Author Thread: Asking for my name or other personal information

Asking for my name or other personal information
Posted : 24 Feb, 2019 08:56 PM

I'm trying to understand why it is so hard for guys to understand the fact that I don't feel comfortable revealing personal information like my name right away. I've had several guys ask my name after they sent me a message or two. When I tell them I don't give out my name or other information right away, they either get so butthurt over that they're acting offended that I won't tell them or they're all "well I want someone who can trust me and if you can't then bye" about it.

Is it really so wrong to not tell you my name after two messages? I never ask for names and I don't appreciate guys who think I'm obligated to tell just because you did. And has anyone considered that just because people in your life think you're a good person, people who see your profile will know that without meeting you? This is online! I can't know if you took this pictures or just stole them from someone. I can't know without meeting you if I can trust you. Anyone can lie and while I'm sure most people on here aren't intending to lie, I cannot know that until I can meet you and get to know you first. Please guys, can't you wait until I'm more familiar with you and can better gauge whether or not I can trust you with that information? All you need is one thing to find someone anymore. I dislike having a picture of myself as it is. Kindly let me have some level of privacy until I'm ready to trust you. Trust doesn't come on demand. It is earned. And I certainly don't want a bunch of random yahoos running around with my number. If you guys honestly care about others, don't you think you could respect our desire to be safe? Would you really want us to do things that make us feel unsafe? Surely you gentlemen out there can wait til we meet or just before to learn my name? Guys who hurt women look just like guys who don't. How can we tell if you apart from an online profile? It's not that I'm paranoid, I just want to use caution because it isn't safe to simply trust every guy who comes my way. If you are a good guy, I'll know by the way you treat me and others. But you got to show me you're trustworthy. Demanding trust doesn't show it, it just makes you look immature at best. If you want respect, be someone worth respecting. If you want to be trusted, be someone worth trusting. I'll give my name out when I'm good and ready. Rant over.

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Asking for my name or other personal information
Posted : 25 Feb, 2019 10:43 AM

It's either an act on their part or they are desperate... either way just let em shoot themselves in the foot.

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Asking for my name or other personal information
Posted : 26 Feb, 2019 11:14 AM

Absolutely nothing wrong with NOT sharing personal information with strangers.

If guys get their feelings hurt so easily they are not even friendship material. Avoid them as if they were wild animals, keep them caged in obscurity

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Asking for my name or other personal information
Posted : 28 Feb, 2019 09:38 AM

Big PurpleA, you are wise not to give out too much personal information initially.

I think true Christians will respect you for that and seek to get to know more about you as a person (goals, interests, morals, etc.) rather than rushing into a personal relationship.

Personally, I give out my first name even in an initial message, but I can understand reasons for not even doing that.

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Asking for my name or other personal information
Posted : 20 Mar, 2019 06:40 PM

when i first joined a dating site, i gave out my phone # and name. Terrible results. I learned long ago it is not necessary to do that. WAIT til you feel ready. They are being rude by trying to push you. Safety first whether you are driving a car or looking for a new friendship.

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Asking for my name or other personal information
Posted : 14 Mar, 2020 06:19 PM

No hard to understand at all, but it's pretty hard for a guy to want to marry you if you won't reveal even a fake name to him until your wedding day. Sometime you simply have to open up. Me? They say I'm brutally honest. I've got nothing to hide.

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