I met the love of my life and am getting married to her next weekend!! Thank you for helping us find each other!
Miraflor & Harry Apr 28, 2013
I met my fiance, Miraflor, on CDFF on March 7, 2012 (more than a year ago).
Jason Apr 22, 2013
We are getting married!!!! Two and half years ago I met a beautiful blonde woman on your website and even thought i know there is not that only one it is amazing how God worked it all out for us. The similarities and the fact that we grew about 45min apart from each other up in NY, and being the same age with birthdays only 8 days apart, and our families knowing each other back in NY. It seems to be the hand of God that brought us together and showed us what we really needed in our lives. We met in Delaware where we both live and will be getting married on the 25th of this May. Thanks for your service.
Thank you again.
Another Success,
Shenna & Matt Apr 17, 2013
hello there.. my husband and I also met at christiandatingforfree.com. we met each other last 11 june 2011 in that site. got engaged last 09 feb 2012 and got married the same date after a year (09Feb2013). God is so awesome. He is indeed a perfect author of our love story.. have a great day. may God's blessing be upon you
Elisa & Dustin Apr 17, 2013
An hour after signing onto CDFF I got an inbox from him, 5 month later we met in person though still stayed as friends (May of 2011), March of 2012 He came from Hawaii to San Diego to stay for only 24 hours to see if there was a chance to be in a relationship, we began to court after that, a month after courtship we got engaged, 6 months later we got married (September 15, 2012)! I am thrilled and so madly in love... I have not fallen in love, no... I have RISEN in love! The Sky is the limit!!! :)
2 years we have known eachother, and we have never kissed. We have only held hands and hugged eachother. We wanted to reserve the sweetness and sacredness of a Kiss for our Wedding day, it was the most amazing, awe like feeling to kiss my beloved's lips for the very first time on our Wedding day! Thank you CDFF for this amazing service! My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, do not give hope, put all your affections in the Lord and His desire for you (to not be alone) will come to pass!
Mucho Lilo Love!!! Dustin and Elisa
Katie & Dalton Apr 17, 2013
Well, it all started around the middle of January for me. I had just gotten out of a relationship three months prior and just decided to keep my option open for me. If God was going to bring another man in my life, I was just going to have to be patient. I decided to make a goal for myself this year to attempt to make some new friends. I really wanted some christian friends so I created a profile on CDFF. As time went on I decided to try out the young adult chat room just to see what it was like. I gradually got to know a few people in there and the next thing I knew I was getting mesages like crazy. I was just being goofy and tried to be myself as much as possible to ease the nervousness of talking to strangers and all. In my mindset I still was only looking for friends, so anyone who ever messaged me I politely replied, "I'm just looking for some friends is all, thankyou." So I began to start some conversations with some people just on the friend side. Then one day it began. I had been goofing off in the chat room with all my new friends and seemed to attract the attention of a certain man named, "Farmguy". We joked, I flirted a bit, just acted plain silly when we were in chat and that night he messaged me. I dont know why but I loved reading his profile, it really caught my attention. Here was a guy who wanted to live a simple life, loved the Lord above everything in his life, and had quite a few similar interests just like myself. So I decidede to strike up a friendship with him. We began messaging back and forth for a few weeks and then chose to exchange email addresses for easier conversation. Once the month of March came around, we were like best friends. We talked about everything under the sun. He made me laugh, he made me smile, I really enjoyed his company. It wasnt until one night he was gone that I realized I had feelings for this man, and it scared me a bit. I didnt want to open my heart up to this man who may not even feel the same way for me and risk being hurt all over again. So, I kind of kept quiet. It wasnt until a few days later that we both confessed we cared alot about each other and I felt in my heart that I was ready to move on and experience this truly miraculous chance at love again that God provided for me. Dalton walked into my life when I had lost all hope of ever finding love again, becoming friends with him first was a big plus for me because I dont usually have guys as friends. We have falen hard in love for each other and will do anything to be together in the future. God will direct our path and we are continually oraying for guidance every single day. We both know in our hearts that this is truly meant to be and no matter how long or how hard it may get, God will see us through. To be continued..
Jonalyn & Marcus Apr 15, 2013
hello admins i meet my husband in your site 19 months ago and now were married for over 2 months. were so happy and so blessed to have each other. we want to thank you so much for creating that site. God made u as an instrument for uniting soulmates. You will always be a part of our happy life and we will treasure you forever. thank u cdff. God bless u more and more power!! ------mr and mrs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=su5r6XyAxvA&feature=youtu.be
Priscilla & Hamid Apr 12, 2013
Dear honorable christiandatingforfree.com Administrators
Thank you so much for your congratulation
By now I am so happy that I following my life on understanding more about Jesus
I understood and found out exactly that the Jesus is the Love and this love directly comes from God and I felt this love inside of my heart .
By your honorable site finally I found my life partner with so much trust and faithful in her characterizes and I am so thankful to my God and my Jesus that given me right and so nice wife. In this email I am sending our photos that testify you our marriage done in real and with so much happiness.
My honorable wife name is:PRISCILLA. And her christiandatingforfree user name is priscilla777.
We did our marriage in turkey � Ankar. But by now me and my dear wife we are far from together and we are trying so much to joint together at future in Dallas to start our happy life with together. Because I must relocate to USA-Dallas where that my wife is living over there so please pray to us to our God and Jesus that we succeed in this way.
