In 2016 I was going through a very traumatic time. A friend told me about this website and told to me to look at it. I was looking at it and I received a few messages but none of them seemed right. Then I recieved a message from Bill and something told me to talk to him. I now am convinced it was God directing me. He lived in Ohio and I was in the middle of relocating from South Dakota to Arizona. He was my angel in disguise. His messages got me through a very difficult time. He was understanding,patient and loving. After talking for about 2 years he moved to Arizona to be near me. After dating and seeing how much my kids loved him i knew he was my future husband. On June 5th 2020 we were married. It was a beautiful wedding and I thank God and CDFF for helping us find each other. This picture is our wedding day. Thank you so much!
Katy & Reuben May 28, 2020
Who would have thought l would meet my bestfriend on this site!? It is possible guys! God can work through anything! I was only on here for a day and my husband found me. I just set up my profile,stood firm in my beliefs, morals and prayed for discerment. Turns out when he contacted me we we're equally yoked and a great match. This was definitely holy spirit lead because we got so many supernatural confirmations that this was the right one. When it flows like that, it's from God! So don't knock this way of meeting people guys just pray, be smart, and be safe 🙏❤️
Katy & Reuben
Anonymous Apr 13, 2020
Hello everyone first off I want to say don't lose hope there is definitely someone out there for you, always keep that in mind: God will lead you to the one you're meant to be with. Well here it is our story: I met my amazing wife almost 2 years ago because of this site and I couldn't be anymore grateful, she is the most amazing person I have ever met and it's all thanks to cdff. We met on my first day on the site I know it sounds crazy but it's true while in the main time she was surfing on the site for months without success, it's all thanks to God for guiding us to each other I never expected to actually find someone here and that quickly honestly but all the glory is to God. I don’t know what I would do without this amazing woman by my side, she’s just the best person ever. At first I was hesitant to talk to her because like I said I didn't think I'd actually find someone but I did haha and well she messaged me first and I responded and we talked about our interests and hit off pretty quick , we talked for about 2 month before we started dating and I realized wow she’s great so I asked her out in her language and from then on we have been together we have been through some good times and bad times but we stuck it out and overcame everything by talking it out and with God's guidance. Then the day came where I realized wow I really love this woman so I traveled to her country and proposed to her on May 27th of last year and officially married this amazing woman on February 19th and we have been happily married ever since, I look forward to seeing what God has for planned for us in the future, all I can say is I'm happy I chose her and I know we will overcome anything in the future. All I can say is thanks to cdff for helping me meet my amazing wife and I hope all of you can find your special someone here too, don't lose hope there is definitely someone out there for you God will take care of you trust in Him God always delivers.
Janice & Reece Mar 10, 2020
Hello I am Janice Peruelo Champlin. God works in so many ways. I met the man I married in CDFF last December 28, 2018. We started as a friend in a few days and we get in relationship last January 5,2019. I was broken hearted that time from a man I met also from Canada. But God has a purpose why He let me to be broke up in that Canadian guy. God gave me a man from US Maine and he the man who really sent by God to me. I got engaged last May 2019 to him and we got married this last January 25, 2020. He came to Philippines in Guimaras to see and marry me. We love each other so much. He is a Godly and loving man. And now we are having our honey. Put God first in ur life and put God in the center of ur relationship and you will amaze how God will bless your life. Indeed He is God of all knowing and powerful. Thank you Lord for meeting my Godly husband through CDFF. Thank u CDFF. God bless this dating site.
April & Aaron Dec 12, 2019
I'm so happy I decided to give CDFF a try! I created profiles on so many dating sites and never found anyone with the magic I was looking for and I waited for months. I finally tried CDFF, but I was just about done looking for love and I reached a realization that I was happy by myself. A few months later, I got a message from April and we immediately started hitting it off. I've never in my life met such a pure, down to earth woman who loves me for who I am and exhibits the qualities of Christ. I'm so grateful for CDFF, and I totally recommend the site to anyone who's looking for a very specific type of person. You get to see so many details about its users without having to spend a dime. It's hands down the best dating site out there!
