
Jackieann & Dustin Jun 19, 2021

Finding Christians on mainstream dating apps can be hard, so I looked for other options and found this. A few weeks later, a sweet lady messaged me. We started talking and quickly developed a connection. I’m in the US and she was in Kenya, but it all felt so natural. I visited her 8 months after we started talking and proposed to her. We’re now married in the US and she's my best friend.

Anonymous May 29, 2021

Hello CDFF I am so thankful to God for helping me to get my life partner, I’m glad that God used CDFF platform

I am so grateful to CDFF for laying such good platform to find my wife

Michelle & Kevin Apr 15, 2021

We opened conversation in January 2020 on the CDFF site with a couple of messages and started talking properly from 2nd February 2020 due to myself not fully knowing how to use WhatsApp.

From Kevin - Michelle�s profile was everything to the tee for me. I was attracted by her warm smile and her description. She sent a happy new year to 5-men and I hit lucky. What a lady Jehovah has blessed me with. She is my Proverbs 31.

From Michelle - Yes, I am so lucky to meet my behalf on your dating site, I�m so pleased and thank you� I hope lots of people on your site will be have the same Love story like what we have�Kevin is the answer of my prayer�..

(Everything else has been jointly agreed to)

We hit it off from the first 2D chat and have not looked back since.

We spoke about ourselves, opening up about our positives and sins, our work, families, where visited and wants for the future. We laughed, smiled, making each other happy and even had a couple of disagreements. Thankfully, Jehovah through Jesus has strengthened us as a couple daily.

On 2nd May 2020 I asked Michelle to marry me. Although our marriage is not legal to the world or would be accepted by any church. My neighbour John a God-fearing man agreed to marry us both over the internet with my son Ryan filming and as witness for us both. I was in casual wear and Michelle in her pyjamas with the picture and word saying �Angel� and that too me she is. Michelle purchased her wedding ring in Hong Kong the following week.

She�ll get the eternity ring when we do our worldly wedding as Michelle is my last worldly love that helps my faith grow daily.

Sadly, we wanted to be married on 2nd March 2021 in Gibraltar, everything booked but the snake Covid-19 put a stop to our plans. We now don�t think it will happen until 2022 due to Covid-19 and the race for worldwide vaccination and the forthcoming worldwide vaccine passport for international travel.

Until then we enjoy each other�s company, playing hangman, Connect-4, chattering, laughing, seeing the sites of Hong Kong and London when Covid-19 allows us to explore along with the dreaded 7- or 8-hour time distance.

Obviously like any couple we have our moments but our daily bible reading, praying for each other keeps our love growing and one day Jesus will award us to be in each other�s arms forever.

We both want to say a big thank you for your site CDFF for bring us together and although our wages are not high the spirit of allowing couples to communicate for free made all the difference for us and once married officially we will make another donation as a massive thank you for CDFF allowing us to become ONE.

Kevin & Michelle

carol camp & Jay Combs Feb 16, 2021

We just got married after meeting a year ago on CDFF. Thank you for your ministry! and your prayers!

Amanda & Chad Feb 12, 2021

I came on this site in 2010 just looking for a friend after a painful divorce. I found Chad and we clicked instantly. It was like we had known each other for years. He was patient and didn't push me to start a relationship. He told me he would wait for me until I was ready. Fast Forward 11 years later and we are married with a beautiful daughter. I can't explain how grateful I am to this site for introducing me to my soulmate. THANK YOU!

Eugenia & Jeffrey Jan 3, 2021

I relocated to America with my daughter on July 2018 and by first week of August, I met my man on this wonderful platform after over 10 years of being single. I lost my first spouse to death two months after wedding and he never lived to see our daughter. Few years after, I was still skeptical of dating and when I tried to, there were lots of deceptive men and those who seem to get down to marriage, were not as God-fearing as I desired for the sake of my baby girl cos I hear stories of men molesting their step daughters. I was really scared but I kept believing God to give me my heart desire and boom!, God showed up through this platform (CDFF) and gave me a wonderful husband and a great dad to my daughter, just barely 4 months of our dating. We got married on 7th Dec, 2018. He is indeed a God sent to me. I am so soooo grateful to God and I am saying thank you to you all that created the CDFF platform.

Eliza & Keith Sep 28, 2020

I've never dated for years because I am afraid to engage so much in fornication so signing up with a dating site with an intention to marry is always my to go profile. I have signed up for many dating sites and got involved with many social groups with the hope of meeting someone who I can fall in love with. I have met many fake man, fake accounts and disgusting human beings even with a Christian dating sites like this, but I didn't give up, i have high hopes for humanity hahaha. I just focus on the genuine ones who can provide their identity and proved to be genuine. CDFF is so far the best dating app I have signed up to. Don't get me wrong I still encounter some fakers but I chatted with more nicer people here. Keith is the best thing that happened to me. Meeting him and chatting with him in CDFF is the best gift ever. We have mutual interest and we understand each other right away. After giving me his identity we started to call and chat with each other. After months of online conversation and falling in love. We met,got married and we decided to start our journey with God. We got married and both got re-baptized at the same day.
I believe that God will use CDFF continually as a platform where destined people are meant to cross paths.

Yariela & Matthew Sep 22, 2020

She is from Panama Central America I’m American. We met 1/2020 here on cdff and physically met in 2/2020 in Orlando FL and proposed marriage. Separated by Virus pandemic in 3/2020 for 7mo’s. Kept in love and in contact with internet. Married 9/19/2020 in Georgia. Praise the Lord. Let God be the one to direct your search, your relationship and your life. Thanks CDFF. Matthew & Yariela

Anonymous Jul 13, 2020

This is my success story! It all started when I wanted to get married and realized that all women around here about my age were already married. So, looked for her on dating websites. It was a little frustrating at the beginning since several long conversations from several different dating sites led nowhere. But thanks be to God, I finally met my wife on CDFF. We got married in less than a year we started talking through this platform! I write this to encourage other men to continue trying.

Colleen & Dan Jul 2, 2020

Sixteen months ago Dan and I started chatting on CDFF. We both had
been members for a while and met some really nice people on the site.
Neither of us was looking intently for anything other than friendship.
We lived about 300 miles apart, which wasn't conducive to dating, so
we didn�t really expect to be more than online friends. But, God had
other plans. After sending messages back and forth for a couple of
weeks, we quickly moved to phone conversations... very long
conversations... and then knew we wanted to meet. Still, there were no
great expectations until that first meeting. There was just something
so right about us. He drove up on a Saturday and we had dinner. On
Sunday we went to church together. It was when we worshipped together
that we knew we were perfectly yoked. It seemed like an eternity until
we could meet again. It took 3 weeks! It was at this point we decided
we would date intentionally, meaning we would date exclusively and
with the expectation that we would marry. We�re not exactly young, so
we knew we would be on the fast track to marriage. We told family and
friends who were rightly cautious, but also thrilled that Dan and I
would find happiness again, since we both had been single for 10
years. In June of 2019, after knowing each other for 4 months, Dan
finally met my daughter and asked her if he could marry me. She knew
all about Dan's and my relationship so she ecstatically approved. One
week later, on June 29, 2019 Dan and I married at his home church with
both of our families there to support and bless us. Yesterday was our
one year anniversary and I can honestly say there has not been one
second when we've asked ourselves if we had done the right thing. I�m
not suggesting that this is normal (definitely use caution with online
dating), but God does have a plan for each of us. In this case He used
CDFF to help accomplish it. God bless all of you as you listen
carefully for His guidance in your lives.

Colleen & Dan
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