
Mina & Curtis Feb 8, 2015

It's just amazing how God works in the lives of people. Curtis and I got on the site about the same time, close to four years, before God had us meet each other online. That was the time we didn't even think we will find someone.. I have stopped praying about it and just told the Lord that being single for five years is not too bad as long as it's His will for me. Just when I was suppose to cancel my account, I got a wink from this good looking American. Then when I read his profile something he's written down hit me. "I am so much into my church and serving the Lord." When we started talking we just can't stop. We were on Skype for like 2-3 hours each day and the chemistry is something that we can see. Most of the time though we would be studying and talking about scriptures. I had prayed for someone who is an equal yoke and I believe that God answered my prayer. What makes it better is the fact the we can't put a limit on what God can do. Though we are miles and miles apart, from different parts of the world, God's will shall come to pass. We had our simple betrothal Ceremony in my church in the Philippines. he had to be "travelling' for three days because a snow storm in some parts of the U.S.A. which caused his flights to be cancelled and him walking for about 5 miles to get another flight booked and he was very exhausted by the time I met him on the airport. But what cane we both say, "When God opens the door, nobody can close it. He will be staying in my country for a couple of days and will then start a fianc�e visa petition which could be a long and tedious process. Again, we leave it up to the Lord. He has taken us this far and we know He will be with us all the way.
We would both like to thank this site and we pray God continues to use it.

Amanda & Ben Feb 1, 2015

We are Ben (31) and Amanda (28) ! We are both from Cincinnati, Ohio. We just wanted to share our story made possible by our Savior and CDFF! !!
As a new Christian that just moved back home after college, Amanda decided to join CDFF to find some new Christian Friends in the area. Amanda had received a few messages from Ben. To be honest they were ignored. I say this to those out there who may judge someone from photos. We didn't have anything in common except for our Fatih and board games. That just shows you God knows what He's doing. Ben's strength led Amandas weaknesses and vice versa.
A few months go by and Amanda gets a message from Ben mentioning a favorite card game. Ended up talking on the instant messaging one night and Ben asked Amanda to breakfast the following morning. A few months of friendship turned into dating and some ups and downs. Because of God through CDFF I found my best friend in life. 3 years later and we are now happily married, independent business partners, serving Jesus, and setting the captives free!

We have already had so many adventures together. Midnight runs together since Amanda is a running fanatic, hiking trips out west, being goofy and pouring cold water on each other in the shower, and traveling the country Blessing as many people as we can encounter.

I'm so blessed and thankful for my husband. His wisdom and Love for Jesus had molded us as we have become one flesh.

Thank you CDFF for giving God's children a free place to find God's match for us in life.

Lilet & Mark Jan 22, 2015

Me and my Fiance met on this site.....and now we both happy to each other.

The IOWA & PHILIPPINE love story. We all know that being in a long distance relationship is difficult, missing him/her is hurtful but we have to be patiently waiting for the day that you and that person will going to be together someday. We dreamed, we believed, so don't never ever give up, because one day, your destiny will find you ♥. LOVE will find a way :)

Debi & Gary Jan 19, 2015

Thank you for the invitation to share a testimonial.

I have tried three other internet dating sights -- eHarmony, Christian Mingle, and Our Time. I have met a few nice women, but....

I'm a high school English teacher and this year I was teamed up with a teacher who was new to our campus. It wasn't long before we realized we were both Christians, and in time we began to talk on a more personal level. When she heard some of my story she asked if I'd tried ChristianDatingForFree.com. I told her I'd never heard of it. She told me she had met her husband on it and so had her younger sister. Thus, she really encouraged me to check it out.

So I did. I joined and set the boundaries of what women I'd like to meet. And no one within the mileage range I set came up. I thought, "Well, that's par for the course. Another dead end."

A few days later I thought I would just look at the photos of women in my age range, and as I scrolled through them I came upon a photo of a woman with her grand-daughter. What caught my attention were the very blue eyes they both had. There was just something very attractive about the photo. But when I clicked on her profile I saw that she lived in Lincoln, Nebraska. I live in Houston, Texas. In spite of the physical distance I decided to just send a little comment to compliment her and her grand-daughter's beautiful blue eyes.

Shortly I received a response. Again, I'm thinking about the distance between us, but figured that maybe this would at least be a person to have some conversation with. (She told me later that she had been on the website for about a year, had a few men contact her, none of which had she even felt to respond to.)

Sure enough, we began communicating via the website's email. Then we went to our personal email. Then our phones. And finally to video chat. The more we talked the more I like this woman. I felt some nice connection with her.

