We met on this site, one of us from Nashville, TN and the other from Twin Falls, Idaho.We dated long distance for a year and married on July 5, 2009.
Gina & Jeff Nov 3, 2009
Jeff messaged me for the first time on June 30, 2009. He caught my attention by using part of a quote on my page that says "I'd do tea and crumpets on you doorstep if the opportunity arises." This first off made me laugh, but also showed me that he actually read through my entire page! So I contacted him back and we began talking that night. After and hour or so of sending messages we began instant messaging on the site and then after about a half hour later we traded aim screen names. He mentioned that he was in South Korea with the Army until Feb. 2010 which initially made me think it wasn't going to work, but we continued talking. After about 3 weeks I felt like I knew so much about Jeff and that I wanted to see where our relationship was going to lead. On Sept. 28th Jeff asked me to be his girlfriend and I of course said yes. Our relationship has been great so far, but definitely stressful being over 6000 miles apart. Our relationship has been very serious in talking about our future and it is very easy to see the possibility of marriage. However before then, we will need to meet in person. He will be back to the States in 88 days and we will be meeting on Valentines day weekend!
Wendy & Joseph Oct 26, 2009
Joseph messaged me in the begining of may 2009. things started out really slow, just talking, and getting to know eachother. Im not sure how it happened for him, but almost overnight, the Lord began to show me feelings for him that i wasnt expecting. After 3 months of getting to know eachother by daily emails, and phone calls, he asked me out. to me, this was a WONDERFUL thing. Since distance is a factor, i wanted to know that he would be willing to commit to something, and he stepped up, and took on that challenge. lol! Since we live 1400 miles from eachother, planning a trip to see eachother is in the works. Its a little bit of a challenge, considering we are both in college, and he is in the military. But, with God's hand in all of it, i know it will happen.
What i NEVER thought would happen is i would meet my prince charming on a dating website! lol. i have prayed for my (unknown) husband for years, and he was in TX, all along, waiting and praying for me too! I just want to encourage all of ya'll, don't give up on love. Let God write your love story, and you will be blessed beyond your wildest dreams! Blessings to all..
lee & John Oct 26, 2009
I have traveled many miles with on line dating. Times were quite up then down. We all speak of honesty and our likes. We all have the weakness of asking without willing to sacrifice. When I first received a reply from this lady, I replied quickly. She did not reply for many days. This is the time I reflected on me. She did reply again, at this time I knew it was not about me and my desires. I listen with a open heart and willing spirit. I allowed the traits of proper and honest morals the take the lead in me knowing this. There is a special lady talking to me, I will be there for her, as she is for me.I asked her permission to ( as put in older times ) call on her. She said yes in a voice of softness and warmth that removed all the emptiness I allowed to consume me. Later I ask by her will, that I may place these lyrics of her life into a song. We refer to this as a life song.In doing so I ask not for trust but only the benefit of the doubt, that I would bring honor to her by allowing me to hear her voice. Only due to a upbringing that the man always called the women, For she is truly a special lady.During this conversation, I asked her permission to see her for breakfast, anywhere she was at ease with. She replied are you serious, when? I replied yes, in the morning. I then left Charleston,SC and went to Atlanta Georgia, to see the voice of a angel. I arrived two hours early, questioned the location of the cracker barrel we were to meet at. I then gave the waitress a Angel of blown glass and ask when she delivered the food to bring this also. It was time to see the eyes of heaven\\\'s present. The cell phone rang, It was my lady asking where I was. I claimed I was at the door by the rocker\\\'s. She said she could not see me. I asked if there was another cracker barrel in this town. She replied no. we asked the manager\\\'s they gave the description of their stores. I myself had went to the wrong town. She was one hour away.Bless her heart she waited for me to arrive. I did the angel thing again secretively, cast my eyes upon her in the strength of a child. ( I am a 6\\\'2\\\" man) This lady, was the one\\\'s my christian friends had told me about years on end. Me with pride of doubting thomas himself never tried to conceive such a thought.We spent the one day to