed: a person with different strengths so that our halves would make a more complete and stronger whole. We both feel so blessed and grateful for God's work in our lives as a couple, from the very beginning, the following years, and currently, as we walk hand-in-hand down the path that has been specially created for us. Thank you, CDFF for providing a way for Christians to find each other in a safe, clean, positive, Christian-based environment. We recommend this site to every Christian we meet who is seeking a spouse. Thank you again, and God bless each of you in your quest or in your new marriage! (Photos are: the first time we met; the day we got engaged; our wedding day)

Lela & John Apr 13, 2019

As soon as Pastor John and I meet we will get pictures together and tell our story. But you can publish this first part of our story if you rewrite it for me. Thank you.
We texted for first few weeks then he started calling me every night from 7pm--10pm. But he is sure God brought us together and so am I. He is a good man who had to become homeless after losing his wife, son, and home. He was living on the street with nothing. This very inteligent man could not get a job without an address. His sister and brother would not help him. Alcohol and drugs and hiting rock bottom brought him to finding our Lord Jesus. This man talks to our Lord while arrested and treated like he was in another country. Guilty until proven innocent. Yes in the US. Sad to say. When you are poor and have nothing This is how you are treated. After Pastor John found our Lord Jesus he got back on his feet. He lives near Chicago. I live down state near Peoria, ILL. Neither one of us have much money so that has kept us from meeting yet. He works on his motorcycle and his car so he can hopefully come meet me in May. Truly hope you rewrite this and publish it to let people see this dear sweet pastor had to hit rock bottom before he found our Lord and then he was lead to your dating site. On this Christian dating site we met around the 20th of March. No doubt we are meant to be a couple here on earth and in heaven when Jesus comes. Our phone calls every evening is bringing us closer together. You can get to know someone talking to them nightly rather than texting each other. Please keep us in your prayers. We are an older couple that believes in the whole Bible and believes in LIVING THE 10 COMANDMENTS. Please pray for us and GOD Bless Your Dating Site that brought this wonderful Man into my life.

Lela & John

Anonymous Apr 13, 2019

We are both thankful to God for he makes all things beautiful. God wrote one of the best love story we have experienced. It is a Very long story. We met, 2014, one year of courtship online, he flew here, proposed on his Bday, and married by 2015. My man is from TX and I'm from the Philippines. He flew by faith and moved here. We both serve God in a local church here! God bless this website!

(we both deleted our account here but as I remember my name was missjheil and his was littlebaker. haha!)

Elena & Nick Mar 25, 2019

Hello. We want to thank the creators of the site for the opportunity to meet two hearts completely from different continents. Elena from the Czech Republic, Nick from America. We bless everyone who wants to marry to meet the right person.

Anonymous Mar 20, 2019

Hello CDFF! I want to share our story of how Issa777 and Oma_90 fell deeply in love. We started chatting on CDFF and after a couple of weeks we decided to meet. We exchanged phone numbers and later after talking on the phone for days we decided to meet face to face for a coffee. It was love at first site, we are so much the same it freaked us out lol. When we parted that day we hugged, we decided that we like each other a lot and that we are going to continue seeing each other. Weeks later we are deeply in love and miss each other so much when we are apart from one another. We are now planning on future events of an engagement and moving in together as we plan our life as a couple. My advice is don't give up and you too will find your special someone.

Michele Mar 18, 2019

Here's my story of what I am ever so thankful to have from this dating site! Greetings, my name's Michele, I'm from Sacramento,CA. I joined this dating site over 2 yr's. ago, & thankfully found the love of my life from Strasbourg, France! We began a serious relationship last yr., & are intending on finally meeting soon!
We've also communicated by email, & video too, but we've kept our account's open here as it's actually easier for keeping in touch rather than by email & such. It's great this site has multiple options to select for what we're looking for, I've changed my selection to prayer partner, as certainly that's what all believer's already do, as apposed to just selecting "friend", because then the Word may not be such a priority of their topic, as is mine. It's also very nice to be able to upload 8 pic's. at no charge! It's is nice there's multiple selection's given to select from on what you're looking for, from religion, church, attendance, including the option, "other", which is thankfully given too, that I've selected, because I don't follow any man-made religion or attend any man-made church system's either. You may wonder then why am I here, as a couple members have also. Well I was raised Catholic, then became Christian as an adult, but now that I've learned we're supposed to come out of spiritual Babylon, which means confus ion, & is the term to refer to all man-made religion's & church system's, which is what Scripture is referring to when saying to,."come out of her MY people", but I thought I'd still remain, because I am a believer, & desiring to only fellowship with like-minded believer's. The Cdff team are also great at keeping this a safe place, by removing those who break the rules by banning people using inappropriate language, & or scammer's, or don't follow any of the other rules listed. Way to go Cdff team, much appreciated! I encourage & hope the very best to all of you who are considering, or have joined! Yahuah baruch you all!

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