The bible says women shud submit to their husbands n husbands to love their does it mean the wife should do all the duties in the house in the name of submitting
The reality is, most men prefer a clean home and home cooked food. I�m not going to argue about whether or not it�s the wife�s duty. I will say that if you want to make your husband happy, do the cooking and cleaning.
I love when women get all bent on the whole "submitting" thing. It just reeks of uber feminism brought on by watching too much Oprah.....
Tell ya what.... Being that I was brought up by a really great mom, and a dad who was in the restaurant business, I learned how to cook and clean at a very early age. So that means the woman isn't going to really have to worry too much about, heaven forbid, her showing a little lurrrve my way by having to cook a meal for me. I'm even so good as to LOVE the way I make the lines all straight in the carpet when I vacuum..... And since my white shirts have sometimes been dyed would appear that I'm going to have to handle the laundry too.... (thanks mom for teaching me...)
Now.... I submit to you that while I'm doing all these things, you're quite free to get up on the roof and repatch it..... or fix that leaky toilet that just keeps going and going and going... and while you're at it... get out there and mow the lawn, I've noticed it's been a little WEEDY as of late... and please.... would you be a dove and shovel the snow. My back is killing me. And when you're done... will you clean out the garage? I need some space to put my MAN things in because all of my fun stuff has been shoved aside by all your Precious Moments figurines and candles....
Oh...and after I'm done cooking.... you get to do the dishes while I go and submit a forum post as to why women always seem to get bent out of shape by the improper use of the word "submit"....
Considering that bibie is in Kenya, Africa, I doubt that she has been heavily influenced by Oprah, or that there is much of a need to get out and shovel the snow....
There is only one command to each spouse from God, husbands love your wife, wives respect your husband, equally yoked means equal duty in household especially since women also need to bring home more bacon to make ends meet. Since the economy of one doesn't make enough to survive; compromise with love and respect work well. Therefore to respect someone means to humble yourself and let the man make the final decision for the household, men to love a woman means to serve her as well but to be done in leadership mode. Jesus washed the apostle's feet, who was serving here? Jesus is the bridegroom and we are His bride.
He said I have come to serve...and you should do likewise as me.
The idea of submission is to render the authority to the leader of the home. Just so cobbler knows, I shovel my own walk, I've laid a roof or two up, and the leaky faucet was fixed by me last week. Submission is a good idea for me, I'll submit as long as I am loved in the process and not abused to surrender who I am. Since Christ died for me who I am is worthy and I'll not let another dwindle who I am in Christ.
And quite honestly... I wouldn't care WHAT country a woman is from.
Because, no matter what country I'M from... if I'm an Ephesians 5 man, willing to lay my life down for the woman that I love... the last thing I ever want to hear is whether or not I'm worthy of a good meal.....
Gomer, my point in stating that she was from another country was solely that I doubt she was influenced by Oprah, which was a response to your statement:
I love when women get all bent on the whole "submitting" thing. It just reeks of uber feminism brought on by watching too much Oprah.....
I was not trying to say that submission to your husband is somehow different depending on what country you live in.
I have been living on my own for over 15 years now. My mother also taught me to cook and clean, and I love to cook.
PreciousinHisSite: If you are good at fixing things around the house, and shoveling the snow, that�s great. I�m not saying that women shouldn�t do those things. I am also not saying that men shouldn�t help out around the house either.
All I am saying is, in general (as in most guys, but not every single last one on the face of this planet which means that, yes you can point out a guy or two that this GENERAL rule does not apply to and I will still be right because I am speaking in GENERALITIES and not SPECIFICS) most guys prefer that their wives do the cooking and cleaning. You want to make him happy, cook and clean. You don�t like to cook and clean? Make sure you let him know before you�re married and specifically state that you have no desire to do so after you�re married.
Either way, the Bible only states that a wife should submit to her husband. It NEVER states that a husband should MAKE his wife submit to him.
In reading all of your posts there are some things I would like to share. When God created Eve for Adam, she was created to be his help meet. Eve was not created to be Adam's slave nor beneath him. She was not created to be abused or bullied, but loved, honored and cherished. She was created to be part of him. That is why Jesus states that men are to love women as themselves. Eve was created from Adam's rib, which was part of him. As far as women go, we should be honoring to our men, loving and treat him as we would like to be treated. The man should lead the home in respects of making sure that he provides a home for his family. This means financially that he is to be the provider. Provider being in the fact that he should make sure that his wife and children have shelter, food and clothing. He should also be the spiritual leader in the home. Many times this is truly by the wayside and women are the only ones who seem to spiritually care. Roles have become reversed and its not always because the women want that role, it's because men have stopped leading in the homes.
As far as Oprah and the rest, I stay away from her new age religion and she did pretty much deny that Jesus is the only way to Heaven. Years ago I watched her show. Now the only thing I let influence me is God's word. He is the sole authority over me.
Yes, men want a clean home and a meal, but if men want that then their women should not be working. How unfair is it for a woman to work 40 hours a week and have to come home every night and cook for 2 more hours. While I like to cook, I do not have the stamina to cook and clean up every night.
Men you need to realize that women are the weaker physically.
I have been a single mom for 12 years. My son is now 20. It has been a hard road being mother and father. Working 40 plus hours a week to provide. God did not make women to be in that role. It is exhausting and I honestly can't wait till I have my rest in Heaven! :)
This internet dating has been enlightening to say the least. Being on this Christian dating site has been a bit of a eye opener. No matter what name they put on the site, people are people.
I would love a man who is spiritual and loves the Lord with all his heart. Serving the Lord together is my ideal match.