
Mariam & Nathaniel Feb 1, 2013

thanks to God for this website ,we met here ,and we re so much in love,we re planning to get married sometime this year

jesusfreak1991 Jan 30, 2013

I met the woman of my dreams on here 12/6/2012. I moved across the country to her and now have a good job where she is and is the love of my life. Total blessing from God. Never thought I would meet her here. But God is good!

Wendy & David Jan 29, 2013

David and Wendy Koladish�s Fairytale

Our story makes its humble beginnings in the wee, small hours of the morning on the twenty-ninth of May, two-thousand-and-eleven.
I, Wendy, sat in my living room fighting the bitter tears pooling in my eyes as I stared, unseeing, at the screen of my computer.
You see, everyone has a fear of something; there are some who fear death. Others fear life and there are even those that have a fear of fear itself. Whatever it may be, every person is frightened by one thing in this world more than anything else.
Mine, is being alone.
The thought of going through this life - experiencing all of its joys and its sorrows, its good and its bad - all by myself, fills me with a terror that words cannot describe.
And I had just realized that my greatest fear was coming true.
I would never marry - Would never share a life with someone who wanted me and loved me.
Never have children to amaze me, as I stared at mine and my husband�s reflections in their tiny faces and shining eyes.

In the ten months prior to this night, I had seen a failed engagement with a fianc� who told me, only two short weeks before we were to pledge our lives to one another before God and the church, that he didn't want the responsibilities of taking care of a wife and any children that may come along. He just wanted his freedom back.
And so, I gave it to him.
We parted ways and in the months that followed, I threw myself into relationship after relationship with man after man and signed up for every dating site I came across, trying to find the love I sought after so desperately.
Then, finally, I met a great guy and fell head over heels in love with him - and he wanted it all! He dreamt of the wife, the kids, the dog and the cozy house with the white picket fence. The whole nine yards!
And he got it... but not with me.
With the woman he cheated on me with.
That was the final straw. I was tired of the Love Game. I was tired of falling in love with the wrong men and tired of loving someone, only to find out that I wasn't lovable or good enough for them to want to keep around.
I decided that, if I was meant to be alone for the rest of my life, then that would be just fine with me! It may even prove itself to be less painful in the end � You know? If you don't let anyone in, you can't get hurt.

And so there I was on May 29th, 2011, weeping bitter tears as I deleted my dating profiles off of site, after site� after site.
I only had one left to go.
I logged on my ChristianDatingForFree.com account and began the deactivation process but halfway through it, I was called away from the computer by my mother who needed me in another part of the house.
I returned about thirty or so minutes later and refreshed the page to start over but as I did, my eye was caught by the little icon that says, "Viewed Me (1)"
So, I clicked on it and his handle was displayed on my screen: 2hisservice.
I viewed his profile and thought he seemed nice enough but I wasn't about to start the whole cycle all over again. I went back to my page and restarted the deactivation process but something told me to wait.
Just wait a few minutes.
So I got up in a frustrated snit and grabbed a bag of cookies and munched angrily on them while I paced the room.
�This is ridiculous!� I mumbled to no one in particular. �I make up my mind and was perfectly okay with my decision� and then five minutes later, some guy views my profile and I swoon over him like some lovesick ninny!� It was positively shameful.
I continued to mumble and pace for a time, occasionally sending a glare over to my stuffed teddy bear who eyed me with amusement. The scoundrel!
I�d deal with him later.
My hand skimmed the empty bottom of the bag. Disheartened, I looked around for my emergency stash. This was an emergency, you know. I sent a glance over to my box of chocolates. My dearest friend - He would understand my plight!
I tromped my way back over to where the computer screen lit up the corner of the room and once again, hovered over the icon to remove my profile.
�Miss_Wendy, are you sure that you want to permanently delete your profile?�
Why yes, yes I was!
�I think.
Suddenly my eye, again, was caught on something in the upper left had corner of my screen. "Inbox (1)"
I had a message.
I click on it and see 2hisservice�s handle again. I then viewed his message and this is, word for word, what it read:
"Nice profile. Cute picture."
That's it? What am I supposed to say to that?
But I replied anyways and three messages later, we opened up an IM session and talked for an unabated six hours.
And so it began.
We met in a park, for the first time, exactly four months to-the-day, later. I was sitting on a bench, reading a suspenseful romance novel as I waited for him. This was a mistake. As I read, the heroine of my book was being followed through the night. Her assailant grabs her from behind, pulls out a knife and says some terribly frightening words. I was quite terrified! Yet, unbeknownst to me, David had sneaked up behind me and leaned over my shoulder. I suddenly felt the hairs on the back of my neck begin to prickle, just as he whispered into my ear, �Whatcha readin?� A shriek, one to make a banshee proud, emitted from my lips as my book went flying across the field in one direction and the bookmark went the opposite way. Yes, it was a dramatic beginning, I must digress but other than that he was a perfect gentleman.
Six months later, I was meeting his family.
Three months after that, he met mine...
And today, here we are, on our eighteen-month-anniversary; engaged and only three months, twenty-six days and twenty-eight minutes away from our wedding and the beginning our new life together!

