Anonymous May 17, 2010

Well,....I didn't know she was awesome yet, but I quickly found out she was for real - the real deal!
Days went by and many many E-mails were exchanged.
Eventually phone calls started as the next step, and we really enjoyed our talks, the open and honest communication, and our sharing with our relationships with the Lord.
I had to follow my heart, I was drawn to her, this woman from new Mexico, I had to see her face to face.
That sealed the deal.
After three weeks of knowing her, meeting her, I can't get her out of my mind.
I was happy to learn the feeling was mutual.
We are continuing our walk together and doing things "God's way."
I am so happy that she found me here on,....or shall I say, I am so happy that God steered me to this site so that we could find each other!