All of this was in the early Fall, and as the Christmas Break approached I began to consider possibly driving to Lincoln to meet her in person. When I asked her about this she was for it. So I drove there, arriving and meeting her on Christmas Eve. We spent seven days together...and it was very good. Very good. Very, very good.

No sooner did I return to Houston when we began making plans for her to come visit me, which she will do on Easter weekend for six days.

I don't know if you guys at CDFF petition Jesus to make matches, but if you do...thank you!


Meryl & Nick Jan 18, 2015

A year ago, i met this wonderful man on this site, I was the first one who send him a message and surprisingly on that exact time that I send him a message he was online. we started to talk and starting to ask each other a basic question and get to know more about each other. After 9 months of talking online (chatting, skype and phone calls) he came here in the Philippines to visit me for the first time. it was October 2014, when we first met each other and from that day on we decided to get married. I know its a very fast decision for both person to get married for the first time of meeting in person, but for us, why do we still need to take another chance and wait for another months if we both already know that we finally found each other and we already knew in ourselves that we want to spend our lives together. Now, we are praying and hoping for us to be together, because currently he was in USA while me I'm still here in the Philippines.

My husband did not have any idea that i will make this testimonial for our first Anniversary since we've met and become a couple. because we were talking that we will make this testimonial on this site if I'm already with him in USA and living together. But I'm really happy cause we are celebrating our first anniversary.

This coming October 2015, we will be celebrating our first year wedding anniversary. I'm very much thankful to our Lord Jesus Christ for all the blessings that he had showered us.

We are very much thankful to this site, where me and my husband started the chapter of our lives from strangers to lovers. I'M A VERY PROUD WIFE OF A WONDERFUL, LOVING, CARING and UNDERSTANDING HUSBAND.

Thank you so much CDFF

Limey & Rich Jan 8, 2015

God has blessed our lives so much. Thank you CDFF

Trish & Rob Dec 31, 2014

We want to thank GOD and CDFF for bringing our dreams for a Godly marriage to a reality. I met Rob through this website on Oct. 29,2014 after I prayed to GOD about sending a message to him after I saw he had viewed me. I hadn't been on the website for very long and it was new and a little fearful for me to open up to a stranger and seek a lasting relationship on-line.I have walked with God for many years and I knew it was him who directed me to this particular site. After that first message I knew without a doubt that GOD had led us both there. Our conversations brought us closer to each other and to GOD. We kept in prayer and bible readings and look toward GOD's guidance every day before we talked and we laugh how everything in our lives was bringing us toward each other over the last few years before we met, just like pieces of a puzzle falling into place. God had put it in my heart back in June that I was going to get married and I knew it would take a miracle from GOD since I have been divorced for 7 years and never dated, but I stepped out in faith and bought my wedding dress. After 2 weeks we knew that GOD had placed each of us in the others heart. We wanted to be with each other and started making plans not knowing what GOD was preparing our lives for. I had secretly planned on visiting him in the spring but GOD opened doors much quicker after we prayed that we could spend Christmas together. We decided that GOD's plan was better than any we could make so when the doors opened we boldly walked through. I lost my job on Thanksgiving day and Rob told me to "come home". I packed up my car and drove almost 10 hours through bad weather to get to him. It was love again at first sight. He took me into his home and asked me to be his wife. Being Christians we could not live in sin without the bonds of marriage so as soon as the courthouse opened we applied for our license and as soon as the waiting period was over we became man and wife on Dec. 4,2014. We are the perfect match and I couldn't have asked for a better mate. Trusting in GOD's choice for me was the greatest decision I have ever made and my new husband totally agrees. We just wanted to write and tell everyone that GOD has someone special for them and if you will follow HIM he will lead you to them. We are so Blessed! Thanks again for this Christian website, we pray blessings on it and you. Rob & Trish

Febe & Will Dec 3, 2014

I thank God that He answered my prayer. My husband and I met at CDFF 2� years ago. Now we are happily married. It is good if we put God first not our heart, because God will give you the best. God bless to all of you waiting for God's will.

Ashley & Wood Dec 1, 2014

Ashley and I met on here a in June. We started dating September 8th. Everything has gone great. She is a great godly women whom I have fallen in love with and she has fallen in love with me. On Oct 17, 2015 we will be getting married. We would have never met without this site.

Jason Nov 28, 2014

I found a wonderful woman on your site and we are getting married !!! Thank you for your great service.

Kind Regards,
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