Patricia & Brian Jun 22, 2012

Monica & Jordan Jun 19, 2012
Hey everyone!We first met right here on CDFF, and it all started with that little wink ;]
On one random day Jordan thought he would just scroll through his matches out of curiosity, but never thought he would come across the girl of his dreams<3 The first time he ever read her page he was just so amazed by this girl and was taken back by the way she described herself. In his own words he told her "It was just so adorable." Then right after he read it he took notice that this amazing girl lives on the other side of the country in California. =/ This made Jordan upset, but then he thought to himself, "I will just be nice and send a little wink." So that is what he did. Then about 3 days later, this lovely girl named Monica sent a wink back with a nice message saying hello and introducing herself! =] This made Jordan so happy, but at the same time he knew it wouldn't go anywhere since she is so far away.
That is when we believed God showed up because we would talk for hours everyday through email on CDFF and then eventually swapped numbers so that we could talk throughout our days. Then over 5 months of talking and getting to know each other from such a far distance, God made it possible for us to finally meet in person which made us realize we can do this. =]
blessedandfavored212 Jun 19, 2012
I really thank you for helping! I met my future husband off this site and we love each other soo much! I found my true love! Im so thankful!Mary Jane & Eric Jun 18, 2012

September 9th 2011 ....surprised my lovely woman... she didn't see it coming... i got on my knee and asked her and.... she said YES !!! Don't ever ever ever give up on your heart and desires to find that special someone.. i admit i used to give up alot.. i just got mad and fought for what God had promised me... so whats next ?! K I D S !!! woooooo wooooo !!! I love my Mary Jane !! .. DON'T EVER EVER EVER quit on your dreams ladies and gents !! VERY VERY EXCITED !! God promised .. God delivered.. Thank You Almighty God for without you none of this wouldn't ever have happened !! All you singles out there this is a testimony to never EVER quit on finding your soul mate... Thanks for all the prayers and supports and we will always do the same for you when your time comes and before ...Love always Mary and Eric ....
lilo86 Jun 14, 2012
Thanks to you I am now engaged and getting married this September 15! He messaged me an hour after I signed up for CDFF in 2010! God bless you!!! :)worshipfulme Jun 12, 2012

Very truly yours,
VELVITT & RAY Jun 10, 2012

Jun 8, 2012

Tess Jun 8, 2012

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