We just got married on January 4, 2013. Happiest day of our lives. To God be the glory!! Thank you cdff for being an instrument on us. God bless!!
Annetha & Daniel Dec 28, 2012
We meet on this site in June of 2012. It was like and instant connection. Daniel lived in Wisconsin and I was in Florida. He moved to Florida and we were married in November 2012. The are thankful and grateful to God for meeting on this site. Thank you so much, this site has been a blessing to us.
ladybeth & tlkjjj Dec 27, 2012
My husband and I are no longer members, as we got married almost 4 years ago! We met on your site (I was a lonely widow on the west coast, and he was on the east coast). The Lord brought us together "for such a time as this." I tell how we met and got married in my new book, "The Greatest Adventure," which is a biography about my husband, Tom. Thank you for being instrumental in bringing us together.
Sheila & Ken Dec 24, 2012
I met Ken on here in 2010. We were married in Sept. of 2012.
ChanginJNFR & meskin77 Dec 11, 2012
We met here in August of 2011 and married Sept 2012. Thank you but foremost thank the Almighty God
April & Andrew Nov 28, 2012
April, and I met on here back in August. We corresponding on here briefly, and then we added each other on facebook. We exchanged numbers, and began to talk. It did not take long however for us to realize we were meant to be together. About two weeks after we met things got serious between us. and we formed a relationship. After much prayer, and fasting I asked to visit her.
On November 13th, 2012 we met in person, and clicked right off the bat!!! :)
I stayed at her parents home a few miles away from her, and from the 13-16 we were dating.
But on November 17th, 2012 I proposed to her in a horse stable at Butts Mill Farm, GA.
She said yes, and now we are planning on being married at her church in Phenix City, AL on May 13th 2013.
Truth be told though we had both been praying for a spouse for many yrs;
Through God, Time, and Your site we found each other.
April is an amazing Apostolic woman, and is everything I have prayed for. She's smart, kind, caring, not judging, and her beauty is more on the inside than the outside. That is what every guy should look for, a woman who is lovely but whose beauty on the inside outshines her beauty on the out side. I couldn't be happier. I think God for her everyday! :)
Thank you so much for this site. Y'all are a blessing with the ministry you have been given.
April & Andrew Nov 28, 2012
April, and I met on here back in August 2012. We corresponding on here briefly, and then we added each other on facebook. We exchanged numbers, and began to talk. It did not take long however for us to realize we were meant to be together. About two weeks after we met things got serious between us. and we formed a relationship. After much prayer, and fasting I asked to visit her.
On November 13th, 2012 we met in person, and clicked right off the bat!!! :)
I stayed at her parents home a few miles away from her, and from the 13-16 we were dating.
But on November 17th, 2012 I proposed to her in a horse stable at Butts Mill Farm, GA.
She said yes, and now we are planning on being married at her church in Phenix City, AL on May 13th 2013.
Truth be told though we had both been praying for a spouse for many yrs;
Through God, Time, and Your site we found each other.
April is an amazing Apostolic woman, and is everything I have prayed for. She's smart, kind, caring, not judging, and her beauty is more on the inside than the outside. That is what every guy should look for, a woman who is lovely but whose beauty on the inside outshines her beauty on the out side. I couldn't be happier. I think God for her everyday! :)
Thank you so much for this site. Y'all are a blessing with the ministry you have been given.
Pattyrice55 & strike4u Nov 26, 2012
I found the love of my life. Pattyrice55 is my wife now. :) I hope to make christian friends later on.
Jodi & Tyler Nov 24, 2012
Well, I (Jodi) was looking through the searches, and I stumbled across Tyler's profile. I don't spend much time on this site, so I gave him my facebook information, and went on my merry way. A few days later, I messaged him again on facebook, and he wrote back. We texted literally all day long, into the night, and he asked me out for drinks. So, our first date was an outing to Starbucks. We extended that into a dinner, and the rest, as they say, is history.
From that day-- October 15th-- we have been inseparable. We text all the time, talk when we can, and see each other at least 2-3 times a week. AND, as if that wasn't enough, we MUST have found God's match, because Tyler propsed to me on November 2nd! We are engaged, and we are getting married New Years Eve of 2014!
Thank you Christiandating forfree.com!
Cherry & Andreas Nov 24, 2012
One year ago I met my current fiancee Cherry, she lived in Norway and I was happy to find someone close. We got along very well at first but there was some trials. Now after some time of soul searching and prayer we are together and I proposed to her on 12 November 2012 in Oslo. Thank God! it is such a joyful blessing. Thanks Cdff for helping us to find each other and for this free service.