
Jennifer & Stefan Aug 1, 2014

I met my only love and now my godly spouse through this website Christian Dating for free. I did search over 4 years in my Orthodox Church community in Germany. Even special prayers from my bishop did not work out. Nevertheless I did not stop praying and God guided me one day to this website. I winked to several women, but nothing happened. I was ready to give up. Suddenly a very nice woman from Uganda started talking to me. From the first moment we saw each other via Skype I knew that we were chosen from God to be together for ever and ever. This was in March 2014. We did spent hours and hours each day in talking through the internet which soon led to a planned meeting in June 2014 to make Jennifer my fianc�e. I flew to her over 6000 km and she was waiting at the airport. She felt completely happy about meeting me who had stirred her heart in such a unique way. We just looked at each other and there was instant connection. When I asked her to marry me she said yes. We married the 10th of July 2014. Now I am back in Germany, trusting in God because she must wait to get her visa to follow me and is even learning the German language. God makes both of us strong for the future.

Mares & John Jul 31, 2014

Blessings CDFF,

Me and John met in this site last November 7,2013 . We started talking each other and knowing each other. After 3 months we found out that we clicked instantly and since then we've had countless video chats, phone calls and exchanged literally hundreds of messages.. We decided to level up in our Relationship and to be committed to each other. Since then we decided to deactivated our account here..
Being Long distance relationship is very hard for both of us, not just we have to be patient each other but we have also to sacrifice our time just to talk. He is from British Columbia, Canada and I'm from Philippines but Living now in Oslo Norway. Time zone is really difficult to catch up.. But I thank God for giving me a boyfriend who is really kind and so patient.
After I say yes to him to be his girlfriend last February 7, 2014 , He decided to see me and meet me in person.. So we decided to meet each other in Iceland last June 22, 2014. we stay together for about 3 weeks. Were so excited and God really works in our relationship..
Since then we decided to get married next year to be in one... Looking forward to be his wife and he will be my Husband..

Thank you so much CDFF...
More blessings..

Mares & John

Noemie & Stefan Jul 25, 2014

Hello Blessings,

Me and my husband thanking so much CDFF. Through CDFF, me and my husband meet June 2012 and last June 14 2014 we are happily married. Thank you so much, God bless CDFF and everyone! Beleive in true love, we just need to learn to be patients and wait for God perfect time

Portia Mae & Eric Jul 24, 2014

I met my beautiful and precious Future Wife through this website Christian Dating For Free. When I first joined, I really intended to find someone near to my home in Missouri. I was having no luck, and I kept praying that God would bring me someone through this site. To tell the truth, I was really ready to give up. In fact I even stopped checking my account for nearly a year, but something kept telling me to keep checking. It was God telling me to hang on, He had something for me and kept telling me to hang on. The feeling seemed foolish to me; however, I have learned never to limit God. I eventually started checking my profile again, and suddenly there was this woman who winked me, so I winked her back. Honestly, several women from the Philippines checked out my profile, but I didn't give much attention to them because it seemed so far away and impossible to reach. I really hate long distance relationships, especially, that far in distance. Then, there was this one young lady who viewed my profile, Portia Mae Amarille, and we knew from the moment we saw each other that we were destined to be together. I am not talking about a physical attraction, but rather an attraction of the spirit. We exchanged a few letters and began chatting and before we knew it we were calling and video chatting with one another via Skype. At first, I had little hope that this Beautiful woman of God would even acknowledge me once she saw me, but to my surprise she not only acknowledged me but was actually interested in me. She is so interesting to me, I wanted to learn about her and her culture more and more. We have the same interests, sense of humor, conversational awareness, and even family loyalty. Our simularities in interests seems so unreal, nearly impossible even. We were definitely cut from the same cloth. It was after several weeks of chatting for hours upon hours on a daily basis that I realized what a blessed treasure she truly is. I have never met such a humble, devout person. A real person, not one of those uber church people who seem to think they are perfect. But a real, honest, Jesus loving person with flaws and issues, just like me. I have always had a desire to have children, and to make things more perfect, she has 2 wonderful boys who I love as if they were my very own. She has totally changed my outlook on the future and my life in so many ways, that I cannot even begin to articulate. I am so grateful to CDFF and to God with this website. Thank you so very much for helping me meet the one God had prepared for me, at the time when God knew I would be ready! I have asked Portia to Marry me and she has said yes! We are currently planning our future together as a family and, soon, will be getting Married.

