
Anonymous Aug 26, 2009

I was on this site for almost a month. Suddenly the woman of my dreams came up asking me to chat....and from then on.........everything has been a blessing

Marybeth Sides & Ryan Rakotz Aug 23, 2009

Well Ryan and I (Marybeth) met on here about 6 days ago. But we feel as if we've known each other our whole life. WE connected when you know theres true love there, you just know. It's something that we can't help but feel. I love him with all of my heart. He loves me as well. We are now very happy and in love and can't wait until the day we get married. Even if it means waiting for a long time before we unite and be one for ever. Were madly and passionately in love....... Thanks to this website we wouldn't have met. So thank you.

Anonymous Aug 21, 2009

From the moment we first talked on the phone we both new we had the kind of love people only dream about. God has really shown us that true love is real and if you leave it in his hands he will show you the way. Thank you so much!

Barbara & Robert

KeKe & Ed Aug 18, 2009

Where do I begin? I have been through so very much in my short lifetime, from not ever having a family as a child to call my own to just toxic relationships as I became an adult. I began to pray for God's guidance in my life and for Him to place the one in my life instead of me out there picking myself because it was abvious I was NOT good at it. I recently went through a break up after a 7 year old relationship and I thought I would never be deserving of a family after that, just thinking for some reason I was never good enough for love and a family. I know his was the work of the devil trying to discourage my faith. So, I begin to pray for the right one to come into my life. I was very precise and thought it was just way too much to expect, but I continued anyway. I finally got to a point to where I just thought o myself if I want a family I am just going to have to settle for what I already knew and just hope God would change his heart, but before I could ever allow the toxic 7 year relationship replay its doom, I prayed with my church on August 9th, 2009 . And my Pastor not fully knowing what I was seeking God about, No One did, he looked at me and said You HAVE to let God do this one and you got to let it go, there is about to be an overwhelming blessing walk into your life, God already has the plans lined up for you, adn you have NOOO idea!!! Then I began to pra more, and I heard that still small voice say," KeKe, I am at work here, if you just be still and know your answer will be revealed and you will be able to count the days until it becomes clear". So, that very night, I went home and I said well, ok, I am going to try and put a profile up on EHarmony, because I hear so much about it and I did not really know of any other site so I tried and Itried and I tried some more to get my questionaire finished, well it never woul go through, so I looked a little for another site and I found this one, I looked around in it and immediately signed up. In 6 days I met somevery Rock Solid Men of God and a few Waysiders, but nothing was taking my breath away, and all aloing I am remembering the promise I had from God about you will be able to count the days, and knowing it is nearing a week. Sunday the 16th, of August 2009 was here and I rushed home from church to check my page out and it had been 7 days since the promise, and I was now discouraged, I said Lord, tomorrow will be a week. With that I began to get up from my chair as I was closing out my page, in mid-stance before I could stand all the way up, I looked at my screen and there before me, somehow, my page had refreshed and there was a man there with a guitar that just made me sit back down. I saw he was online and I wrote him, I said ok God I will give him 2 minutes to respond and I am off to bed. Just as the 2 minute time span was about to end, I began to get up again, and a message came back, Hello....
Long Story short, If there were ever 2 people fashioned for one another, it IS Ed & I. Down to the very last detail of His Daughter and My Kids all share the same Birth Month. There is not 1 single detail that is not identical in our life really. We both know we are in this by the Grace of God and it was He that took us by Storm.
Thank you Christian Dating for your Ministry, A Divine Calling has been made possible by yur obidience to Him.

Anita Jaramello & Terry Gist Aug 17, 2009

We met onthis dating site back on March 10, 2009. After talking daily for 5 1/2 months, we decided we had to meet in person to be certain that THIS WAS IT, as we both felt it was, in our hearts and after praying for months. He did finally come to the Philippines and we took our relationship to the next level within days, because we both knew that we had really gotten to know each other truthfully over the past 5 1/2 months. We are now flying to Manlia to try to speed up the process on her visa, so we can plan our wedding day!!! This is true love, and we both want to thank God first, and you all for this wonderful site which made this all possible! Thank you all so much!!!

God Bless!!!

Terry and Anita

Christina isabel & Ruben Aug 15, 2009

D'ios uso esta pagina para encontrar el amor de mi vida, atravez de esta Rub'en me encontro, pronto estaremos juntos y nos vamos a casar....

Gracias a Dios y a CDFF

Isabel Cristina & Rub�n Aug 13, 2009

Conoc� a Isabel hace unos d�as, pero fu� como si la conociera desde siempre, algo en mi interior me dice que es la mujer de mi vida, hablamos y a�n cuando estamos lejos uno del otro, ya estamos viendo la forma de estar juntos, queremos casarnos y formar un hogar, ella vive en Colombia y yo en USA, pero si Dios nos lo permite, pronto estar�mos juntos para no separarnos jam�s.

Anonymous Aug 11, 2009

CDFF is a great place for ministry. It can be a great place for meeting special friends. I have appreciated the opportunity for ministry that this site has provided. I am thankful that God's Word has accomplished HIS purpose as I have submitted to His Word, and shared it in love.
I truly hope, wish, and pray that all users of this site, will encourage, lift, and pray, for God's Spirit to remain active between members of His family, as each has a need, and / or burden to be shared, heard, cared for, and prayed over.
God bless you all.

Anonymous Aug 9, 2009

A friend of mine pastor Paul one day was talking to me about a web site
christian dating for free, God spoke to us and said we are to be husband and wife

Anonymous Aug 7, 2009

Thanks so much for this site, my new love and I met a short time ago, she loves my kids and has now become a permanent fixure in our lives, this time next year we are hoping to be married & have many plans for the future! Thanks so much for this site it truly is a blessing

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