Morgan & John May 3, 2012

We were both lead to a Christian dating site, at www.ChristianDatingForFree.com
We chatted some, but within the first couple of weeks found we had come to realize we had found something special. We eventually moved over to facebook to exchange daily conversations.
For Rest of Story Click on our Wedding Page http://uw.theknot.com/view/9663495250199072/7781326
Jona & Marc May 3, 2012

God is using you CDFF
May God bless you
we made this fun Dougie video together hehehe enjoy!!
Christine & Robert May 3, 2012

Thank you Jesus!
Joy May 3, 2012
Hello my name is Joy and over a year ago I joined the site and met my husband to be matthew. We will be getting married July 7 th so thank you for providing good christian fellowship. Thank you.gymrat222 May 3, 2012
I have found someone very special on this site. Thank you so muchLucy May 3, 2012
Thank God for CDFF, thank CDFF for the site makes it possible for me to find Godly partner. Thanks again!!God bless you all!!!
Elisa & Dustin May 2, 2012

An hour after signing up I got a message in my Inbox from RomansTwelve2! Hmm... I read his message and smiled how breezy it sounded and checked his profile. A few things caught my eye, his profile was filled with how much he loved the Lord and he was in the military, his photos made me smile as he was the exact kind of man I have always been attracted too and not only that but he was living in Hawaii! My dream island! But... what sealed the deal that I wanted to message back this stranger was one particular picture: He holding a puppy... Yes, Gentlemen... Puppies are good bait. :)
I messaged him back and we communicated via online (including messenger) for a few days until he asked me if he may call me and after that we were talking pretty much everyday as good friends for 5 months.
May 2011 He came to visit for the first time with his mother (it was during Mothers Day) and His mom and I hit it off! We were giggling and laughing and getting along great. But yet He and I didn't hit off right away. So I told him we should just be friends which he respected...
We would talk randomly during the summer months but he went his way I went mine. Talking with different people trying to see who we should be with...
Then Dec. 2011 (nearing our one year of the first time he messaged me) we out of no where began talking more often then usual, he then asked me one day "Can this go somewhere? Can you give me a chance?" I was shocked at his boldness, I've noticed he wasn't as passive anymore he was more assertive and bold and that was beginning to be attractive to me... I told him I needed to pray about it (as relationships is something to be very careful about). I didn't give him an answer until the end of december when I just was not sure and told him "we have to only be friends" but he shocked me, he wouldn't give up! He said "Are you very very sure... do you need more time to pray?" I was now VERY unsure if I was going a correct answer so i waited until that evening until I told him "yes let us be in a relationship"...
Now, it was a brand new thing to us as we were only very very close friends for a year so this was an awkward time for us... about a week later we both came to the conclusion we were just not ready for a relationship to eachother. We went back to friendship.
March of this year he came to visit again to see if there really was a chance with eachother. He came for only 24 hours (spent one day with me)... I was very careful with my heart so I was sortof distant throughout our date that saturday. That evening at my favorite beach he asked me again "Will you give me a chance?", I was being so careful with my heart I was afraid to have it broken, I told him "I'm sorry dustin. We just can't pass that friendship into love. We can only be friends." In the car he whispered "The day is not over yet."...
That night while watching a movie with my parents he snuggled up to me and laid his arm around me and held me throughout the movie. I melted, right there I took a chance and fell in love with him! After the movie we prayed but something happened... He was unsure if we should jump into a relationship. My heart sank as I wanted all in or all out. I began to cry and he too began to cry wondering why we are holding ourselves back from something that is obviously from the Lord!
The next morning upon driving him to the airport we were silent.
While waiting in security line He whispered "This cannot be it. This is not it, right?" I just let tears slide down my face and kissed him on the cheek goodbye... right at the entrance of security I kissed his cheek again and said "Good bye, Dustin." and stepped to the side to watch him off, my mind was already made up to move forward, my heart was holding out hope for him still...
Upon crossing the security line he paused and bowed his head with eyes closed to the puzzlement of those around him, he then turned to me and said authoritatively "Elisa, Come here." I went to him and he held me and i looked at him questioningly and he brushed lightly his lips on mine (not a kiss but a soft brush that made me melt) and whispered "I do not want this to end" and went past security, when I turned around to leave a lady in the line with tears in her eyes said out loud "This is better then a romance movie!" and a few people were cheering and clapping as all this was done in front of them. That was the beginning of a relationship... (2 weeks later the Lord blessed me with finances to visit him in Hawaii). We have been courting for less then 2 months... until...
A few days ago (April 28) He proposed to me! We are now getting married September 15, 2012!
Thank you CDFF for this website! I have not only made special friends and memories from this dating site but I found the Love of my Life an hour after signing on for the very first time! God bless you so much!
Mucho Lilo Love! Ciao!
Chie & Ben May 1, 2012

Ana & Jonathan May 1, 2012

God has bless me with Love of a beautiful woman and a close friend.
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