with one another side by side. We seen the waterfalls, hike in the trails, laughed as she gave directions to this man in a new town. At times I felt many angels in heaven itself chuckled a time or two. At the end of the day dinner, as I sat across from her, I felt a welp of tears trying to form. I breathed deeply, looked at her radiant smile that dried them up, but I knew emptiness was coming back soon. She touched my hand, like Jesus would touch a rose pedal. She thanked me with a purity one could lose their breath in. We left together. I escorted her home, opened the door,as she stood I stepped back with knots in my throat. It was not fear because fear does not come from God. It was respect, the same feeling I will receive when I see the master. She Kissed me on the check, squeezed my hand gently, and I saw it.The one thing my father and father\\\'s spoke of decades before to me. As we stood side by side, there truly was a twinkle of a star in her left eye. I gave her a real quick kiss ( like that of a fourteen year old for the first time ) I stumbled, do not even remember opening the car door and drove away. It was overcome. I was not happy, nor was I sad. These emotions come and go with all these experiences. I was fulfilled and that took away my emptiness. She and I agreed to openly work to be of the same. I could have never received such a blessing without willing to go to the dance. No matter what is the distance, our really true heart\\\'s can not measure the miles. I leave with a blessing of meeting and talking to many great women here. I could have never went outside the box without Christian dating. Each and every one that I talked to and read about has made a unique place in my heart. Thank you very much, most of all let your conscience lead you, you each have a beautiful heart. Be open in honest in all, yes all things. Have faith more than The other, thus all shall have great faith. Oh yeah, I never gave her name did I. It was on the blown glass angel figure, Angel of Faith. So a southern boy from Carolina, meets the blessing of a girl from Georgia. Amen
jennifer & jon Oct 26, 2009
for the longest time i can remember i have been single. but when i came back to this site, i met a gorgeous, christian girl. and we hit it off right away and we started talking for about 1 month before i asked her what our relationship status was, she said that she was ready to move to beyond the friends stage if i was, but the the only catch was that God was number 1 in her life, i said He was also number 1 in my life. and so we became boyfriend and girlfriend last friday afternoon.
Anonymous Oct 20, 2009
Anonymous Oct 20, 2009
Chris and I met two months ago and fell in love with each other. I have been searching for a long time for that perfect man. And thanks to CDFF, I finally have that perfect man. Chris and I will be getting married next year.
Amanda & Laszlo Oct 19, 2009
I just wanted to thank you for providing such a wonderful service to meet people. I have to be honest and say that I was very close to deleting my profile when one particular profile caught my attention. It was that of LMusho. I had seen his picture come up on my search a few times before, but thought he wouldn't give my page a second look, so I kept searching. On one last search before giving up, his picture showed up again. This time I clicked on it to see what he had to say. It made my heart skip when all I read was "She has to love God more than she loves me." That was all it took and I took the chance and winked at him.....and he winked back! :) From then on, we talked every day and became closer and closer and knew God had brought us together. June 20, 2009 was the beautiful day that Laszlo and I got married and to think we would have never met without your help! Thanks so much and God bless!
Thanks God for this website.
When I was seeking my future husband, I knew that he was not in my country, and that he would come from far. I live in France & don't speak english very much. So I prayed the Lord to give me a direction. One day I discover your website through Darlene Bishop's website ( because she came in my church in France) , so i say to me, why not ? But I didn't really believe that God could use this to lead me in his way. I first make a lists of the profile i wanted in all details.... i subscrite in August and one day someone appears and I immediatly send him a wink. Today we both know that we are respectly the one that God choose to our life. I have peace of God, it is so beautiful, I am so glad... instead of the distance because he is in USA & me in France, I know that God will do what he promised. Your website is very annointed! Sydoshade
- We will tell you when we will get married! (The devil wants the christian to be single but God use you to help the destinate of his son) Thank you Jesus, thank you God!