Thank you so much of your website.....Through it, I found my loving and godly husband who is also a Christian. .... thank you so much. We've got married last June 1, 2016.....thank you once again
Olive & Kevin Aug 12, 2016
OCT 15 2016 Wedding in Beautiful Wisconsin.
Rose & Michael Aug 7, 2016
I just want to , Thank you and our Heavenly Father , for my Beautiful fiance' ! I was blessed with a wonderful woman and we will be getting married soon ! Iowa's giving up on dating sites , signed up for yours and approximately 10 minutes in , Wow ! My heart almost jumped out of my chest ! We fell in love instantly and have been a blessing to each other since we met ! Iowa's just going to unsubscribe and God brought us together ! I said ; Hi ! She said ; Hi ! I pressed ; Favorite ! She pressed ; Favorite ! I was like , what is going on LORD ! Do you both want to chat ! Yes ! And Yes ! Oh relationship has been blessed ever since then ! GOD is AWESOME !
Ruby & Travis Aug 6, 2016
I'm Ruby 32 years old from the Philippines single mom with 8years old daughter ,I meet my husband in this site his 36 years old from Texas single dad with 8yrs old daughter.
One time I'm browsing my facebook and it happens that CDFF pop up on my newsfeed,it catched my attention to read some testimonies and after that I downloaded the apps. March 7, 2015 I joined CDFF after 2days theres one guy named Travis who keeps on viewing my profile and after a while he message me and I message him back, from that time we always chating and video call everyday , every hour . Until we realize we both inlove , after 6 months being in relationship he decided to come and visit me in hongkong (where I worked as a domestic helper) Sunday September 26 2015 we go to church together and he surprised me and proposed in front of my Pastor and churchmate. Then after he flew back to USA by November same year he started the process to petition me and my daughter using Fiance Visa.
March 26,2016 I got my fiance visa on hand and April 1, 2016 me and my daughter arrived to Texas , April 8 2016 we got married , a dream come true for both of us having a Godly awesome husband and his supportive family,he complete me, i couldnt ask for more..
Thank you so much CDFF God made this site as an instrument to meet my husband and my forever. Godbless a lot CDFF and to those who still waiting for thier soulmate be patience and wait for the right and perfect timing of God for us!
Mel & Bryan Jul 28, 2016
On 13/05/2015 I registered for CDFF, I met the most amazing woman. There was an instant connection between us. We began talking as friends at first but that friendship soon turned in to love.
We constantly mailed texted and skyped each other for 7 months. I then decided to book my flight to the Philippines. We met each other for the first time on 15th December 2015.
We were both a little nervous at first but the nerves soon passed. The bond we had never faded and our love for each other grew stronger and stronger. On Christmas day I proposed to Mel and she accepted. I flew back to England on the 6th Jan 2016, from then on it was still constant mails, phone calls, Skype and messenger for us to communicate with each other. I returned back to the Philippines on the 5th June 2016. Our wedding arrangements had been set and on the 25th June 2016 we married in the Philippines.
I would like to thank you for bringing me and my wife together, without your dating site we would never have met.
Once again thank you
Eva Alen & Gideon Jul 21, 2016
I joined CDFF out of plain curiosity. I was skeptic at first but I gave it a shot anyway. After a year or so, I lost interest because I felt nothing was really happening. I thought to myself maybe this online dating thing is not really for me. But then everything changed when a guy with a username "Shilokey" sent me a message on the 5th of September 2012. I looked on his profile first to know if we are more or less on the same page but to my surprise I learned that we have a lot in common. So I responded to his message and from then on we became instant friends and exchanged messages everyday. We first skyped on my birthday (it was after three months of knowing each other). We made a mutual decision not to be a couple until we meet personally to protect each others hearts. On March 2013, "Shilokey" visited me and my family in the Philippines. He asked for my parents blessing on our relationship. September of the same year, I visited him and his family in South Africa. He proposed to me on the 5th of October 2013 and we got married on the 3rd of May 2014. We are 2 years married now and it only gets better in time. Despite all the struggles and setbacks, God has been so faithful. HE orchestrated our love story and CDFF has been a tool in the fulfillment of HIS grand plan. Thanks a million CDFF!
Eleonor & Bob Jun 13, 2016
Last August 22, I saw a beautiful, beautiful woman on CDFF. I clicked on her picture. When I read her profile, she was everything I could want, except for one thing. I was in California; she lived in the Philippines. Normally I would not have written her. However, since I was planning to come to the Philippines on a mission trip, I contacted her. It didn't take long for us to realize that we were God's will for each other and to fall in love. I proposed, she accepted, and we started planning a wedding for Valentine's Day.
Ele had been praying for a preacher husband for 13 years since her husband passed away. We have the same vision and the same calling from God to be active in fulfilling the Great Commission.
When I arrived in Manila on January 20, she met me at the airport. I immediately began to see that she was much more than I had ever dreamed. We are living in the Philippines now until she gets her Green Card to come to the US. I have been speaking in a lot of churches here, and sometimes we sing duets together. We will be spending a week ministering in Myanmar and possibly in India in the Fall. Hopefully we will be able to go to my home in the US by January, 2017.