Consequently, I would like to add this to our story�

While in our conversations and getting-to-know one another, we unearthed a very interesting little piece of information.
On that very first night, as I was about to delete my profile, something very strange happened: Neither one of us viewed the other person�s profile, first.
Don�t you find that a little odd?
After recounting our tales, we discovered that he got a notification from the site, saying that I had viewed his profile at exactly the same moment that I received one saying the same of him.
A glitch, perhaps?
I prefer to think not.
All I do know is this � Whatever it was that occurred within the site � If it had not happened I would have deleted my profile that night.
I never would have met him. Never would have found this wonderful Man-of-God whom I am about to marry. And I never would have been as happy as I am, right now, in the very moment - writing this testimonial to encourage other single Christians who are discouraged by not finding their missing half, while on these online dating sites.

Isn�t it amazing how, when we stop trying to make it all happen by ourselves, God makes it all come together so perfectly and seamlessly? When we hit our rock bottom, give up and learn to surrender our situation over to Him, that�s when He works His miracles. When we get ourselves out of the driver�s seat and let the Way Maker do what He�s best at and make a way, we find that He�s had what we�ve been longing for the whole time.

-Had I not given up on finding love all by myself,
-Had I not surrendered to God,
-Had I not saved deleting this website�s profile for last,
-Had my mother not called me away in that very moment, postponing my account deactivation,
-Had not the one website that we were both on, in exactly the same moment, not had a technical glitch,

God works in mysterious ways, my friend.
His ways are not our ways � He loves it when we surrender to Him and give Him the chance to show us what He�s really made of.
And His thoughts are not our thoughts � He already has your life�s story written out. He knows every little road on the map - Where to turn, when to turn � exactly how to get there. He wrote your story. He drew up the map of your life. Of course he knows how to put it all together � because He already has!

So please, never give up. I can promise you this: It's worth the wait!

So dear reader who still searches, I will leave you with only this, however corny it may be:
Hold on � your glitch is coming!

God bless you and allow Him to lead you and guide you.
-Wendy Noe and David Koladish

Macristina & Joshua Jan 29, 2013

Thank you for you christian dating for free i found my true love praise God for this site

Febe & Will Jan 27, 2013

Thank you CDFF for your effort to make this dating site possible. I met my husband last June 2012 who is a CDFF member also, his username is CROSStalk. After almost 6 months of communication and prayer we decided to get married. We got married last January 20,2013. We are so blessed and deeply in love to each other. CDFF,may you continue to be a blessings to others who are looking for God's will. God bless you all.

Andrea & Aaron Jan 27, 2013

I met Andrea on CDFF on May 14, 2011. On June 23,2011 we met in person and by December I Moved to her hometown in Georgia. We just recently got married December 8th, 2012.

felixnicholas49 Jan 25, 2013

Dear CDFF I have been in this site since 2010 I have even lost hope not 2013 I found a wonderful woman here in this site at first when started it was like a joke I don't even serious about her,, but one incident happened on a night which I couldn't belive within myself she spoke sence in my head which no woman ever said to me I that to God through CDFF I have found love of my life Thank you GOD thank you CDFFd

Rowena & Jeff Jan 24, 2013

I noticed our testimony was on the 6th page about 2 weeks ago. Some pictures of our wedding.The first pic has Leon Patillo (Former Lead Singer for "Santana" and now the "Pastor" who married us) my wife Rowena, Myself, and my Mother in the group.

Thanks, Jeff

Andrea & Steve Jan 23, 2013

I messaged Steve in June 2011, and a month later we met for the first time. We dated long distance (I was in Maine, and he was in Connecticut), but we knew early on that this one was different. In March 2012, he proposed, and I said yes! Steve moved to Maine in August 2012 and we were married a few weeks later in September. I'm so thankful to God and to this site that I have found the love of my life!

Grace & Mark Jan 22, 2013


In 2009 I recieved a message from my now husband and conversation started to flow. We realised we had a lot in common and knew a few common people. We soon met and began dating.

Even from ealy on we knew that we would get married. Our relationship was a bit rocky and we spent sometime as just friends always knowing that we would end up together somtime again.

In December 2012 we were married. It was a wonderful day and I look forward to sharing the rest of my life with Mark. Thankyou for helping me find my love.


It was actually pretty funny. When we first met up, I thought Grace was really rude, cold and stand-offish. Turns out she was just super shy and nervous. Grace turned out to be a swell lass once she became more comfortable around me. Now I can't imagine my life without her. Thanks CDFF! :D
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