
May 7, 2014

hi cdff administration. I really would like to thank and appreciate cdff for this blessed service for Christian singles. I found my boyfriend on cdff March 17, 2014. I am in love with amazing, sweet and loyal man. just is everything I have prayed for. I thank God for his perfect gift. waiting for God's time wasn't wasting time its just blessing for me to meet u. I can't be happier. ur more than enough. am proud to be ur wife. I want cdff members pray for us to get holy marriage. please every Christian singles I want you to wait for God's time and his will. he'll do everything on his time and ll give you perfect gift from above. just have pray. thanks again cdff for you brought to me a man who fear God, sincere and lovely. I never expected to meet such a honest man online but by God's grace its done and I know God ll finish our future schedule sooner. I promise we'll send you detail our testimony with picture sooner after we get married. I love u. wait for ur love.
God bless

Sarifah & Lyndon Apr 29, 2014

Lyndon and I found each other in CDFF last year in early April 2013, our friendship was started with a single winked and our love bloomed since then. I am from Malaysia and he is living far thousand miles away in Cape Town. No distance is too far, for in God's love He made all things possible. We met in person in July 2013 at his hometown Cape Town and we've spent a wonderful 6 months together! We've been in relationship for a year now. We surrender our hearts before God, may our love continually abide in Him to guard our heart and guiding us through with Hope and Faith in making our relationship living for Him.
I prayed to God for a man after God's Own heart. Knowing Lyndon was completely changed my life especially in my spiritual growth. I am always amazed how my perspective changes when I learned having a grateful heart and choose to count blessing! And yes, Lyndon is one of that blessing! Thank you God.

Thank you CDFF.

Zarah & Kevin Apr 25, 2014

I would like to thank Christian Dating for having their free site because I meet my boyfriend here last March 2012 and he visited me two times already one was July 2013 and now April 2014. I never thought that I will meet some like him and I'm looking forward for more years together I thank God because he use CDFF as instrument to meet him its such a blessing to have him. Never lose hope guys I know God will give your perfect match.

Crystal & Jody Apr 24, 2014

I don't remember our user names because it was so long ago but we met on your site and started dating in October of 2008. We both had 2 kids around the same age and both had been divorced. We had tried other dating sites but did not provide the spiritual aspect of it. That is the first thing we connected with. We became best friends. We talked about marriage but he proposed in Dec. Of 2010 and we married March 12, 2011. We now are a family of 6.

Anna & Robert Apr 21, 2014

Hi Christian dating for free. My name is Anna and my fianc� is Robert. We met on your website and I wanted to thank your for bringing us together. Your website was truly a blessing from God. I tell all of my single friends to check you guys out. Thanks again! :)

Cindy & Jim Apr 16, 2014

Happy to say that Jim and me are coming up on our 3rd anniversary this July 23rd, 2014. We met in Nov. 2010 on CDFF and talked over the phone for 4 months, He was in Va and I was in NY. He winked at me just after I had decided to open my profile up to be available to contacts in Va area. We met face to face after the 4 months and were engaged the next day. We really felt as if we had known each other for much longer...but I know it was a God thing ! He is indeed the man I had prayed in faith for over a period of 10 yrs. I asked the lord for a man after God's own heart, a man who cares about others and prays for others and who is interested in serving in ministry. He is all that and more...I am very blessed with his love for me and I love being his wife. Thank You, Lord and thanks to CDFF !

Arlena & Jeff Apr 15, 2014

I am so happy to have found the love of my life , me and my husband met and fell in love . I was beginning to think love could not ever exist in my heart again and did not think I could ever trust or give my heart to someone again . I was helping a friend of mine put up her profile over the phone and then I told my friend my plan to give up and completely delete my profile from CDFF and then I saw Jeff's picture I clicked onto to his profile to get a better look at the one picture he had posted on his profile . I told my friend I thought he was really cute and so I sent him a message never thinking he would respond because he was across the country from me . but he messaged me back immediately and then after messaging back and forth for about a week then I give him my number and delete my profile there was no one I else I wanted to talk to . he called me that night and I set up skype and we started talking via Skype as our friendship grew we started to talk more and realized that we were meant for each other we had both exerienced loss before and the simaliar life experiences drew us close together and we developed a strong bond for one another . He flew to meet me and swept me completely off my feet . and took me back with him now we are happily married . we owe it all to God who brought us together through CDFF. Thanks again CDFF and many blessings to your site and may many be blessed to find the love that me and my husband have found through CDFF we met and found each other . I know through life I have someone who always be there for me ..Much thanks again ...Jeff and Arlena

Rachel & Jamie Apr 7, 2014

Started chatting on CDFF and got to know each other and within a week we'd exchanged numbers. Before I knew it I was driving down to visit her, I was so excited (and a little nervous).

We clicked instantly and since then we've had countless video chats, phone calls and exchanged literally hundreds of snap chats of our best (and possibly worst) faces!

I went down to visit her a second time (waking up at 5AM to miss the M25 rush hour traffic!) and we had an absolutely fantastic day, the best bit being when we made it official, I had a smile on my face all day!

I know that we have something special going on, not just because of the way she makes me laugh all the time, or the way seeing a message from her can instantly lift my mood, but because I know we both have the most important thing in common, Jesus! :)

Mayet & Freddy Apr 7, 2014

I am please to announce everyone how God work on our lives to put us together to become one. We met here last April 1, 2013, we communicated everyday through skype over ten months and we decided to meet in person in order to see by God if we were really meant for each other. On January 29, 2014 he arrived in the Philippines. We were certained that we were meant by God. So, as of March 22nd we were married. And I would like to say from Mr. & Mrs. Maltbia thank you to the CDFF family, God Bless

Mayet & Freddy

Jona & Christopher Mar 29, 2014

Chris , and I met here back in June 16 , 2013 and then he added me on his facebook . We exchanged email , and began to talk. We always talk on skype for almost 6 hours, It did not take long however for us to realize we were meant to be together. About two weeks after we met things got serious between us and we formed a relationship. .
On Febuary 23 , 2014 we met in person, amazing two weeks together.
We are planning to get married and get a fianc� visa .
Through God, Time, and Your site we found each other.
Chris is an amazing Man, and is everything I have prayed for. He's smart, kind, caring, sweet and his good looking is more on the inside than the outside. That is what every girl should look for, a man who is lovely but whose beauty on the inside outshines! I couldn't be happier. I thank God for him everyday! :)
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