Josefina & Dave Jun 26, 2019

We began to meet Dave�s church family and Josefina�s family. As we saw more of each other and met one another�s family and friends, we were sure that we had met that special person we all pray for the Lord to bring into our life. We married that year and are both members at Perimeter Church and are involved in several ministries together. We both work from our home, so we are with each other all day every day and we count that as a blessing! Earlier this year we traveled to the Dominican Republic and Dave was able to meet all of Josefina�s family.
We thank CDFF for providing us the opportunity to connect and meet. It is now June of 2019 and we continue to grow in our relationship with Christ and with each other. We are more in love now than when we met!
Dave & Josefina