
Khorz & Stephen Nov 27, 2014

A friend at church suggested I sign up on CDFF about 2 months ago. I had never tried online dating before, and was skeptical that anything would come of it.

The worst thing was I had no idea what I wanted in a woman. Filling in my profile helped me get a rough idea of who I was and what I wanted. The views and messages boosted my confidence and I began to get a better idea of what was possible. I edited my profile a couple of times to reflect what I wanted, and have now found a lady who ticks 90% of my boxes. Not sure how many of hers I tick, but we have agreed to become friends and see where it goes.

From a skeptic to a satisfied customer!

Thanks CDFF. I would recommend you based on the experience of my friend, and my own. The modern way to go. Try it!!

Erna & Mike Nov 27, 2014

I used this dating site for 4 years and in the last one and a half years of being on the site finally met that special someone. We have been serious for a little over a year and plan to get married this December. I dated others in the mean time even from this site, but just not right for each other. God through this experience was teaching me to wait for his best, not my second best. Waiting for God's best is waiting on his timing for he knows the desires of our hearts and grants that to us as we delight in his ways. Christian Dating for Free is where God brought us together, but our true meeting place was our seeking each other through Christ.

Cece & Denfield Nov 12, 2014

Thank you CDFF. From a single message on here to husband and wife. Without this site we would not have met each other and for this we are grateful first of all for being obedient to the holy spirit in leading us to here. We are from and live on two separate islands in the Caribbean. We met in January of 2014 and after a few messages back and forth we decided to exchange personal email addresses and Skype addresses. Our relationship progressed from friendship into something more serious. Four months later we met each other and our families for the first time. We got engaged 6 months into our relationship and here we are as husband and wife living on the same island just 10 months later after our first message on here.
Love is a beautiful thing especially when you know the Lord for yourself and you are obedient to his voice. Honoring God first of all has always been our motto and we will continue to do so as we serve God and then each other as he has instructed us to do.

We are grateful to CDFF for bringing us together and wish to tell others on here that they shouldn't give up. God will give you the person whom he sees you need and not who you want.

Gods blessings on you all.
Happily Married in the Caribbean

Becky & Daniel Nov 9, 2014

Yes I met him in Christian dating site, his name is Daniel we've start sept.8 2013 sending email to each other then we decided to go on Skype so we can see each other and to know more about our life. His nice and loving person all the criteria that I'm looking for a guy, then by that time my daughter in Hawaii invited me to spend holiday with them so he decided to go also in Hawaii to meet me in person Nov.19 2013 is our memorable day that is our date of arrival after 2 days he proposed...then we flew in Florida to meet his family after meeting his family we decided to get married Feb.14,2014 is our wedding day...and now we lived here in Alabama we are so grateful that one time in our life we were part of your Christian dating site.
From the bottom of our hearts thank you so much...Mr. and Mrs.

Laisa & Allan Nov 6, 2014

Hi Christian Dating for free.

I met Laisa who has now become my Beautiful wife, on your site 2 years ago. We got married in the Dominican Republic on October 3rd 2014. After meeting we talked on your site and i quickly visited Laisa and her family in the Dominican Republic. Then we talked through phone and by the internet and i kept on visiting her every 3 months until we decided we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. We set a date for our wedding and as earlier said married a month ago.

Me and my wife would like to say - Thanks so much for your site and to God for bringing us both together.

Allan & Laisa

Chrisberleen & Kyle Oct 16, 2014

Him - USA - Canadian Citizen
Me - Philippines - Filipino Citizen
We're both in the same age.

We were first introduced through here (Christian Dating for Free dating web site), in December 2012. That was right after my husband's birthday. We started communicating daily after the first introduction, by sending messages through the website. After one week we exchanged e-mails and started communicating by e-mail, through our gmail accounts. We e-mailed each other every single day. Around Christmas time we had voice call for the first time on Skype, and a few days later we had a video call. Surprisingly, on our first video call, he gave me a beautiful pink rose that was wrapped at first, and I never thought it was for me. I was very touched by this. We had the next Skype video call on New Year�s Eve, 31 December 2013. We enjoyed each other�s company a lot, and we very quickly connected. We communicated daily (VideoCall). We then transferred from Skype to Gmail Google hangout. I have made slideshows of our daily video calls, and I have saved it in our Google drive, to date.

Three months later, in March 2013, only a few days before my birthday, Kyle visited me for the first time in the Philippines. He stayed for one week. We celebrated my birthday together. He also met my family, my grandparents, my parents and my two sisters, and other family, as well as some of my friends. We spent wonderful time together, we were already in love with each other, and we realized that we would make a good couple.

We continued our daily communication over the internet when my husband returned to the U.S.A.

After 6 months my husband visited me again in the Philippines (September 2013). This time he came together with his parents, so they could meet me and my family. They stayed with us for two weeks. This time we became a couple.

After 4 months my husband and I registered our civil marriage in the Philippines on January 2014. The ceremony was attended by my closest family. We decided that we would also have a Catholic church wedding. My husband's parents and brother have work commitments, so we all decided it would be best if they came for the church wedding rather than the civil ceremony. The purpose of this was to file all our paper works for me to be with him right after our church wedding.

Finally, after 4 months my husband and I got married!!!
Our Catholic wedding ceremony took place in May 2014

He visited me for a total of 4 times. By the way, he's my first and my last. All worth the wait!!!

And now we are currently living here in the States. We're enjoying our life together. Yes will live happily ever after!!!!!

Rules for a happy marriage:
Laugh together, be the first to say I'm sorry, say I love you, forgive, don't bring up the past, communicate and trust,hug-hold hands-kiss, be in the moment, remember why you fell in love, compliment each other, listen, encourage each other, show gratitude.

RenaMarie & SilveradoCowboy Oct 14, 2014

SilveradoCowboy & I had both used ur site as a last ditch effort to the find the love of our life. Because of your site, with the help of God's hand, we found each other & we are so happy!!! Just over the moon about it! Thanks CDFF with all the gratitude in the world! Ur site really works! He only had his page up for 5 days. Mine was only 3 days. Thats how fast it works!!! :D

Roselynne & Nathan Oct 13, 2014

Ours is the perfect Love Story, she came to me, looking for me on my birthday, Oct 5th. So I call her my birthday present, she is my special angel. We Both like so many things and the more we talked, the more we learned and the closer our hearts became, so we moved to emails and we have been chatting every day since that day. I am so in love with this woman, mere words cannot express my feelings for her, though our lips have never met, we KNOW we are right for one another. She lights up my life like no other has ever done, if you had told me years ago I could ever be this happy, I would have said no way. But God had a plan for me to meet this wonderful person in the most unorthodox way, online. God works in mysterious ways that's for sure. I have been a member here for over a year and never in all the time I have been here have I ever met someone so warm and sweet and she literally swept me off my feet. I have never opened up to anyone like I have opened up to her, Roselynne has stolen my heart away, I am hers forever. I just wanted to share this incredible news.

Nathan has found true love at CDFF

Mary & Peter Oct 11, 2014

I thank God and CDFF for giving me the opportunity to meet a very special man, so loving, caring and a christian.

We got married in August 2014

For everyone on CDFF still searching, please don't loose hope, pray always, seek guidance from God for He only will lead you to that special someone who will make you smile always.

Thank you CDFF

Chrisberleen & Kyle Oct 9, 2014

Canadian from USA
Filipino from Philippines
Thank you Christian Dating For Free
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