This website wasnt much for delivering genuinly Godly and attractive men. Until John came along. I found his profile one night and sent him a message. He got back to me a couple weeks later. He gave me his phone number and told me text him in the message. We started texting and hit it off SOOO well. We both know that God put us together and that he has an awesome plan for both of us. The next weekend John decided to come visit me 3 hours away. And we fell madly in love immediately. Thank you CDFF. You really came through for me.
nichole & John Mar 26, 2012
I met the girl of my dreams! Thank you CDFF!
Agnetta & Brian Mar 25, 2012
June 15th 2011 was the day I found my true love. I have been looking for the right man. A man who will share ever single happiness and sadness with me. A man who will treasure every last bit of me. Thank you CDFF,you were our bridge. You let us meet and now, we are the happiest couple ever!
Brian and his Mom came to Jakarta to see me on March 17th. Ever since, we are attached to the hips and shoulders! He is the greatest man I have ever met and will ever meet.
And now.. We\\\'re engaged!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you and God bless you all :)
Stella Marie & John Mar 24, 2012
I signed up this site last week of Aug 2011..Within just few days (Sept.3,2011) a guy sent me a message and we started to exchange messages everyday...After a week I asked him if i can see him on cam and he granted my request..It wasn't love at first chat for me..But for him,it is...He started courting me & made me feel so special..I have seen how serious he is talking to me everyday for 4-6 hrs a day...yes!everyday!with no lates!from then on i fell on him and love him more each day...
February 13th at 10:40pm he arrived at Manila International Airport...We celebrated Valentines Day together and until now we are on each others arms..We are happy and thankful that we found each other thru CDFF...God gave us a way to find our perfect match...I am now on the process of my annulment and waiting for it to be done so in God's will we can get married...I love my John so much...He make me smile each day...He's relocating here & will stay with me forever...Thank you CDFF and I wish there will be more successful couples to meet on your website!
amy & stephen Mar 24, 2012
Hi,i just want to let cdff know that me &amy are together now.we are so thankful for this,its been a long time coming for us.&now god has brought us together forever.she is a sweet young lady,i promise to take care of her for life,that means until we go home in heaven.peace to all of you on here looking to find the right one,well jesus will sure bring them to you in his time,we both had to wait until it was his time,his time was today,amen,amen.god bless cdff always.
stephen & amy
Michele & Jim Mar 20, 2012
Jim and I met on here the end of Nov.2011. Jim lives in Colorado and I lived in Tennessee. We talked and met each other in Jan.2012 and we both knew what was already felt in our hearts that we were for each other given by God. We both had been praying and trusting the Lord. We got married on Feb.21, 2012. We could not have met if wasn't for this site and how God used it to bring us together. We had both checked out other sites but we both feel this one was the one best committed to being a christian dating site. We want to say thank you very much .
The Lord has continued to guide us and bless our marriage and we are so happy and thankful to Him. May you have many sucess stories on here!!
God Bless!!
Jim and Michele
Anonymous Mar 17, 2012
Be not an equally yoked with the unbeliever!...this site is an instrument for what God wants to His children in finding a partner. It is your mission and ministry!
I thank you for being an instrument on this area of my life. God allowed me to have this God fearing man's attention. We both confess that it is only God who made the way for both of us to meet and have a Godly covenant and we are praying that God will prepare us for a Godly marriage!
To God be the glory and thank you so much!
Bful20 Mar 16, 2012
Thank you for you wonderful website! I have found someone special and it looks like marriage will be in our future! Thank you once again! God Bless you all!!!
timberlake3 Mar 15, 2012
I found my wonderful wife online..Even though she is in the Philippines. God is working it all out. We were married in January and I am going through the immigration process now. So dont lose heart, God is good. Amen
Brittany & Jordan Mar 14, 2012
Dear CDFF Users,
We both never had thought we would find someone, but God proved us wrong. Jordan was on this site for about a year and I was on this site for two years and we both wanted to give it up because it felt like nothing was happening. I was going to delete my profile the day Jordan had sent me a message. I had read his message and sent one back and praying to God something would happen. So after a couple of weeks of talking we had become a couple with a long distance relationship. In September 2011 we had met for the first time in person and we had felt like we knew each other forever. So we both were going back and forth seeing each other. Then in January 2012 he proposed to me. We are now planning a wedding for September 2012.
We thank CDFF for the site and thank the Lord for bringing us together because we are truly each others better half and go together like peas and carrots.
Advice to give you is to never give up even though it seems like nothing is happening. Trust in the Lord and ask, seek and knock continually and He will open the doors for you.