With best regards
God bless all of you
Clara & Mike Apr 12, 2013
I tried other dating sites but I had no success. The men were after worldly women with money and beautiful bodies. They only cared about appearance and a pocket book. I almost gave up and thought I would spend the rest of my life alone, which I came very accustomed to.
Then one day I found your website Christian Dating for Free and I decided to give dating one more try. I joined in the fall of 2011. I chatted with several different people and they became online buddies. Then on April 8, 2012 this man by the name of ahug4u sent me an email. I opened the email and I was excited to read his first email: �I enjoyed your profile and I thought I would write and see if you were at all interested in knowing me. If you have any questions feel free to ask�, Blessings, Mike.
I was very cautious because there are so many fake users online. So I decided to read his profile and I couldn�t believe how much we both had in common. It was like our profiles were created by the same person. My first thought was did he copy and paste my profile into his. I thought to myself that it was worth seeing if this person was for real. So I emailed him back and he responded that same day. Then I noticed he was online so I thought I would instant message him and get to know him better. Come to find out we had almost everything in common. We both had two kids, cats, loved to fish, and our spiritual beliefs were the same page. As time went on we got to know each other more and more.
The day finally came where we decided to meet at Riverside Park fountain. We lived 3 hours apart from one another but thought it was worth the trip to meet at a neutral place. We planned to meet on Saturday April 21, 2012. We both were excited and nervous about meeting each other. It was Thursday morning on April 19, 2012 and I woke up at 3:00 am and I couldn�t for anything get back to sleep. I laid in bed wide awake until 6:00 am. I couldn�t figure out why I couldn�t fall back to sleep. This went for the next 2 mornings. Then the day finally arrived to meet Mike. I was at my nephew�s birthday party and I called him to let him know I was running late. Then I found out that Mike had been in town since 1:00 pm. I wanted so much to leave the party to meet Mike. I wasn�t going to tell my family about my blind date because I knew they would worry about my safety. But I knew I had to. They were so happy for me that I finally met someone. I left the party around 7:00. As I drove 40 miles to see Mike all I could think about was how excited I was. I couldn�t stop thinking who this mystery man was? Was he for real? Was he going to be there when I arrived? Or would he drive away once he saw me? As I drove up I saw Mike standing by the fountain all by himself. Then I knew that had to be him. I parked my van and as I was walking to the fountain I could hear this voice calling me �Clara, I�m over here�. The same voice I heard on my cell phone. I couldn�t believe it, this man was for real. He did exist. As I walked closer to him, the moon was shining on his face and I could get a glimpse of him. When I approached him, we greeted each other with a friendly hug. We talked and started to walk about 10 steps on the river walk and I stopped and gave Mike another hug. This time the hug was different than the first hug. It felt as if our souls were united. I felt as if my soul electrified at that time. At that moment, we both knew that we were soul mates. I couldn�t let go of Mike. I felt a peace rush through my body. I felt content and my nervousness disappeared. We felt as if the Holy Spirit had brought our souls together. I started thinking back about the sleepless nights I had before we met. I mentioned it to Mike and he told me that he was wide awake at 3:00 am too on those 3 mornings. We had so much to talk about and before we knew it was 4:00 am. Time went by so quickly. I went home and Mike went to his hotel room. The next day I invited Mike to join us at church. He was excited to know that I was a Christian woman. As the time went by, we built our relationship based on our Christian beliefs and Jesus Christ had to be the foundation. Even though we live 3 hours away from one another we always find time to be together whether in person or on facetime.
On February 23, 2013 Mike called me up and said that he wanted to visit me the weekend of March 2, 2013. He wanted to go hiking down at my favorite place Sidie Hollow County Park, which we love doing no matter what time of year it is. There was plenty of snow on the ground and the temperature was around 30 degrees. At that moment, I got a confirmation from God that Mike was going to propose to me at our favorite bench at Sidie Hollow Park. I didn�t tell Mike about the confirmation from God. I was so excited that I couldn�t sleep at night. I only told my girlfriend about the confirmation from God. She asked me what I was going to do. I said I would say yes because I was so much in love with him and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with my soul mate. The day finally came. I could tell that Mike was nervous. But I still didn�t tell him anything about the confirmation from God. As we arrived at Sidie Hollow, I kept thinking to myself, �What if he doesn�t ask me, and then what would I say or do?� I didn�t want to get my hopes up too high. We finally reached our favorite bench. Mike asked me if I wanted to take a break and I said sure. He then told me that I should take off my sunglasses. Right then I knew what he was going to do. He got down on one knee and pulled out a small jewelry box. He opened it up and pulled out the engagement ring and he said, �Clara, will you marry me?� I said, �Yes, I will.� At this time he didn�t know about the confirmation from God. We hugged and I didn�t want to let him go. We both were getting cold and decided to head back to our van. As we were heading back, I told him about my confirmation from God. Mike was really excited about the fact that I received a confirmation from God because he did too and that means we are relying on God to help guide us with our relationship with each other and God.
From the beginning of our relationship up to today, we are continuing to build our relationship on a firm foundation of Jesus Christ and waiting for our next door to open. Without Jesus Christ our relationship would have never happened. We believe that God used your website to bring us together. Thank you Christian Dating for free.
God bless you and yours
Marisa & Corbin Apr 10, 2013
Well, it started with a weird ginger chick from Michigan messaging me and telling me I was perfect. Now we're all madly in love and stuff. It's pretty cool.