On 3/28/13 Miley excepted Rich proposal in marriage. And plan to be married this summer Thank you God and CDFF.
Dhazzel & Matt Mar 18, 2013
We thank Christian Dating For Free so much because they have been a tool of God to bring us together in marriage as of 3.16.13. Now we are enjoying our honeymoon, in Boracay, Praise God!
-Mr. & Mrs.
carrot_vera & ahug4u Mar 17, 2013
I found my soulmate on here last April 2012. We just got engaged and plan to marry when God reveals the day to us. Thank you so much for providing this website to help people like me find my soulmate.
Rae & Bryant Mar 14, 2013
it all started with a wink!
never did i think i'd be sitting in my apartment IN GEORGIA updating my profile as a testimonial for online dating. but alas, i am. wow, what a whirlwind the past 3 years have been.. i remember logging in to CDFF that day to delete my profile. i had had enough of "trying to find the right one" and being disappointed. i was tired of being hurt and used - i was DONE. but low and behold, i had a wink and a message from a guy that i had sent a wink to earlier in the week. i kind of remembered winking at him, and as soon as i saw the picture of his puppy, i remembered why i did. (his pup was ADORABLE! - now he's a big dog lol) ...little did i know, he would turn out to be my prince charming... bryant, that is, not the dog :nahnah:
bryant and i started talking on CDFF march 11, 2010. he wrote me a message and i responded with my messenger info but i wasn't quite ready to take things seriously due to a previous heartache not long before. so i kept bryant on the back burner for about a month. finally i decided to give the poor guy a chance. :applause:
we talked for about a month before we made plans to meet memorial day weekend 2010. i had that monday off of work so we decided i would fly down to meet. i still remember what he looked like. i remember the smile on his face, the look in his eyes... the way my heart skipped a beat when he first embraced me. i was nervous and excited, but something inside of me was totally calm - like this was "right". we went out for dinner that night and i talked, talked, talked, talked, talked while he just smiled and listened. :rolleyes: the rest of the weekend was a bit of a blur, it went by so fast... we spent a lot of time talking and getting to know each other, but it was like we had known each other for years...
finally it came time for me to head back home. i remember this tug on my heart as i turned away to go through security. i wondered if i'd ever see him again, what all this weekend meant and where it would lead. but the one thing i remember the most was sitting on the plane right as it was about to take off and it hit me - "i think i'm in love with him. NO... i can't be... it's only been 3 days... i've gone through this before, fallen too fast, and i always wind up getting hurt. it's not love..." boy, was i wrong...
over the course of the next 2 years we saw each other as often as we could (about ever 3-4 months). we'd go on dates when we were together, had set phone dates when we were apart, and tried to do romantic things for each other when we weren't together. long distance was very hard, but... we overcame it!!
in december 2012, i was offered a job near atlanta and i took it! two and a half years was way too long (if you ask me) to be apart from him. so i moved from PA to GA to be closer to him. and wouldn't ya know it, we're getting married june 1, 2013. :yay:
that's just a brief synopsis of our relationship. there has been so much more that has happened in our lives as individuals and as a couple. but i can say one thing: he treats me like a princess. he loves me more than anything. and i am so glad i gave "the guy with the really cute puppy picture" a chance. because if i didn't, i never would have known what TRUE love is. ...i can't wait to marry him!! :hearts:
Cynthia Mar 14, 2013
I have found my soulmate. Thanks for having this website. My daughter is the one who actually started this because she wanted me to be with someone who would make her mother happy and believe in love again. You truly have blessed me with your protection of scammers and those who were not decent to be on this site.
Again, thanks!
Clariselle & Fabbio Mar 11, 2013
Well We met each other in this website, at first was hard to believe it was true.... But We feel the God's bless.. We start to talk in June 25 2012....We talked on the phone for the first time on Oct 24 and Now we married and super happy for the God's bless.
Thank you Christian Dating for Free.
Yolanda & Owen Mar 3, 2013
well praise the lord for CDFF.in the short time im been in cdff, i finally found the man of my dream.i never though that this will happen to me..it because of my daughter she the one who bring me here at ur websites,but i'm glad that i meet owen here.at first i winked at him,and thank God and he message me with a sincere message.from then on we start chatting to each other.we been honest and open to each other since then we became best friend,we exchange card.poems and others ways to express our Love even were thousand miles.GOD has introduced and blessed me with a wonderful man that was also on cdff.God is so good for us.i know me and owen are meant to be together and forever.because he is going to Get me?and for the first time is his life is going to sit on the airplane to FLY TO Philippines.lol...that was amazing..i thank God for CDFF in providing a free service and being the reason i found that very special man in my life.now i'm here to vow and promise that i will share my life to owen forever,till death do us part..we will build our castle..to be her Queen and he is my King...thank you cdff..GOD BLESS YOU ALL..
Elease & Alonzo Feb 24, 2013
PRAISE GOD, He is EVER FAITHFUL... I have had profiles on quite a few dating sites mostly Christian, and I just never really had the interest to invest the time and energy possibly needed for success in this dating approach. I would correspond with different people, but nothing really came of it until August 2012. A man in Suffolk Va sent me a message (I live in Los Angeles Ca) I figured whatever, so I mutually responded, we evolved to Facebook friends and then eventually began to talk over the phone... Turns out that THIS IS THE MAN OF MY DREAMS, He is EVERYTHING I PRAYED for BUT POSSIBLY DIDN'T REALLY THINK I DESERVED. Our relationship has evolved in a manner that I can only give God the credit for. He has been coming here for visits and on his most recent visit which he arrived on Valentines Day 2/14/13, HE PROPOSED! We Are Getting Married on 2/14/14. I am so deeply in love with this man that it is almost surreal but I know that it is the REAL DEAL and God's hand is in it and GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS! It far exceeds what we could ask or think or dream in our wildest of dreams... Thank You Jesus, and Thank You CDFF for giving us this platform to find true and God sent LOVE...I am truly amazed by God's Blessings to us EVERYDAY.
Raquel & Tomah Feb 23, 2013
well, first i would like to say, that i was very skeptical at first... i had joined and shortly closed my account. I did not feel that two people could be joined by God of all places, here. One day, i just got a feeling that i should reactivate my profile. I did, and i decided that i was going to make a real effort to know people, not just to date but to communicate, and share and receive. This was in early November 2012; Soon after someone added me to his favorites, it was Tomah. =) we talked and shared, and Honestly from the very beginning we just knew that we were twin souls... I had been looking for him, and he had been looking for me. Having so much in common, including our hearts towards the will of God, we were eager to meet, and we did in January 2013. Filled with the peace ( Shalom) of God, we are preparing to Marry by the summer! It sounds so sudden, but when you meet your soul mate you just know... especially when you walk in the spirit, when your delight is in the Lord, HE will not steer you wrong. Praise God Halleluyah!!!
Feb 20, 2013
In the short time I been on CDFF, God has introduced and blessed me with the most wonderful woman that was also on CDFF. I thank God for CDFF in providing a free service and being thee reason I found that very special woman.