Blair & Ryan Jul 14, 2014

I met my blessed and precious wife through the website Christian Dating For Free. When I first joined CDFF, I intended to find someone near to my new location in Alabama. I was having no luck, and I kept praying that God would show me someone through this site. No hope was left in me for me gaining a relationship through this site, but something kept telling me to continue checking. It was as if God was telling me to hang on, He had something in store for me. The feeling seemed silly to me, but I just had this weird feeling God had something planned for me. I checked my profile for months, then suddenly there was this Filipino woman who caught my attention. I had several women from the Philippines check my profile, but I did not give much attention to them. I had no belief that a relationship that far separate in distance could work. Then, there was this one young lady who viewed my profile, and I just felt something about her. I went ahead and I contacted her and we began using Skype to communicate. Again, I still had little faith this would work out, but very quickly I found myself desiring to know her. She was so interesting to me, I wanted to learn about her and her culture more and more. It was after getting to know her I realized what a treasure she truly is. I have never met such a humble, devout person. I admired her so much, she had personal attributes that I wanted to develop in myself. Absolutely, I wanted these qualities in our children. I had never had a desire to have children, until I met Blair. She has totally changed me and my life in so many ways, I am so grateful I joined CDFF and stuck with this website. Thank you so much for helping me meet the one God had prepared for me!

Sara & Bobby Jul 6, 2014

My lovely wife and I met on cdff on sept 7 2013 and where married on june 28 2014... I just want to say thank you so much for all you do. lostmylove651 and sarahsarreal are now as one ....

Kayla & Joe Jun 22, 2014

I met my husband on this website in 2011. We married in November of 2011 combining two families as one. In February of 2013 came our first child together! We are so blessed because of this website, we met, fell in love, had a child and blended 5 other children into one family!

Thank you!!!
Joe and Kayla

Aimee & Gideon Jun 13, 2014

Kia Ora~ From New Zealand,
Gideon and I meet in 2009 on CDFF, He was a Kiwi and I a Texan. We started talking and little did I know the Lord had a master plan for the both of us.
Our Journey took flight and we spend a year getting to know one another in an exclusive long distance relationship (taking our profiles down).
After one year, in 2010 I boarded my long 24hr flight to meet this special man in person... I will fast forward heaps, as we are now Married :)
"Delight yourself in the Lord, and HE will give you the desires of your heart"
I cling to this scripture, as it speaks truth into my life, The Lord has blessed me beyond my greatest dream, and I will testify of his greatness.
I thank the Lord firstly for the people behind this site, CDFF without this bold move to allow myself on CDFF i don't know where we would both be today!!
I want to say to anyone on here looking for a life partner, seek God first, God must be number one, above your desires to find a Man/Woman. Trust him to bless you!
Take your time and get to know someone, its easy to be mislead online, and the devil, yes Satan roams around like a roaring Lion, so beware, You will know if He/She is from God...
My best advice for anyone, "SO LOVE GOD" as he so loved us, this type of Love will carry through to any relationship in store for you...

Many blessings to all,
Aimee & Gideon 07.12.2014

Raluca & Jesse Jun 10, 2014

Thank u for this site, so we had the chance to meet and now we are married! I had the account for a week and so did my husband, we both closed our accounts soon after we started talking online! I am from Romania and he is from United States! We live in United States now and we are so happy! I hope you all find the right person that God made you for! God bless!

LIONITA & GUNO May 30, 2014

Dear CDFF team,

God works in the mysterious ways and I thank God for everything that He has done for us.
I am Lionita from Bandung, Indonesia. My username in this site: ThataChan.
On June 2013, Guno (username: Otmar) from Suriname and I met online via this site.
Only subjected to Thy's plan thus our love can grow. Guno came to Bandung on August 2013 and he proposed me.
We married on 20 May 2014 in Bandung. Praise the Lord, we will serve our Lord Jesus together.
We believe that our new family will be the extension of HIS glory and we want to please of Almighty God.
We would like to thank CDFF team because you are part of God's works. God bless you all....Lets God's name always be in the highest. Amen.
Best regards' (Lionita Thata and Guno Otmar)
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