Author Thread: I'm just a little Curious to know...

I'm just a little Curious to know...
Posted : 23 Jul, 2009 03:44 PM

Brothers N' Christ, is it wrong or do you find a person is hitting on you when they recognize & acknowledge your presence (in reading their profile), by doing things such as the following;

1) Sending you a message extending their hand in friendship

or a chat.

2) Sending a message, saying "I saw you peeping, so I

thought I'd peep back".

3. Thanking you for stopping by and visiting their profile.

I wanna know, because I'm just a bit curious... Also, if there are some rules to speaking to someone, please feel free to elaborate... As usual, I thank you for all of your responces.

May you continue to be or become blessd in all of your endevours...

Sincerely, AnotherChance2

(anotherchance2 get things right) smile:glow:

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I'm just a little Curious to know...
Posted : 24 Jul, 2009 08:41 AM

No, I don't think that is inappropriate. Since this is a dating site I am always careful to qualify my responses when I am not attracted to, or interested in, a person by saying that while I would enjoy chatting with a getting to know them as a friend I do not see it going any further than that.

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I'm just a little Curious to know...
Posted : 24 Jul, 2009 01:50 PM

Do all things to the glory of God. In contacting other members, treat them as you'd have them treat you.

I wish I could say that every open communication would be treated fairly on a Christian site, but I can encourage you that each of us will be accountable to the Lord for our treatment of others (even if on a web site).

There are many people who've not sparked my romantic interest to whom I was delighted to carry conversation; and there have been several women who were upfront in letting me know they would never be interested in me. Those scenarios don't need to discourage us so long as we've conducted ourselves in Christian love, especially to the saints in Christ Jesus.

The general encouragement is not to come on too strongly. I'm an intense person, and I often initiate too strongly. When it happens in reverse, I share the initial shock and feeling of being creeped out; but I know that it usually is an opportunity to reach out in Christian love whether or not it sparks romantic interest.

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I'm just a little Curious to know...
Posted : 25 Jul, 2009 06:29 AM

Praise the LORD JESUS CHRIST and peace be unto you my sister. To answer your question,

While it's ok to tell someone that you noticed that they viewed your profile, it may be a good idea to also let the person know that there is no romantic interest or the person can very well feel that there is. Because normally (from my experience) a person who has noticed me viewing her profile don't say anything back,if I just left it at viewing her profile.

If I'm interested in anything with awoman whose profile I have viewed, I won't usually just leave it at viewing her profile, but wil send her a message. But that'snot to say that if I'm not interested in a woman who's profile I've viewed but left no message that nothing can happen between us,because her initiating the contact may be the start of me actually becoming interested as I learn more about her. And through comminication with GOD and one another, we should find if we are interested in each other or not; and then let things take there proper course. Praise the LORD.

In the love ofCHRIST,


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I'm just a little Curious to know...
Posted : 25 Jul, 2009 12:02 PM

Thanks for your replies dear brotha's n' Christ... For it has'nt been my intention for a man to feel as though I was flirting (for if I was, there would be no doubting or questioning the fact, because I'd come out and tell them so).

However, in me recognizing & acknowledging their presence was only out of "courteousness and to exten my hand in friendship". For if one would read my profile, they could see that I am very upfront and honest with my feelings... I was only being friendly and courteous, however if anything grew from that "he and I will both be on agreement". For as a woman of God it is not my job to seek, "I am to be sought".

Neither am I desperate, for God is more than enough to sustain me. So although I'm in waiting for a husband or soulmate, it will be him "that does the persuing and I would be the corospondant" (only if God and I chose to be interested in his advances).

I only wanted to be cordial and invite them to have decent conversation with me (for some are shy or bashful, and I'm no Queen of Sheaba or one that bites or feel that I'm above having a decent conversation with them)... Sometimes people need information or someone to talk with them (and as I live my life under the watchful eye of God, I want to be careful who I dismiss or entertain). Because they can be an :angel:angel or the:devil:, and I want to go into all things with clarity, incase I have to :boxing: & :prayingf: my way out (smile, just a little humor there). Have an abundantly blessed & prosperous week-end...:waving:

Sincerely, AnotherChance2

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