Kassie & Boris Dec 15, 2013
We met March 2013 on CDFF, we have talked nearly every day since. It is the love we have both prayed and waited our entire lives for. He is from Russia and I am from the United States, we were married in Punta Cana Dominican Republic on October 30th 2013 on the beach, in an amazingly beautiful ceremony. We are very excited to start our lives together and plan to build a family. If it had not been for CDFF, I would never have met the love of my life, he is the man of my dreams and I am very grateful!
Nancy & Brian Nov 25, 2013
I used ChristianDatingForFree for about 5 years. When I 1st started using it there wasn't a chat feature so when one appeared everyone excitedly started using the chat feature. I chose to go on the chat one dull Sunday afternoon & found someone with a similar call tag to mine...faithboy & I was walkbyfaith so why not find out why we both chose Faith? He was from Okalahoma & I was from Wisconsin so we talked about faith and the merits of our respective states. Oklahoma well that was really far away but I was intrigued by his faith talk & his sense of humor which was similar to my own. We graduated to the CDFF's Instant messaging feature and then to our own email accounts (I had a special dating one to be safe) within a matter of hours. In between classes & homework we'd instant message each day for a few hours but before that faithboy said he wasn't interested in a long distance relationship and was only offering friendship. I decided I could handle that but of course was open to becoming more. The instant messaging & skyping for hours eventually stopped as I realized yep he only wanted to be friends and school picked up. We exchanged phone numbers a few months later once I got texting and we kept in touch that way & through Facebook. We tried to meet up but it never seemed to work out do to some interesting spiritual stuff going on at both our ends.
Eventually, faithboy became a prayer partner & one of the guys that I used as a litmus test for any other guy I met on CDFF or in person. They all paled in comparison. Was that because I'd never met him in person? As time went on we both dated totally wrong for us people (not of a strong faith!) & faithboy finally realized & got the go ahead from God to meet now. Again, the met up failed but faithboy insisted that we meet up but I was using all my vacation hours up for a trip. So I prayed that I could arrange my schedule to get us three days to visit with each other. After much prayer and planning, faithboy and I finally met and it was quite amazing in person. We started dating and after 4 visits in 4 month on our 5th visit together faithboy proposed and I said YES. We'll be married in 2014. We've found the missing pieces of our hearts in each other.
Even though it took us 5 years to finally met up God faithfully used that time to nurture us & make us even more beautiful for each other. I'm so glad we both prayed about finding a spouse before we joined & that we listened to his guiding as we used the tools available to us..CDFF Young Adult Chat. Yeh for ChristianDatingForFree & for finding my faith man!
Shameka & Oluyomi Nov 24, 2013
Thanks to your website, we are now married. Oluyomi and I came on here praying to find our soul mate and get married and that is exactly what happened. We have been together for 3yrs. I went to Nigeria to marry him and now we reside together in the U.S. We are extremely happy and want to let others know that it is possible to meet your dream mate online and fall in love. We trusted God in every aspect of our endeavors. Dreams truly do come true.
Thanks you so so much CDFF
Rhodora & Anthony Nov 22, 2013
We say that marriages are made in Heaven, and now my dear wife and I understand the meaning of these words. How else would a 55 year old Indian have met a 23 year old beautiful lady from Cebu? And even more miraculous, how on earth would both of us ever have managed to secure all the documents, and satisfy all the regulations in order to receive our marriage licence? But Almighty God blessed us and guided us, and we were united in marriage on June 19th, 2013 at a civil service in Cebu.
Now we are in the process of making her papers to come and live in India, and we pray that we will be able to have a church service to solemnize our marriage. We ask for your prayers and wishes that our life together may be pleasing in the sight of Almighty God, from Whom flows all the graces and blessing we need.
Thank you CDFF, for helping us to create our profiles here. God bless the work that you are doing.
Jennifer & John Nov 22, 2013
We met on her in July of 2012 and got married in July 2013
Precilla & Benedikt Nov 22, 2013
Dear Christian Dating For Free,
Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
I am Precilla. I have been in your websites for more than 4 years, with username "my_valentine" and finally I found my husband in your websites with username 'Beni54" a Swiss National but has been base in Oregon USA.
We meet at your site on 10th, to 12th of November last year 2012, then he meet me here in my country Philippines last April 4, and spend time with me until last week of June. He went back to USA to clear up all his stuff, then came back again in Philippines last October 4rth, and we get married on October 29th this year, and now we happily settled down in Puerto Princesa city Palawan Philippines.
Thank you very much for your websites, for I found the love of my life at my old age(53 years). May the Lord will continue use your websites to many singles to find partners in life. God continue to richly bless your sites.
Best Regards,
Precilla Walchli
Hana & John Nov 19, 2013
Testimonial of victory over living a life of defeated loneliness;
My name is Hana and after I was born again I was battling with the suffering of loneliness. A pastor that had found his wife on a dating site had opened a dating site for believers in Israel and had personally recommended for me to try, but after no one had contacted me I wrote to that pastor that I have lost faith for the situation to be solved "over the internet", but he sent me on to the Christian dating site where I didn't see any serious minded people, after praying about it with my fellowship in Israel I disconnected from that site and got to a place of giving up hope totally , I found a surprising massage in my mail box, from Christian Dating For Free ! saying:"someone had viewed your file" and I didn't even remember I had completed my signing up to the site. I got on the site and saw a man named John from Papua New Guinea that sent a simple "hey". It was very special to me as I never saw someone else from Papua New Guinea (PNG) on a dating site and that was the country I was praying to go to for 10 years! On a translation mission to translate the Old Testament from Hebrew to local languages. So I saw that as a sign, and started corresponding with John who had chosen me out of all the ladies that did post a picture, just because John felt I should be the one for him. After 3 days John had proposed to me for the first time, by the third time I said yes, and then we prayfully planned my very hard trip over to the other side of the world, it had to take five days of traveling and stopping at countries. Two days after my arrival to Jackson Airport at PNG we have gotten married at the civil registrant, in a very Spirit filled ceremony with prayers over our marriage, and after another 4 days we got married at the Nazarene church where John is a pastor, in the most beautiful wedding celebration with songs and dances. After about two months into our married life, we had come back to Israel to get my husband John to know my family, friends and country
Where it is the first marriage between our countries Israel and PNG, so the surprise was great in PNG and it is big in Israel too. I had already shared this blessed site with others and will continue to share and pray that more people will have the miraculous victory me and John had. God bless you all!
Nika & Stephen Nov 16, 2013
I met someone on this site almost three years ago. Three weeks ago we were married in Hong Kong. I am truly grateful that I met Nika through this site.
Julie & Wes Nov 16, 2013
Thanks to yalls service I have been married a year on Nov 19. Marriage is for life and GOD has truly blessed us. Julie28 is my wife thanks Happy thanksgiving