Author Thread: Reasons that guys stop talk with girls

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Reasons that guys stop talk with girls
Posted : 16 Oct, 2021 04:39 PM

Why do guys stop talk with girls instead by being honest and say the truth about the reason that you wish no more longer to know the girl??? ( like we have diffrent views; met someone another)

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Reasons that guys stop talk with girls
Posted : 17 Oct, 2021 09:06 PM

Very difficult to pinpoint the reason a particular guy abruptly stops talking. There maybe as many reasons as there are guys.

I encourage you to resist receiving their unexpected silence personal.

Some are perhaps inept expressing themselves, some are perhaps rude, others fear negative reactions and decide to run.

You have a perfect match out there somewhere and when you find each other, you’ll be glad those other guys went silent!!

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Reasons that guys stop talk with girls
Posted : 20 Oct, 2021 11:03 AM

There are several reasons why but only one true reason why and that is known only to the person who stopped talking and God.

The same is true for women.

Some reasons why:

- Person does not know how to say what needs to be said

- Person does not want to hurt the other person and feels silence/ghosting is easier (I generally view this as cowardice)

- Person is rude

- Person does not want a quarrel and feels further response will lead to quarrel

What I share isn't really new compared to LittleDavid's great response.

Terribly sorry they could not honor you and give you a decent reason why.

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Reasons that guys stop talk with girls
Posted : 2 Nov, 2021 09:44 AM

I think if you've talked to the guy for quite sometime,, somehow you'd have an idea why they just stopped talking (I think it's applies also to women).. worst,, if you can't really think of any reason,, sometimes you just have to make up your own reason and believe that it's actually his reason,, and deal with it and move on..

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Reasons that guys stop talk with girls
Posted : 3 Nov, 2021 01:05 AM

When you sense she is only replying to be nice. The conversation may be one sided and you are testing to see if she is genuinely interested.

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Reasons that guys stop talk with girls
Posted : 22 Nov, 2021 08:22 AM

same reason women stop talking to guys or avoid telling men directly that there not interested or stop being interested . they don't want to hurt you .Or it could be that the guy just really busy a mans life n ambition will always take president over a woman any day.

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Reasons that guys stop talk with girls
Posted : 28 Jan, 2022 12:24 PM

First off I have limited experience when it comes to talking to woman online on here and elsewhere and can only speak for myself.

Most of the conversations I have had were from scammers that contacted me so the conversations were very short as I cut them off once their true nature was revealed.

There have only been a few that I had conversations with that appeared legitimate and most of those also didn't last very long but it wasn't me who cut off the conversation.

There has been only one that was legitimate where I cut of contact and it was for two reasons. One was she was on here at most once a week so it was be very difficult trying to get to know her.

And two was that I started a conversation with someone else with whom I'm able to have regular contact with.

I suppose I could have given an explanation to the one I broke off contact with but the way I saw it I don't believe it was that important to her to have regular contact with me so I figured she wouldn't really care one way or another.

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Reasons that guys stop talk with girls
Posted : 24 May, 2022 05:33 PM

A lot of the time, it seems women think it's up to men to do all the work. I hope women understand that if they do not show genuine interest, then men have no reason or basis to believe women are interested in them, and since most women tend to communicate very indirectly (e.g. wHy DoEsN't He GeT tHe HiNt?), we might just conclude (incorrectly or otherwise) that she wants to be left alone and not be bothered. We have no way of telling the difference and if we reach that conclusion, we may just stop "bothering" you. So, if interested, then *show* genuine interest. This is just one possible variable here though.

Just my $0.02...

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Reasons that guys stop talk with girls
Posted : 24 May, 2022 05:35 PM

Also, I often do not get any notifications, even though they're enabled...

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Reasons that guys stop talk with girls
Posted : 6 Sep, 2022 07:18 AM


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Reasons that guys stop talk with girls
Posted : 20 Oct, 2022 05:14 PM

If a conversation is one sided then I walk away. If there isn't enough interest on both sides to keep it going then it's time to move on.

As mentioned, there are plenty of scams. As soon as something looks like a red flag then it's time to take a step back and look deeper.

If a conversation is stale and no real life to it, then I move on. I know some people don't always communicate well over text like this, but it has to start somewhere. If it isn't worth the effort here, then a deeper connection won't be worth it either so it's time to cut my losses at that point.

If someone just seems weird and out of place with messages then there could be a language barrier without realizing that was the problem, or a scammer, or someone who needs to deal with some healing on their own instead of thinking a relationship will be the path to healing.

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