Thank you, CDFF, for being used of God to bring this wonderful woman into my life. She is an answer to prayer and a dream come true.
Guilda & Daniel May 27, 2016
Gia05 - I met Daniel on CDFF in late Dec. of 2014. He was in Texas and I was in DC. I actually joined the CDFF due to my sisters in Christ's encouragement to give online dating a try. I had never been in a relationship and they thought that it was because I didn't pay attention to it even though there were few guys who approached me. Those guys were either unbeliever or not a mature believer. I was firmed to stand upon my conviction that if I were to be in a relationship, Christ should be the center of it. Honestly, in my 28 years of being single there were times that I would wonder how it feels to be in relationship and look up and ask God if he's preparing someone for me. Then I thought that maybe marriage was just not for me. I didn't have much hope if not no hope at all when I first tried CDFF and tried it just for the sake of trying and had brief conversations with no direction with couple of guys.
I had never imagined that online dating will work for me but it did! In late December of 2014, Daniel sent me a message and it was very different from the rest. The approach was very polite and Christ-centered. I was unsure at first and prayed a lot for God's wisdom and discernment. And indeed, God is always true to His promises and reveals His will to those who seek it. The more I talk with Daniel, the more I can see Christ in him. We became officially in a relationship on Feb. 2, 2015. He flew to DC on March 12 and proposed to me on bended knees beside a lake on the 15th of March. And soon enough, we got married on 9th of October 2015. I love being married to my husband and I am grateful to God for blessing me with a Godly, loving, caring, and considerate husband. We are seven months on the way now and are very excited to meet this growing miracle in my womb in person. All glory to God!
I know that this testimonial is long but I am praying and hoping that may this give an encouragement to those who seek to find their future spouse with God-honoring intentions that good things come to those who wait upon the Lord. Thank you CDFF for being God's instrument to bring two souls together. God bless your ministry and all the people behind it!
Daniel12v3 - CDFF is a wonderful Christian ministry worth supporting. Coupled with much prayer, it can be a tool to bring two liked-minded believers in Jesus Christ together for marriage. After looking locally for a few years I decided to give online dating a serious try.
I first contacted Guilda in late December. I’ve contacted many women on this website. Most did not respond. Those I left alone. I also very much appreciated when a woman told me plainly that she was not interested in me. It helped redirect me. A few responded and few others I carried on conversations with for a while. Yet, none of these were the match God wanted for me. As I continued to use CDFF, I became gradually more specific and sure of who I was looking for. God helped me remain discerning throughout.
I wasn’t willing to settle or compromise my beliefs. God blessed me for it by moving Guilda to respond to me favorably. After using only the CDFF messenger for a while we agreed to video chat on Skype a few times a week. We also spent 1-2 hours on the phone talking every weekend. After asking her many open-ended questions about her faith and waiting on the LORD for direction, God began revealing to me that she is the one for me. God eventually gave us the green light to meet in person. During the time between our meeting, proposal, and wedding, He used other Christians in our lives to support us and keep us accountable until marriage. I am so grateful to the LORD God for answering my prayers for a Christian wife. What a wonderful God!
Zafella & Peter May 27, 2016
I'd like to thanks CDFF to help me meeting the love of my life, my now husband.
He first contacted me in October 18, 2014. I was in Indonesia that time, he was in Louisiana.
Our friendship grew for a year until we met for the first time in California.
We had the love at the first sight, and we were confidence enough to continue our relationship officially after a year of friendship.
After months of courtship, he proposed me and we got married already in April 9th, 2016. God is so good! Again, thank you CDFF!
Veronica & Jason May 24, 2016
Our love story began in August of 2014 when my future wife found me on Christian Dating For Free. I had originally signed up wanting to meet a nice Christian lady locally, but was having no luck. I had been getting a lot of views and messages from those out of country, but since I had never been outside the United States except for once on a cruise, and had heard about how long and exhausting the immigration process is, I did not have the desire to find someone out of country, and had even put on my profile stating such. My future wife found me on this site and we soon found we were falling in love fast and couldn't stay away from one another.
Not long before that, both of us were feeling empty inside and I was losing hope. We both also felt like the window was closing time wise to find someone special, get married, and start a family, which we both deeply desired. We went from sending long, detailed messages on CDFF to one another, to using Skype every day. It seemed as if we both loved just about everything about each other, down to the smallest details. So much so that in March of 2015, I traveled to the Middle East when that part of the world was not seen as the safest, just to meet her and see if everything would continue falling into place perfectly like it had been. Needless to say it did, for both of us, and we got engaged while I was there. We did the K-1 fiance visa so she could come be my wife in the United States. We loved each other so much we didn't care what anyone thought. But even that fell into place a lot more than was expected.
Fast forward and my fiance arrived in late November, 2015, and we were married on December 1. In mid-February of 2016 we found out we are expecting our first baby this November. God bless you all and don't lose faith. Keep in mind that God works in mysterious ways and in His timing and more importantly, remember Psalm 37:4.
"Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart."