Jen & Adam Jun 6, 2012

John Jun 5, 2012

Breanna & Brendan Jun 5, 2012

Pauliina & Kenny Jun 5, 2012

Clara & Mike Jun 3, 2012

Jennifer & Elwiss May 29, 2012

Rowena & Jeff May 29, 2012

I just wanted to write my testimonial about this web-site.
I joined this web-site after my cousin discovered it and admitedly I was very sceptical about joining thinking this site couldn't really be any different than the others except that it is free could it?
I had the chance to chat with single christian women locally and afar, some just once and others a few times.
I was on the site for about a year without any luck and the only women that was writing to me were women from other countries.
I spoke to them but never felt like it wasnt right because my beliefs and theirs weren't even close enough to consider them.
My heart burned that a man and woman must be equally yoked so I continued to search and even gave up but didn't delete my profile.
At one time I even wrote "No Women Outside Of The U.S." on my profile.
Then one day while I was browsing the profiles, I came across a profile of this woman whom I found very attractive.
I almost didn't open her profile, then decided too, why not?
I read that she was an Aerobic Instructor and she was 8 years younger than me and she lived in the Phillipines.
I wrote to her thinking she wouldn't write back to me but thinking if she doesn't that is ok also.
She wrote back and she was surprisingly sincere.
I wrote to her requesting her e-mail address so that we could communicate off the site and she told me "NO!" which surprised me!
She explained that the web-site recommended not giving out her e-mail address until she really got to know who she was writing too.
We exchanged letters over a time period and eventually she gave me her e-mail address.
We spend a lot of time on Skype and I honestly found it shocking from the first time we spoke in real time on Skype that she wanted to pray before hanging up.
I never met a woman who wanted to pray like that and we've been doing that everyday since.
I kept telling myself I wasn't going to travel outside the U.S. to meet anyone.
The more I got to know of this woman, the more I admired her and found myself telling myself you can't let this one slip between your fingers.
I needed to come up with money to travel but where could I do that?
I have to say that God showed me that he is a provider since he provided the money to travel.
I went over to the Phillipines to meet her and the rest of the family in Sept 2011.
Once I got back, I started the paperwork to bring her to the U.S. on a fiance visa.
Well, we were approved on the May 25th and she is flying to the U.S. to marry me in the next two weeks.
Thank You CDFF, I can't begin to tell you how happy I am with your web-site!!
Svetlana & Steve May 25, 2012

In June of last year I was on the CDFF website, honestly after not having much success I decided to look past the US, when I came to the Russian Federation I looked at profile after profile. When I came upon Svetlana's profile I scanned it and moved on, I got a few profiles past hers and God clearly said go back. So I did, when God tells me to do something I obey. When I looked into her eyes I knew right away this was the gal God had for me. As I put together a message to her I remember praying that she would be open to a long distance relationship. When I sent it off I wasn't sure I would hear back from her. Praise God, I did hear back from her. It was the beginning of 5 months of e-mails and talking on Skype. After this time I told her that I wanted to come visit her in Russia. One month later at Christmas time I was in Russia and proposing to my future wife. We both knew that things would be hard, but realized that it was worth waiting until I could return again for us to marry. At this point I want to say to all the guys on CDFF, if God is in it, then he will help you work out the details. He did for me, a lot of what happened I could have never accomplished in a million years. We serve an incredible God.
One month ago, 10 months after we met, we got married here in Russia. We want to thank CDFF for making possible for us to have found each other half away around the world from one another. I God can do it for us, He can do it for you. Remember, all things are possible with God. We love you all and pray that you find the love of your life here at CDFF.
Kerri & Daniel May 25, 2012
I wanted to let you know that my husband and I met on here in September and now we're married! So I want to say Thank you!!!First | << Previous 10 | Page : 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 | Next 10 >> | Last |