May 6, 2009
I found an incredible girl that I want to get know better, and I want to devote my time to getting to know her rather than chatting with other people at this time.I sincerely thank you at cdff for giving this opportunity to me :)
May 6, 2009
Found someone on this site. Thank YOU!Rebecca & Justin May 6, 2009

That was the same story with my boyfriend. Justin had messaged me after I had checked out his profile a week earlier. From there we started talking online, then talking on the phone, and a relationship evolved over time.
After two months of talking daily via phone or webcam we finally met in person. Nervous at first it was quickly apparent that this was something bigger and more awesome than we expected. Our goofy personalities clicked, our beliefs, our pasts, and our walks with Jesus, everything! It felt almost too good to be true!
The departure at the airport is when I really knew that him being in California and myself in Iowa was just not a possibility.
Jan 31st I met him in the airport, him and I took my packed car and headed west! We had been praying for a safe journey and God heard us, we had good travel the entire 30 hour trip! No snow, no winds, and not much traffic!
The very first week here I was able to get a job and the very first time at his church I felt right at home. When I met his daughter Elise she completely stole my heart. For only being 8 she has a very knowledgeable concept of who God is, she gets it. I hope that Justin and I can reflect what being a Christian truly is. That she can be influenced in her walk because of us.
We both have the utmost respect and love for another. God so wonderfully created us just for each other it feels like. Amen! We realize the importance for God being the center of our relationship. When you start putting God on the backburner that is when it gets tainted. We make sure to incorperate daily prayer and reading of books like the one listed below and other such practices to help keep us grounded. Life without Jesus is no life at all!
Currently we are helping out with the youth group here...getting our feet wet in mentoring middle school and high school kids. We are excited for the future and can see already that God is at work and has some big plans in store. I'll keep everyone updated as time goes on. BTW we are NOT living together, we have seperate homes, in different towns, but in God's timing we'll get married and share the same home, can't wait :)
Thank you for reading, and hope you can find some inspiration from our story.
May 6, 2009
Pursuing a relationship with a man I met on this site.May 5, 2009
Good Site. I enjoyed meeting new people on here..May 5, 2009
I found the one I truly have been looking for here and I thank you so much for this site!!!! There will be bells soon!!!!God Blesss you and your staff!!!
May 4, 2009
I'd love to thank u for the great experience i've had here, it was an amazing site & i found someone special, so wish me good luck...Thanks again for ur hard work & efforts
May 4, 2009
I had great success using your site. Thank you so much.I had been using two other more main stream popular sites and no success.
So my new wife APril and I were wondering if you might be running any contest or prizes?
Either way we would love to write a testimonial for your site.
IN Christ,
Steve and April
May 4, 2009
I found someone that I fell in love with.Your website was good. I loved everything about your website.
I would definitely recommend to everyone to use this website.
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