
Aldonsa & Johannes Oct 4, 2009

�Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ� 1. Corinthians 1, 3
With God�s never ending love we greet everyone at christiandatingforfree.com.
We want to share our story with all of you, because we feel God has done so much for us that we have to give to Him all Glory by sharing our story with all of you at CDFF. Also we want to encourage all who are in search of their �helpmate suitable� to do so with God always present, knowing when �to hold and when to fold�.
So here it goes:
His story: I am now 31 years old. Before I met Aldonsa I was single for about 8 years. About 2 years or so before I signed up on this site, I felt a really strong desire to meet my partner. At the same time, at a Christian meeting over a weekend, after a service in which I prayed a lot and hard, I felt the strong desire to receive advice on what to do about this. I even wanted to approach a very specific person. Well, before I knew it, another person approached me. He certainly didn�t tell me what I expected. He said that I should look deeper into myself, to change my character to be able to receive the partner God has prepared for me. And so after many prayers and fasting, reading some books, I asked myself this question in January of 2008: �Who says there are no Christian single women on the net who look for the same as I am looking for?� And so I started the search on various Christian dating sites to see if God has someone for me on the world wide web.
At first I used a different site than this one. I got to know a few and even fell in love with one. I was surprised that even at Christian dating sites there are people with some hidden agenda, usually attached with money scams. The one I fell in love with was for a while very good to be with and seemed really special as we also shared scriptures and encouraged each other in that way. A few months after I met her I only found out she also had a hidden agenda. I know now if I wasn�t constantly in prayer and looking for God�s answer I would have fallen into her little �trap�. This is certainly a time where I have learned that even as Christians we fall, i.e. we make mistakes (I guess taking the risk of being on the net is opportunity enough to be making mistakes). But also I have learned that from falling, God picks us up and makes us even stronger than before.
So it was just a few weeks after that relationship I told myself I will continue the search on other sites and show the devil I will not be broken down by his little obstacles. That�s when I joined CDFF. I guess now God knew I was ready to meet my wife
Her story: I was single for 4 years. I have never tried internet dating sites. So it was my first time. I looked in other two Christian websites. In the first I didn�t find anyone. The second one was CDFF. At this point I told myself that I would certainly not find anyone. After praying and browsing I found this particular man who was form Namibia. A country that I never heard of in my entire life. Also I thought to myself that this just wasn�t the guy for me. Through the site we got to know each other better. After about one month of daily emailing through the site we fell in love. Three months later he came from Africa to the Dominican Republic to meet me in person for the first time. Here he met my family and we fell even more for each other.
Our story: Four months later God provided a job for Johannes here in the Dominican Republic so he could live and work here. The Lord made us so confident about how we felt for each other that we got engaged upon arrival of Johannes on the DomRep.
The wedding: A few months before the wedding we had already selected a place for the ceremony. We were just about to pay the deposit to the Hotel, when God convinced us that we really cannot have the wedding at that venue. With a lot more prayer and really submitting to God�s will, He very soon brought people across our paths to help us. Friends and strangers. We changed the venue one month before the wedding and now had to plan everything on our own, since the other venue had provided a wedding planner and all other services.
Glory be to God for sure for the way he made this wedding happen. How he was able to bring three different nations together and make it such a special event for everyone. Our two families also are very close with each other.
God also moved among the people through this time and showed His love to everyone who called on Him. We feel very honored to be His children and to be experiencing all this.
We wish all of you searchers God�s grace and guidance. Understand that it is ok to fall, God uses these situations for us to grow closer to Him and to carve us so we may be ready to receive HIS PROMISE for us.
Thank you Christiandatingforfree.com for having given us this platform to meet. May the Lord bless you for the work you do.
Lots of Love
Johannes & Aldonsa

Shauna & Alex Sep 30, 2009

It all started with the emails then the meeting face to face. Everything went perfectly, we got along great and have fun just being with each other :) The only problem was the distance between us, he lived in New York and I live in Pittsburgh, PA. We fell in love with one another, and being apart was killing us. So when I went to visit him and meet his family he proposed to me on the beach and has since then moved to Pittsburgh! Our wedding date is Oct.9th, 2009. We are so happy together and cant thank Christian Dating For Free enough :D

Anonymous Sep 28, 2009

It's been great!

Liz & Shane Sep 20, 2009

As a shy man, more specifically: a minister, I was always a social anomaly. I have more friends and acquaintances than any man could ask for... but I was longing for a companionship that only a relationship can bring. After several unsuccessful attempt locally, I decided to try online. Facebook and MySpace weren't quite what I was looking for... Several other sites had seemingly compatible matches, but I had to pay up to $30 a month to communicate... Admittedly, my budget would allow for that. So, I was excited to find this site. I found many beautiful Christian women here from all over the country and even the world, but one stood out from the rest and she's only about an hour away...

We're not oblivious that there are challenges in relationships, but we further know that God "is able to exceedingly, abundantly, above all we can ask or think, according to the power that's already working in us..." (Eph. 3: 20)

Please pray for us as we venture forward?

Daniel & Talsia Sep 14, 2009

I met Talsia And It was a instant Feeling that we had toward Each Other, The first Time We talked.. everthing Was right about Her, And We plan on being togther Forever! God Blessed Us both in our situtaion ..

Sharlie & Mike Sep 12, 2009

Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that you can find the one that speaks to your soul if you are receptive to it. Smitty1134 met on this very site and we were married Feb. 27 2009. Now we are expecting out first child. A little boy who is due this Christmas season. I wish you all many blessings are you walk the journey on finding your true love. You never know who that one can be so open up your hearts and let the Lord lead you and not your flesh. Because the other part to your whole being can be someone you least expect. -Sharlie-

C. & E. Sep 11, 2009

I have always been skeptical of online dating, but I decided to trust in GOD to guide me in the search for love. I had someone contact me on here who really caught my attention but I was hesitant to contact him. I prayed and knew then that it was okay to exchange numbers with this man. We have been emailing and talking/texting ever since. I feel as I have never felt before! I\'ve fallen for this man, and he for me. GOD is amazing and if you put faith in him, he will fulfill your dreams. I am deleting my account because my search has ended :)

Carla & Hal Sep 7, 2009

God directed us to start talking and within a month we were married. We feel like we've known each other our entire lives. God is just awesome!!!!!

anita ferguson & jerry lockett Sep 6, 2009


Anonymous Sep 2, 2009

I have only been in here for a couple of weeks..tried so many sites over the past little while....not sure why this one is so special and anointed...

Anyway, I've IM'd a few men and prayed for some, ministered to and with some...nothing special. Then one evening, I saw a profile that stood out -- almost jumped off the page! IM'd him and have enjoyed getting to know him in the last little while. Think he is "the ONE"!!

Just wanted to say thank you so much to all the staff who make this site possible! I have had so much peace of mind -- and thank you Jesus!
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