I have met someone on cdff. He is a Christian man who has a heart for the Lord. We have fallen in love and plan to be married in January 2015. I am Brazilian and he American. We hope to do mission work for our Lord and Savior together.For those of you still sincerely looking, dreams can come true. Pray always, be honest with yourself, those you meet, and God and move ahead in faith.
Anna & Lamin Oct 5, 2014
I have been a CDFF member for about 1 year and more. I use to come in to chat and i have found a woman by the name Ann and she is enough for me. Relationship is some thing which is really important in a man's life i ask God to give me a wife the bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh and with God every thing is possible because He has given me a woman but not just a woman but a life partner. She is a woman of Faith and God fearing person life with Her means i have a life with God. God has brought us together to serve Him in His Vineyard.
I want to thank CDFF for what the have done for me and i am so glade to be a member of this wonderful family.
Sue & Mike Oct 4, 2014
I lost my late husband in Jan. 2013 and I prayed for God to send me someone to marry.. I joined some online dating and was about to give up on finding someone and then I found CDFF and I figure I see how it would go on this site..
And this site I talked to a few guys and then I met mike and we hit it off and now we don't see how we didn't find each other earlier..
We thank God for bring us together and answering our prayers and thanks CDFF for be here also.
Violeta & John Oct 1, 2014
Me and Violeta met here on Christian Dating site from countries across. I from India and she from Romania living in London, met here on dating site in April 2013.
We dated, courted, met each other, and now we are getting married this October 11th, 2014.
Wanted to thank you, and we can send you our wedding pictures and tell the world that your dating site works and its amazing to see cultures come together.
Thank you very much for your service.
I found my wife here, thanks to God and to you.
Stay Blessed,
John and Violeta
Ronalyne & Angel Sep 26, 2014
I have been a CDFF member for about 2 yrs or almost. I was about to delete my profile but on December 24th, 2013 my husband send me his first email and I am glad that I took the change of knowing him and no regrets at all that I said YES to him...and on August 14th 0f this year he decided to visit me on my planet. By the way I am from the Philippines and he is from California. We met in person on August 14th, 2014 and got married on August 20th, 2014. Woooohoo thank You Jesus! Thank you so much for your service CDFF, it was great! Godbless!!
Tamara & Mark Sep 25, 2014
I met the man of my dreams on CDFF!! We met February 9th 2013 and married September 20th 2014!! We are so thankful god brought us together to love one another and be there for one another!! He is a amazing father to my, now our son! We are truly blessed!! :-)
Lol it's funny my husband and I have not a clue as what our user name was!
My name is Tamara, I started chatting with Mark the end of January 2013. We had a lot in common, so February 9th 2013 we met and have been glued to each other since!! We recently got married September 20th 2014 at our church! God is so good to us. I had a pre started family, Mark jumped right in and has been a great father to our son! I've married my best friend!!
Gemma & Obogunrin Sep 15, 2014
I'm so glad to say a big thank you to CDFF. We met on CDFF and we have been together forever. we're planning for our wedding soon. Thank you CDFF.
Shawna & Cheron Sep 12, 2014
September 2nd 2014 was the day I came across Cheron's profile and instantly fell in love. I sent him a message not sure if he would respond but sure enough he did! The chemistry we shared through conversation on the website as well as on the phone and through Skype was indescribable. It was a feeling I had never felt before, I wasn't even sure if I believed in love at first sight until I found him. And the crazy thing about it all was the feeling was beyond mutual! We soon expressed ourselves to each other and made our long distance relationship official. God really showed us both how much he cares by bringing us together on this site. I love this man with all my heart, he makes me whole, makes me stronger, makes me laugh and cry out of happiness. I truly believe without a doubt in this world that Cheron is my true soul mate and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him!
Thank you Christian Dating for Free, because of your site and because of God's blessings I was able to find the man of my dreams that I had been searching a long time for.
Mary & Richard Sep 4, 2014
We found each other on CDFF. We are so thankful to the Lord for bringing us together through this wonderful Christian dating site.
We got married in 2012. We are living happily ever after.
Praise the Lord.
Katie & Andrew Aug 20, 2014
Andrew and I have just celebrated our one year wedding anniversary on August 3rd! On the very first day of my membership, I met the man I will spend the rest of my life with. He had been on for a little longer, but we were still extremely lucky to find each other!
I was living in North Carolina at the time, and he was in Canada...so I wasn't too optimistic at first. But God works in mysterious ways! I lost my job in NC, moved back to Ohio (9 hours closer to Andrew...) and then got a job only an hour from the Canadian border. It was as if God was pushing me closer and closer to him.
After traveling back and forth to see each other a few times a month for 9 months, he popped the question and we were married 6 months later!!
I moved to Canada the week after the wedding, and we have been loving life ever since!!
Thanks to this site, our dreams have come reality!