Harold and I met on this site early this month. We are constantly in contact and in prayer to God about our relationship. His church has live services on Sunday morning where he attends in person and I at the same time via internet due to being in separate states. I am thankful God used this site to bring me and Harold together:)
Noemie & Stefan Jan 23, 2014
Dear CDFF,
Me (Icelandic) and Noemie (Filipino) met on your website in June 2012 and now we are engaged and will be married in June 2014. I signed in on CDFF with an open minded, I did not know if I would find love there or friends or what but I prayed to God to lead me. I wanted to meet a christian woman who could help me grow in my spritual life and with Gods will fall in love and God sent me Noemie J. We started to exchange messages and talking on skype. She is the most amazing woman I have ever met and I thank God for your website because other wise I would never have met her. God gave me her � she is my soulmate J. We want to thank you for your website and what you are doing � allowing christian people to connect and with Gods will finding their soulmates. I cannot wait to marry Noemie and spend the rest of my life with her with God as our center.
Thank you,
Stef�n and Noemie
Gabby & Jamyson Jan 20, 2014
Thank you to the site of CDFF.com. I now have an amazing man who loves Christ first and me second.
First e-mail - September 7th 2013
He moved four hours to be closer to me September 16th 2013
Starting Dating - September 19th 2013
Wedding date - February 14th 2015 or sooner
I never thought I could find a soul mate, but after meeting Jamyson, I am a believer. God has blessed with a man who loves Christ and wants to share Gods love with everyone he meets. A person who spends his time in the word. We both have the same beliefs, which is our most important quality. A pretty face fades but a women or man who loves Christ is the one to go after. The faster we run to God the closer we come to each other. I know through many years of prayers from both families we will marry next year. I am excited to learn new things from him everyday.
Have faith in finding a husband or wife. Jamyson waited 12 years and I waited 8 years.
Here is a poem that I found
He�s not perfect. You aren't either, and the two of you will never be perfect. But if he can make you laugh at least once, causes you to think twice, and if he admits to being human and making mistakes, hold onto him and give him the most you can. He isn't going to quote poetry, he�s not thinking about you every moment, but he will give you a part of him that he knows you could break. Don�t hurt him, don�t change him, and don�t expect for more than he can give. Don�t analyze. Smile when he makes you happy, yell when he makes you mad, and miss him when he�s not there. Love hard when there is love to be had. Because perfect guys don�t exist, but there�s always one guy that is perfect for you.
Bob Marley
Alycia & Kevin Jan 16, 2014
We are a perfect match for each other. We have a lot in common . We both love God, and we are able to be real with each other. We fell in love and I'm so happy I have found her. I believe we are going to last. We are both forgiving about each other's weaknesses and we are able to talk through our problems. Even in times when we have nothing to say, we are happy in each other's company.
Mae & Al Jan 12, 2014
I met Mae two years ago on CDFF. We spent the next two years sending two hundred messages a day and video chatting every weekend. The visa process was long and arduous, but well worth it. Mae is the most wonderful, sweet, kind and beautiful woman I have ever known. We had a quiet wedding in Hervey Bay Queensland December 2013. I thank God for this website, without which I would never have met my perfect soulmate. Thank you CDFF. Rest in the knowledge that you are truly doing the Lord's work.
Jinky & Julien Jan 9, 2014
I had lost basically all hope of finding my lifetime partner. Last Pentecost, I surrendered my Love to God and prayed that He guide me to a Catholic woman to share my life with. That same day, I checked a few profiles from CDFF, and sent a message to a few people who caught my interest. The woman who is now my wife and partner for life in God's love, sent me a reply message and we spent several months getting to know each other, totally based upon our faith as Catholics. Without CDFF, and a loving God, we would not have the life and happiness we have today as husband and wife. Thank you and God bless you!
Erika & Erick Jan 5, 2014
Erick and I met through this website in June 2012 and I knew right away he was the one God had prepared for me.
We were married on June 29th 2013 and moved to Houston, TX to start our new life together. We are looking forward to the divine assignment the Lord has prepared for us. Thank you, CDFF, for facilitating a site that brings believers together! God Bless!
Rachel & Fady Jan 2, 2014
My fiance and I met on this website June of 2012, and are now getting married, March 2014! Thank you, Jesus! I never thought I would actually meet the one God had for me on a dating website, but I gave it a shot instead of sitting and waiting for God to drop someone at my doorstep. Thank God I did! We talked for about a week or so then met casually at a big local mall. It took time for my love to grow, but I liked his company right away. I'm so glad I met you, Fady. I love you!
alber & line Dec 28, 2013
We are true Christian and we are fears of God , and we were asking to God for our soul mate and God use Christian Dating For Free and answer our prayers ,Im a Colombian man and She is Kenyan . now we got marriage and she is pregnant and we are very happy. all is posibble for GOD !
Dienes & Jeffrey Dec 25, 2013
I met my Beautiful Girlfriend and soon to be wife on here in October of 2013 and we talked and after about two weeks I told her I liked her and I was like lets pray and so we did.
Finally the day came was like I really really like you lets do a 3 day fast lol we fasted for.a day and I started seeking God around 8pm and He awnsered in an hour and He said let me speak and so I did and I asked Him one question I said will you bless this relationship and He said not only once but 3 times He said I will Bless it I will Bless it I will Bless it I turned around to do something on my computer and he showed me a picture of a wedding :) and I thought that was just a thought so I texted her and told her about how God said bless it :) and she said yeah I got pictures of wedding and I was like woe and then I told her I got a picture of a wedding and God has just confirmed that she is going to be my wife amen
She is beautiful an awnser to my prayers and everything I could ask for she is and so much more God gave me some one that I can love and be with and we have set 1000 souls for God in 2014 its going to be awesome and we believe God is going to marry us this year :) God bless and may He help you find the one ur looking for in Jesus name