Sara & Sara1955 Aug 9, 2019
My story began in 4/2003 when I went blind - bilateral optic neuritis - and my legs forgot how to work. A few other maladies which I will leave unmentioned but MS got me. Or , as I say: I have MS, it does't have me. Crazy how I thought MS was a blessing ~ It changed my life for the better. Sure, I went thru 6 months in bed, but I knew I was going to get better. I didn't know Jesus at the time but in 2007, I met Him thru my late husband. He was a Christian and I was in denial, according to my neurologist. I went back to work in 9/2003; I ended up retiring early from the state, 3/2007, as I got double pneumonia and valley fever. My immune system was shot and I was suseptible to everything. My husband and I found a great church in Phoenix - who knew Christian music was so wonderful and calming? I still didn't have a relationship with Jesus and my husband would say we were unevenly yoked. I didn't get that at all and called my brother, who is a Pastor and doctor. He explained what unevenly yoked meant. Anyway, we started to go to church every week with Wednesday's being Bible studies and classes. One Wednesday night, I felt different after attending church and classes for about 6 months. My husband and an Elder of the church prayed over me! We were standing in a little circle in an empty classroom. During prayers my legs felt weak and, if we all weren't holding on to one another, I would have gone to the ground. The Holy Spirit was in me.....I just knew it. I felt amazingly free of any burdens and my thoughts were of Jesus. I was a bit shaky when my husband dropped me off at home. We weren't married yet. We continued attending church two times every week. Our Pastor was the best teacher and the Worship band was so so good. I was in love with Jesus! I started volunteering at the church 4 times a week. Clerical stuff but I so felt His presence. I became a greeter and soon I was in charge of the greeter ministry - scheduling and welcoming people to our church. In 2010 I was baptized and in 2012 we were married. No-one, but our Pastor and his wife, attended the ceremony. It was awesome. You know, I always thought climbing that ladder of success was important. Not!!! It's family that's important and my daughter just had my 2nd grandchild. Eventually, my husband and I moved to northern Arizona and found another perfect church. When we walked in, there was love ~ so much love. And another great Pastor. My husband had lung cancer in 2013. After chemo, he went into remission until 2017. He passed 6/2018. I miss him terrible but I know I'll see him again. I'm thankful for both church families and friends who helped me cope with my loss. Believing in Him saved my life.
Anonymous Aug 7, 2019
My 26 year old daughter had put me on your dating site, the one she could afford, ha!, and I was on it for a year, but didn't pay much attention, especially since my profile was very clear on my commitment to Jesus Christ, how I was a missionary for 26 years, how I was committed to serve Him no matter the cost. So actually I didn't receive many responses, and those I did receive, I didn't follow through on until April, 2019, when Greg's profile interested me, seeing his devotion to Jesus Christ. I wrote him and he immediately wrote back, but then for two weeks I was unable to get back, due to family issues, and usually, he said he would given up on a person and not bother them, but he waited, and I wrote back to his surprise. We were writing many times during the day and I saw how Greg answered all my questions openly and honestly, having been married three times, and having been diagnosed with prostate cancer, to live between 6-9 months without treatment. Greg, through prayer, chose alternate protocols, radically changed his diet of sugar, wheat, and dairy, to none of these foods, and for the first time ate more veggies than he had in a life time, along with healthy smoothies. When he wrote me, he was well past the 9 month limit date set by the doctors and was in his 14th month. A lot to consider in writing Greg, but since he told me all of this by day 4 or so, I kept writing, thinking maybe I was to be an encourager in his life. Little did I know that after being on the phone for a few days, then on a What's App, we met each other in Cincinnati for four days, which confirmed that we felt overwhelmingly compatible spiritually, emotionally, not to mention the chemistry we felt between us. Then we met again for five days and decided to get married. We were married by Greg's father, who is a retired pastor, on July 18th. We have now been married 3 weeks and we both sense how awesome God is to have brought two unlikely people together, one from Minnesota, the other from St. Simons Island! I thank God that my daughter put me on this website! I thank God that there was this website! I thank God for the God loving, compassionate, kind, and awesome husband He has given me after my separation and divorce of 9 years, not having dated one time in that time period, God saw fit to find me someone that I could trust when I was the most ready to marry! Thank you, CDFF, and may God use you to bring more people together for God's Kingdom, in order to glorify His name. Maranatha! Jesus is returning soon. God bless you!
Tshidi Jul 16, 2019
Hi fellow Christians,
I am Tshili on CDFF from Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa.
I wish to share my story to inspire women who are looking for Christian marriage partners.
I subscribed to CDFF on Saturday 09 February 2019. Shortly thereafter I received many winks and correspondence of men who claimed to be Christians who are looking for marriage partners BUT were jackals wearing sheep skins. They claim to be Christians but DO NOT adhere to God's commandments. Some subscribed just to have fun in the name of love, messing up with wonderful womens' feelings.
By God's grace, I met this wonderful, loving, honest, matured, humble & God-fearing man, Nthavha.We became friends, shared the Word of God & prayed together almost every day. We finally fell in love. He's a real Christian and everything that a woman can ask for. He loves me, respects me and treat me like a Queen.
