
May 11, 2009

i've already met my life partner here! thanks!!

May 10, 2009

You have a great site and has potential to grow and offer people like me even more to find the one they desire. Thank you for the free service. I felt like you were truly in this to help us find our mate and not merely a business with great intentions. THANK YOU. And may God bless your efforts here.

May 10, 2009

met someone here and plan to marry!!!

Thank you all at cdff, God bless.

May 10, 2009

I've met my best friend, and we're madly in love. We don't know what will come; but neither of us has any interest in anyone else at this time.

May 9, 2009

Lauren�s dating background-Many boyfriends here and there, but nothing very steady. I went to a college where they were determined you would meet your better half. However, I went through all 4 years of school and never found anyone worthwhile�at least for me! After many discouraging dates, finally I turned to the internet. I joined two websites: CDFF & Christian Caf�. I never paid the fee for the other, just took advantage of the free weekends. Truly though, I had doubts about meeting anyone on-line.

Bradley�s dating background-Bradley had not too long been out of a marriage that had ended badly. He was living with an elderly woman, and felt that he would never meet anyone that would compliment him perfectly. He was praying for a woman that would love God and him with her whole heart. He was writing back and forth with a few women that he had met on CDFF.

The love story-In March of 2008, Bradley came across my profile and he liked the things that I had to say about being a Christian and decided to contact me through a message. I had not been very good about checking my messages, but about a week later, got on the site and was going through my inbox. There were many men that seemed to be wonderful, but of they didn�t live near me, I decided not to contact them. Then, I came across a message from this man and I liked everything that he had to say. I clicked on his profile and saw an amazing thing�he was living in Lynchburg, VA, the same as me!!!!! We wrote back and forth a few times, but the messages were getting lengthy. My close friend had invited me to a baseball game with her and her new love interest. I really didn�t want to go with them alone, so I invited Bradley to come with me. He wrote back and said he would like to come and gave me his IM name so we could talk before hand. The night before, his IM wouldn�t work very well, so he sent me his number and told me to call him. I worked up the courage and we ended up talking on the phone for over 2 hours! I immediately liked him and was very excited for the game the next day.

The day of the game arrived and Bradley was 45 minutes late�which I have come to find out, is not very unusual (smile). This was late April of 2008 and you would think it would have been warmer, but the wind was whipping and we were all freezing. As the game went on, Bradley and I just talked and talked, not paying a bit of attention to the game. We all decided we couldn�t stay a minute longer or we would freeze, so we all left to grab dinner at Applebee�s. My friend was saying good-bye to her boyfriend at his car, so I took Bradley back to his. As we were saying our good-byes, I realized I wanted to see this man again. He was worried that I wouldn�t! After that day, we were inseparable. We spent any moment we had free together! By the summer, we knew that we never wanted to be apart.

Bradley surprised me one night by coming over and bringing me flowers, and acting really nervous. That night, he asked me to be his wife. I could hardly believe, but without a doubt in my mind, my reply was YES!

We were married on September 27, 2008, which also happened to be my 23rd birthday. Since then, we have bought a house and right after Christmas, we found out we were going to be parents at the end of August 2009.

So as our love grows, so does our family (smile) We are so thankful for the LORD and CDFF for bringing us together. We both lived in Lynchburg for 6 years, but it took your website to help us find each other!

May 9, 2009


I am currently dating someone and would like to be removed from your great web site for now!

Really appreciate how well this is set up and that it is free for us Christians!

Thank you again!

May 9, 2009

I was blessed with someone!!! And my search is over!!!....

May 9, 2009

I recently went to meet [username] in Michigan. It was like we had known each other all our lives. From what I hear she has already written to you some of what has happened between us. What you don't know is that we got married the day before I had to leave for California.

We are still apart as she finishes up her responsibilities in Michigan but will join me probably by the end of June. I also got two great kids in the bargain with the marriage. I already have one daughter.

We will be sending pictures as soon as they are done next week. Thank you for your valuable service. I have told others about it. Once we publicize how we met I am sure you will get a lot more. We serve such an awesome God.

Couldn't ask for a better match. It was truly made in heaven.

Thank you again.

May 8, 2009

Met someone on here and want to see where it goes. Thank you

May 8, 2009

Found someone very special and I want to see it goes.
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