Scott and i just wanted to say thank you to all those at CDFF for helping us find each other. We met each other at the beginning of the year and are now engaged. We will be getting married in April! We couldn't be happier!
Maria Rivera & jj owens Dec 12, 2009
Out of all the many possible, potential, and romantic connections these two fortunate, sincere, God fearing individuals found true love right under their very own noses.
We two.., both residing in Western NY, have Christian Dating For to thank for bringing back the joy of True and Unconditional Love our way. We will remain forever grateful to its staff and creators
As we embark upon this journey of bringing our separate and diverse life's together as one, we will always and forever look back with joy on our memories here at CDFF
forever in your debt....
Maria and Jj
Sabana & Javier Soto Dec 7, 2009
I Talked to very interesting People and this is the Site to Pick out of all the sites out there Thank you all for giving me the opportunity to set and let others see my profile for free Thank you again and Have a Bless Holidays!
Becky & Chris Dec 5, 2009
It all began when I, Chris, first read about Rebecca's profile on August 8, 2009 and as I read about her, I felt that she had a lot of good qualities that I have been looking for, so I took the initiative to write to her a couple of days later. Then after that, we started to coorespond to each other for a couple of weeks. We got to know each other very deeply and we were both moved with compassion of what we found out about each other as the Lord was moving our hearts as to where our relationship would go.
Then we both met in person and discovered much about ourselves - and it seemed as though that everything was falling into place as far as us being a good match as we sensed that the Lord wanted us to have a lifetime commitment together, until November 29th of 2009 - we exchanged wedding vows together and from this day forward - our lives have changed for the better and we are very much in love.
I, Chris, want to say thank you to the staff at Christian Dating For Free for having a site like this as this site is a very great tool to find Christian singles. - I have been a member of this site for a couple of years and with doing a lot of research and searching - along with praying for wisdom and guidance, I have finally found the woman that the Lord has matched me with. My advice for singles that are looking for a good spouse in the Lord is to conitually pray for wisdom, guidance and discernment as I am a testimony of how the Lord has blessed me so much - in finding the woman that i cannot picture living without.
Again - thanks CDFF for this site and may God bless you!
Tina & Shane Dec 4, 2009
Hey, we just want to thank CDFF and God for bringing Tina and I together. Although we live three states away from one another, it has truly been a blessing. I first joined this site because I wanted to connect with Christians and wanted to find a woman that loved God as much as I did, but after almost two weeks, I felt I was getting nowhere, even though this site is free to use. Then Tina sent me a wink and I sent one back and tried to IM her. But I couldn't get a hold of her, so I left her my number. A few hours later, she texted me and we just started going back and forth. Now we are dating and have found we love each other very much and are looking forward to being able to see each other when we get the money saved up. This site rocks and really works. Thanks again CDFF and God for bringing us together, and may God bless this relationship as we allow Him to take it wherever He wants. You guys are a blessing and brought two people together within a couple of weeks that were looking for each other. We are also thinking of getting married sometime in the future. Thanks so much once again for CDFF. God bless!
Debbie & Kevin Nov 30, 2009
Hey CDFF users! We have been so blessed in our search for God's promise of a loving mate. God has joined us together more perfectly than we could have imagined ourselves! And we hope and pray you all will be too! Remember to keep Him first and you will be blessed too. Thanksgiving with the family this weekend was the best ever! Enjoy the pics with us!
Tiffany Nov 30, 2009
We met on here six months ago and are getting married next month. I just wanted to thank you for bringing us together. We are a perfect match. Thank you again. Tiffany
Leanora & Lloyd Nov 27, 2009
Thanks and God's blessings always.
Leanora and Lloyd want to thank for helping us to meet each other.
We were "both" skeptical about internet dating, we had always thought that there were only players on these sites.
But thanks be to God one day he inspired us to try christiandating, today we are happy to say, for the pass seven months we have became inseperable we are now married and are looking to a bright and successful future together.we are extremely excited about sharing every new experience together.
We surley love and respect each other. we both recommend this christiandatingforfree site to anyone who is tired of the traditional 'bar or party' scene.
May God blessing rest and abide with the organisors of this web site and help them to help others like myself to fine true love too.
Gods Blessing Always
Leanora and Lloyd
Mary & brian Nov 26, 2009
i just want to thank God first for leading me rigth here on this website,
i shud have not to say this, but i ought to cause everydays event is a living testimony to share with. Im just thankful for what God has doin in my life especially in giving someone who became a special friend to me..
i know all are Gods wil, but as for now, we keep on praying that al things will work together for good for his glory..
now b4 leaving this site, id like to say " Thanks to God above all & then to all the Christians behind this site, and more blessings for this site" God bless
Esther & Kevin Nov 20, 2009
When I signed up on Christian Dating for Free I never expected to find anyone that I would spend the rest of my life with although God had put the desire in my heart to get married. But in August 2008 Kevin sent me a note which was to be the beginning of many more. For several weeks we talked online and seemed to really hit it off. We finally decided to meet in person and our relationship began to grow. As we looked to God for direction He blessed our relationship. Kevin and I balance each other so well we knew that it could only be from God. The irony of it all was that he is a soldier from the Chicago area and my family lives in MA. But he was stationed about an hour away from where I was attending college in PA. God brought us just close enough together and then used the Christian Dating site to bring us to meet each other. By April 2009 our parents loved each of us so much and what our relationship had become that they gave us permission to marry and so on July 11, 2009 Kevin and I committed our lives to one another as husband and wife. Kevin is 27 years old and I am 24 we do not know exactly what the Lord holds for us in the future but we know we are together in doing it...a woman who was a missionary kid and loves to travel and a man who is a soldier and won't be able to set down roots for more than five was a match made in heaven. Thank you for allowing God to use you as a tool for His love story. God bless!