We conduct ourselves in a manner that pleases God, we agreed to honour God in everything we do until we get married. We go out for lunch & spend time together in the afternoon in public restaurant and we only hug each other, NO kisses, NO touching of bums or breast etc.
We are looking forward to a bright future, our relationship is based purely on the Solid Rock, Jesus Christ our Saviour & Lord.
I wish to encourage women/ ladies on CDFF to wait upon the Lord, trust in Him and He will come through for you. Do not buy marriage by having sex with a man before marriage. Sex is created by God for married couples for pleasure & reproduction, so is feelings, and God gave us authority to control them. The Bible is clear about fornication and adultery.
Thank you CDFF, I wish all who are really looking for born again marriage partners well. May God grant them their hearts' desires. May they find true love like me.
See our pictures attached below.
May God bless CDFF.
Kind Regards
Tshili, (Mrs Ntavha to be)
Jackie Gibson & Jimmy Jimenez Jul 10, 2019
Jimmy and I (Jackie) started messaging back and forth on CDFF on 7/7/17. We met for our first date on 7/11/17. We had ice cream, walked around a park, and ate dinner together. We began a committed relationship immediately. Jimmy lived in Chicago, and I lived in a suburb of Chicago, so we were only an hour apart from each other. Jimmy proposed on 2/24/18, and we got married on 7/7/18 (exactly one year after we were introduced to each other). We hope our story encourages users that it is possible to find love through CDFF even if you are not seeking a long-distance relationship.
Rosalie & Todd Jul 3, 2019
Rosalie and Todd Love Story Written under Heaven
2:23-2423And Adam said, this now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
24Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one
Hey! Man, your rib belongs to me! It’s my headlines on my profile account at Christian dating site called CHRISTIAN DATING FOR FREE. I won’t deny that I tried dating site, nothing wrong if you will just do the right thing. I’ve been there for almost 5 years and yet I can’t find the godly man that I prayed since 2006. That year 2006 I dreamed about my wedding day, I’m so happy that moment but I can’t see the face of my groom, but I saw his arm with full of body hair (which is I don’t like) then I woke up I ask God why it’s hairy man. Then I started praying about my groom. 12 years of waiting until one day, that’s was July 11, 2018, when I’m about to delete my account on that dating site, I found this amazing man that looking for a lady whose God driven woman. I said to myself that, that’s me, So I message him without looking his picture. I feel instant connection towards him. His name is Todd and my names Rosalie. He lives in Washington United Sates and I came from Philippines but I’m here in Hong Kong for work. He’s 37 and I’m 35 Before I found him, I dreamed about my baby, beautiful baby with blue eyes.
As we exchange more messages and knowing each other we find out that we are both the same interest. I told him what I want like I said I don’t want liars and cheaters. I ask him why he put that kind of headline, if he’s not true then he can’t talk to me because I’m the one he’s looking, a God driven woman. I was so bold and straight forward to him. I found out that he’s blue eyes, yay! Then we transfer talking to Facebook and WeChat. He asked for his rib back but I said no! (funny side, I love to teased him) After few weeks he fall in love, he asked if I can be his girlfriend but I didn’t respond. I want more confirmation from God. And he’s also praying and asking God confirmation. Whenever he read his Bible, the Lord lead him to the book of Ephesians and 1 Corinthians 7:3-5;10-11.
Then I say YES! that was July21. Then he decided to visit me and he bought Airplane ticket. We both love dogs and want both a simple life. We like two kids only. Then we video call every morning (his time) and evening to me. We prayed a lot and ask God for guidance. We want God centered relationship.
Then we decided to meet and ask my parent’s permission on May 4th, 2019, he spend 1 week with me. First day we meet at Hong Kong airport. When I first saw him, I felt so exited then we hold each other hand and I found that he’s shaking the I said relax, I don’t eat human (funny). Then we flew together to my home town. We spend 3 days with my parents. My papa said Todd you belong to the family. Yes! We finally got their permission. I’m so happy and we both enjoy each other. Todd love to eat the food that I cook for him. He loves to eat Filipino food, like lumpia, turon, pancit, kare-Kare. He loves to eat rice. We explore some places in my home town.
May 11, we need to separate again. That’s the hardest part of one-week spending time together. He will fly back to Washington and I will fly back to Hong Kong for work. We both experienced separation anxiety. We partway again at Hong Kong Airport. We both watery eyes because we will miss each other. “I’m now ready to bring back his rib, well maintained and not rotten!”
Thank you Lord and Thank you to who every made this site with free communication God Bless . Submit to God and amazing things will happen